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Dr Janey Zheng's Outputs (17)

Felt trust: Added baggage or added value? A critical review, constructive redirection, and exploratory meta‐analysis (2024)
Journal Article
de Jong, B., Lee, A., Gill, J., & Zheng, J. (online). Felt trust: Added baggage or added value? A critical review, constructive redirection, and exploratory meta‐analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior,

Summary: After decades of scholarly focus on studying trust from the trustor's perspective, there has been a rapidly growing interest in understanding trust from the trustee's perspective, with a particular focus on felt trust (i.e., a trustee's perc... Read More about Felt trust: Added baggage or added value? A critical review, constructive redirection, and exploratory meta‐analysis.

The effects of what you remember and what you know on leadership processes: how memory works, how we access what we know, and the role of identity levels (2024)
Book Chapter
Lord, R., Hall, R., Gatti, P., Zheng, J., & Morgan, R. (2024). The effects of what you remember and what you know on leadership processes: how memory works, how we access what we know, and the role of identity levels. In S. Braun, T. Keller Hansbrough, G. A. Ruark, R. J. Hall, R. G. Lord, & O. Epitropaki (Eds.), Navigating Leadership Evidence-Based Strategies for Leadership Development (130-154). Routledge.

Memory provides the basis for learning leadership skills and for using them in appropriate contexts. However, for leaders to function effectively they must be able to access specific information in memory precisely when it is needed. What you access... Read More about The effects of what you remember and what you know on leadership processes: how memory works, how we access what we know, and the role of identity levels.

It’s more about ‘we’ than ‘I’: The employee-supervisor fit in achievement striving, organizational identification and employee voice (2024)
Journal Article
Zheng, X. (., Williams, M., Wang, X. (., & Liang, J. (2024). It’s more about ‘we’ than ‘I’: The employee-supervisor fit in achievement striving, organizational identification and employee voice. Management and Organization Review, 20(3), 517-538.

By integrating the theory of purposeful work behavior with the person-environment (P-E) fit literature, we employ a bilateral approach to examine how employee-supervisor congruence in purposeful work striving (i.e., achievement striving) influences e... Read More about It’s more about ‘we’ than ‘I’: The employee-supervisor fit in achievement striving, organizational identification and employee voice.

Is Someone Looking Over My Shoulder? An Investigation into Supervisor Monitoring Variability, Subordinates’ Daily Felt Trust, and Well-being (2023)
Journal Article
Zheng, X. (., Nieberle, K. W., Braun, S., & Schyns, B. (2023). Is Someone Looking Over My Shoulder? An Investigation into Supervisor Monitoring Variability, Subordinates’ Daily Felt Trust, and Well-being. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(5), 818-837.

Remote working has become the new norm in organizations. However, little is known about how supervisors’ monitoring affects their relationships with subordinates in remote work settings. Our research aims to enhance the understanding of the daily dyn... Read More about Is Someone Looking Over My Shoulder? An Investigation into Supervisor Monitoring Variability, Subordinates’ Daily Felt Trust, and Well-being.

The Upside of Playing Favorites (2022)
Newspaper / Magazine
Xu, H. H., Pan, J., & Zheng, X. J. (2022). The Upside of Playing Favorites. Harvard Business Review

While managers should strive to treat their employees fairly, it’s only natural for them to develop stronger relationships with some people than with others. The good news is, new research suggests that this sort of favoritism doesn’t have to be dest... Read More about The Upside of Playing Favorites.

Do High Performers Always Obtain Supervisory Career Mentoring? The Role of Perspective-Taking (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, X. (., Zheng, X. (., Guan, Y., & Zhao, S. (2022). Do High Performers Always Obtain Supervisory Career Mentoring? The Role of Perspective-Taking. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95(2), 332-357.

Drawing on social exchange theory, this study examines when and why high performers may fail to obtain supervisory career mentoring (SCM). Although high performance by protégés often makes SCM more efficient and successful, we argue that supervising... Read More about Do High Performers Always Obtain Supervisory Career Mentoring? The Role of Perspective-Taking.

Are Proactive Employees Proactive Performers? The Moderating Role of Supervisor-Subordinate Marital Status Similarity (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, X., Zheng, X., Luo, J., & Zhao, S. (2023). Are Proactive Employees Proactive Performers? The Moderating Role of Supervisor-Subordinate Marital Status Similarity. The Journal of Social Psychology, 163(5),

In accordance with the similarity attraction paradigm, this paper investigates when and how proactive employees can be rated as proactive performers by proposing supervisor-subordinate marital status similarity as a relational moderator and leader-me... Read More about Are Proactive Employees Proactive Performers? The Moderating Role of Supervisor-Subordinate Marital Status Similarity.

Followers’ unclear demands during the COVID-19 Pandemic can undermine leaders’ well-being: A moderated mediation model from an entrapment perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Zheng, Y., Wu, C., Zheng, X., & Pan, J. (2022). Followers’ unclear demands during the COVID-19 Pandemic can undermine leaders’ well-being: A moderated mediation model from an entrapment perspective. Applied Psychology, 71(3), 935-958.

Although effective leaders are important for reducing employee stress during the COVID-19, limited studies have examined how follower behaviors can influence leader stress and wellbeing during the COVID-19. This study draws on defeat-entrapment theor... Read More about Followers’ unclear demands during the COVID-19 Pandemic can undermine leaders’ well-being: A moderated mediation model from an entrapment perspective.

What if my coworker builds a better LMX? The roles of envy and coworker pride for the relationships of LMX social comparison with learning and undermining (2021)
Journal Article
Pan, J., Zheng, X., Xu, H., Li, J., & Lam, C. (2021). What if my coworker builds a better LMX? The roles of envy and coworker pride for the relationships of LMX social comparison with learning and undermining. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(9), 1144-1167.

Although the extant literature has demonstrated the benefits of building a higher leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship with a leader, it has overlooked the efforts by lower LMX employees to leverage the difference from higher LMX coworkers. Inte... Read More about What if my coworker builds a better LMX? The roles of envy and coworker pride for the relationships of LMX social comparison with learning and undermining.

Repaying the Debt: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Organisational Support and Unethical Pro-Organisational Behaviour by Low Performers (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, X., Zheng, X., & Zhao, S. (2022). Repaying the Debt: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Organisational Support and Unethical Pro-Organisational Behaviour by Low Performers. Journal of Business Ethics, 179(3), 697-709.

Drawing on social exchange theory, we examine the conditions under which employees’ good intentions motivate them to engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) and the psychological mechanism behind this behavioral decision. Findings from... Read More about Repaying the Debt: An Examination of the Relationship between Perceived Organisational Support and Unethical Pro-Organisational Behaviour by Low Performers.

Newcomers’ relationship-building behavior, mentor information sharing and newcomer adjustment: The moderating effects of perceived mentor and newcomer deep similarity (2020)
Journal Article
Zheng, Y., Zheng, X. (., Wu, C.-H., Yao, X., & Wang, Y. (2021). Newcomers’ relationship-building behavior, mentor information sharing and newcomer adjustment: The moderating effects of perceived mentor and newcomer deep similarity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 125, Article 103519.

Drawing on similarity-attraction theory, we propose that relationship-building behaviors from newcomers are more positively related to information-sharing behaviors from mentors when they perceive a deep similarity with the newcomers, and that mentor... Read More about Newcomers’ relationship-building behavior, mentor information sharing and newcomer adjustment: The moderating effects of perceived mentor and newcomer deep similarity.

Investigating Follower Felt Trust from a Social Cognitive Perspective (2019)
Journal Article
Zheng, X., Hall, R., & Schyns, B. (2019). Investigating Follower Felt Trust from a Social Cognitive Perspective. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(6), 873-885.

Previous organizational research on trust has focused more on subordinates’ trust in their leaders than on their experience of felt trust from the leader, even though the latter is also an important component of trust relationships. Our paper address... Read More about Investigating Follower Felt Trust from a Social Cognitive Perspective.