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Professor Simon Oliver's Outputs (22)

Physics without Physis: On Form and Teleology in Modern Science (2020)
Journal Article
Oliver, S. A. (2020). Physics without Physis: On Form and Teleology in Modern Science. Communio (Spokane, Wash.), 46(Fall-Winter 2019), 442-469

Physics is often regarded as the most fundamental natural science. In its modern guise, it is concerned with matter, energy, and their interrelation over time and through space. Experimental physics deals with observations and measurements of the sma... Read More about Physics without Physis: On Form and Teleology in Modern Science.

Henri de Lubac and Radical Orthodoxy (2017)
Book Chapter
Oliver, S. (2017). Henri de Lubac and Radical Orthodoxy. In J. Hillebert (Ed.), T&T Clark companion to Henri de Lubac (393-418). T&T Clark

Analogy, Creation and Descent in Cusa and Aquinas (2017)
Book Chapter
Oliver, S. (2017). Analogy, Creation and Descent in Cusa and Aquinas. In I. Moulin (Ed.), Participation et vision de Dieu chez Nicolas de Cues (125-142). Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin

Augustine on Creation, Providence and Motion (2016)
Journal Article
Oliver, S. (2016). Augustine on Creation, Providence and Motion. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 18(4), 379-398.

Augustine's theology of creation has been criticized for its Platonic tendency to denigrate matter and for a supposedly extrinsic view of divine providence that is reminiscent of design and even deism. This article counters such criticism and argues... Read More about Augustine on Creation, Providence and Motion.

Reading Philosophy (2015)
Book Chapter
Oliver, S. (2015). Reading Philosophy. In M. Higton, & J. Fodor (Eds.), The Routledge companion to the practice of Christian theology (72-87). Routledge

We often think that theology and philosophy have a natural association. As theologians, we expect to read texts and discuss questions that fall within the ambit of philosophy. For example, most students will engage with philosophy of religion in its... Read More about Reading Philosophy.

Aquinas and Aristotle's Teleology (2013)
Journal Article
Oliver, S. (2013). Aquinas and Aristotle's Teleology. Nova et vetera (Ypsilanti, Mich. Online), 11(3), 849-870

Faithful Reading: New Essays in Honour of Fergus Kerr, O.P. (2012)
Oliver, S., Kilby, K., & O'Loughlin, T. (Eds.). (2012). Faithful Reading: New Essays in Honour of Fergus Kerr, O.P. Bloomsbury

Fergus Kerr, OP is one of the foremost Catholic theologians of his generation. His works are widely read by specialists and students in the UK, North America and across the world. His 'Theology after Wittgenstein' is regarded as a seminal work in phi... Read More about Faithful Reading: New Essays in Honour of Fergus Kerr, O.P..

Actuality in Theology and Philosophy (2011)
Book Chapter
Oliver, S. (2011). Actuality in Theology and Philosophy. In C. C. Brittain, & F. A. Murphy (Eds.), Theology, university, humanities : Initium Sapientiae Timor Domini (91-111). Cascade Books (Wipf and Stock Publishers)

Trinity, Motion and Creation Ex Nihilo (2010)
Book Chapter
Oliver, S. (2010). Trinity, Motion and Creation Ex Nihilo. In D. B. Burrell, C. Cogliati, J. M. Soskice, & W. R. Stoeger (Eds.), Creation and the God of Abraham (133-151). Cambridge University Press.

INTRODUCTION The doctrine of creation ex nihilo apparently distinguishes theological cosmology from ancient Greek conceptions of a universe which has no temporal beginning (as in Aristotle) or a cosmos which is formed from pre-existent chaos, the kho... Read More about Trinity, Motion and Creation Ex Nihilo.

The Radical Orthodoxy Reader. (2009)
Oliver, S., & Milbank, J. (Eds.). (2009). The Radical Orthodoxy Reader. Routledge

The Radical Orthodoxy Reader presents a selection of key readings in the field of Radical Orthodoxy, the most influential theological movement in contemporary academic theology. Radical Orthodoxy draws on pre-Enlightenment theology and philosophy to... Read More about The Radical Orthodoxy Reader..

Theology and Religious Studies: An Exploration of Disciplinary Boundaries (2008)
Oliver, S., & Warrier, M. (Eds.). (2008). Theology and Religious Studies: An Exploration of Disciplinary Boundaries. T&T Clark

Theology and Religious Studies seeks to explore the relationship between the disciplines of Religious Studies and Theology. In particular, it aims to examine whether the two disciplines are strange bedfellows sharing little in common but bedding toge... Read More about Theology and Religious Studies: An Exploration of Disciplinary Boundaries.

Philosophy, God and Motion (2005)
Oliver, S. (2005). Philosophy, God and Motion. Routledge

In the post-Newtonian world motion is assumed to be a simple category which relates to the locomotion of bodies in space, and is usually associated only with physics. This book shows this to be a relatively recent understanding of motion and that pri... Read More about Philosophy, God and Motion.