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David Jarrett's Outputs (3)

Acoustic detection rate can outperform traditional survey approaches in estimating relative densities of breeding waders (2024)
Journal Article
Jarrett, D., & Willis, S. G. (online). Acoustic detection rate can outperform traditional survey approaches in estimating relative densities of breeding waders. Ibis: International Journal of Avian Science,

Passive acoustic devices are increasingly being used to monitor biodiversity. However, few studies have compared the accuracy of acoustic surveys and traditional surveys against ground‐truthed data. Here, we assess whether acoustic recorders used in... Read More about Acoustic detection rate can outperform traditional survey approaches in estimating relative densities of breeding waders.

Monitoring wader breeding productivity (2023)
Journal Article
Jarrett, D., Lehikoinen, A., & Willis, S. (2024). Monitoring wader breeding productivity. Ibis: International Journal of Avian Science, 166(3), 780-800.

A robust understanding of the mechanisms driving demographic change in wild animal populations is fundamental to the delivery of effective conservation interventions. Demographic change can be driven by variation in adult survival, recruitment of juv... Read More about Monitoring wader breeding productivity.

Behavioural responses of non-breeding waterbirds to marine traffic in the near-shore environment (2021)
Journal Article
Jarrett, D., Calladine, J., Cook, A. S., Upton, A., Williams, J., Williams, S., Wilson, J. M., Wilson, M. W., Woodward, I., & Humphreys, E. M. (2021). Behavioural responses of non-breeding waterbirds to marine traffic in the near-shore environment. Bird Study, 68(4), 443-454.

Capsule: Recording of behavioural responses to ferry traffic for 11 target species showed that Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata, Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auratus, and Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica were most likely to react to passing vessels. A... Read More about Behavioural responses of non-breeding waterbirds to marine traffic in the near-shore environment.