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Professor Cedric Lacey's Outputs (192)

Winds versus jets: a comparison between black hole feedback modes in simulations of idealized galaxy groups and clusters (2023)
Journal Article
Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., Schaye, J., Nobels, F. S. J., & Schaller, M. (2024). Winds versus jets: a comparison between black hole feedback modes in simulations of idealized galaxy groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(3), 5988–6020.

Using the SWIFT simulation code, we compare the effects of different forms of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) feedback in idealized galaxy groups and clusters. We first present a physically motivated model of black hole (BH) spin evolution and a numeri... Read More about Winds versus jets: a comparison between black hole feedback modes in simulations of idealized galaxy groups and clusters.

FLAMINGO: calibrating large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with machine learning. (2023)
Journal Article
Kugel, R., Schaye, J., Schaller, M., Helly, J. C., Braspenning, J., Elbers, W., …Vernon, I. (2023). FLAMINGO: calibrating large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with machine learning. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(4), 6103-6127.

To fully take advantage of the data provided by large-scale structure surveys, we need to quantify the potential impact of baryonic effects, such as feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) and star formation, on cosmological observables. In simula... Read More about FLAMINGO: calibrating large cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with machine learning..

The FLAMINGO project: cosmological hydrodynamical simulations for large-scale structure and galaxy cluster surveys (2023)
Journal Article
Schaye, J., Kugel, R., Schaller, M., Helly, . J. C., Braspenning, J., Elbers, W., …Nobels, F. S. J. (2023). The FLAMINGO project: cosmological hydrodynamical simulations for large-scale structure and galaxy cluster surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526(4), 4978–5020.

We introduce the Virgo Consortium’s FLAMINGO suite of hydrodynamical simulations for cosmology and galaxy cluster physics. To ensure the simulations are sufficiently realistic for studies of large-scale structure, the subgrid prescriptions for stella... Read More about The FLAMINGO project: cosmological hydrodynamical simulations for large-scale structure and galaxy cluster surveys.

The complex interplay of AGN jet-inflated bubbles and the intracluster medium (2023)
Journal Article
Huško, F., & Lacey, C. G. (2023). The complex interplay of AGN jet-inflated bubbles and the intracluster medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521(3), 4375-4394.

We use SWIFT, a smoothed particle hydrodynamics code, to simulate the evolution of bubbles inflated by active galactic nuclei (AGNs) jets, as well as their interactions with the ambient intracluster medium (ICM). These jets inflate lobes that turn in... Read More about The complex interplay of AGN jet-inflated bubbles and the intracluster medium.

Active galactic nuclei jets simulated with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (2023)
Journal Article
Huško, F., & Lacey, C. G. (2023). Active galactic nuclei jets simulated with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(4), 5090-5109.

Simulations of active galactic nuclei (AGN) jets have thus far been performed almost exclusively using grid-based codes. We present the first results from hydrodynamical tests of AGN jets, and their interaction with the intracluster medium (ICM), usi... Read More about Active galactic nuclei jets simulated with smoothed particle hydrodynamics.

QWIND3: UV line-driven accretion disc wind models for AGN feedback (2022)
Journal Article
Quera-Bofarull, A., Done, C., Lacey, C. G., Nomura, M., & Ohsuga, K. (2023). QWIND3: UV line-driven accretion disc wind models for AGN feedback. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(2), 2693-2711.

The ultraviolet (UV) bright accretion disc in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) should give rise to line driving, producing a powerful wind that may play an important role in AGN feedback as well as in producing structures like the broad-line region. How... Read More about QWIND3: UV line-driven accretion disc wind models for AGN feedback.

The buildup of galaxies and their spheroids: The contributions of mergers, disc instabilities, and star formation (2022)
Journal Article
Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2023). The buildup of galaxies and their spheroids: The contributions of mergers, disc instabilities, and star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(4), 5323-5339.

We use the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and the Planck-Millennium simulation to investigate the origins of stellar mass in galaxies and their spheroids. We compare the importance of mergers and disc instabilities, as well as the... Read More about The buildup of galaxies and their spheroids: The contributions of mergers, disc instabilities, and star formation.

Spin-driven jet feedback in idealized simulations of galaxy groups and clusters (2022)
Journal Article
Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., Schaye, J., Schaller, M., & Nobels, F. S. (2022). Spin-driven jet feedback in idealized simulations of galaxy groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(3), 3750 - 3772.

We implement a black hole spin evolution and jet feedback model into SWIFT, a smoothed particle hydrodynamics code. The jet power is determined self-consistently assuming that the black hole accretion rate is equal to the Bondi rate (i.e. the accreti... Read More about Spin-driven jet feedback in idealized simulations of galaxy groups and clusters.

The spatial distribution of satellites in galaxy clusters (2022)
Journal Article
Gu, Q., Guo, Q., Zhang, T., Cautun, M., Lacey, C., Frenk, C. S., & Shao, S. (2022). The spatial distribution of satellites in galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(1), 390-402.

The planar distributions of satellite galaxies around the Milky Way and Andromeda have been extensively studied as potential challenges to the standard cosmological model. Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Millennium simulation, we extend su... Read More about The spatial distribution of satellites in galaxy clusters.

Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models (2021)
Journal Article
Gómez, J. S., Padilla, N., Helly, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Lagos, C. (2022). Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(4), 5500-5519.

We examine the effect of using different halo finders and merger tree building algorithms on galaxy properties predicted using the GALFORM semi-analytical model run on a high resolution, large volume dark matter simulation. The halo finders/tree buil... Read More about Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models.

Modelling emission lines in star-forming galaxies (2021)
Journal Article
Baugh, C., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., & Manzoni, G. (2022). Modelling emission lines in star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(2), 1880-1893.

We present a new model to compute the luminosity of emission lines in star-forming galaxies and apply this in the semi-analytical galaxy formation code GALFORM. The model combines a pre-computed grid of H II region models with an empirical determinat... Read More about Modelling emission lines in star-forming galaxies.

Statistics of galaxy mergers: bridging the gap between theory and observation (2021)
Journal Article
Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2021). Statistics of galaxy mergers: bridging the gap between theory and observation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509(4), 5918-5937.

We present a study of galaxy mergers up to z = 10 using the Planck Millennium cosmological dark matter simulation and the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. Utilizing the full 800 Mpc3 volume of the simulation, we studied the statisti... Read More about Statistics of galaxy mergers: bridging the gap between theory and observation.

Efficient exploration and calibration of a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with deep learning (2021)
Journal Article
Elliott, E. J., Baugh, C. M., & Lacey, C. G. (2021). Efficient exploration and calibration of a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with deep learning. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506(3), 4011-4030.

We implement a sample-efficient method for rapid and accurate emulation of semi-analytical galaxy formation models over a wide range of model outputs. We use ensembled deep learning algorithms to produce a fast emulator of an updated version of the G... Read More about Efficient exploration and calibration of a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with deep learning.

Determining the systemic redshift of Lyman α emitters with neural networks and improving the measured large-scale clustering (2020)
Journal Article
Gurung-López, S., Saito, S., Baugh, C. M., Bonoli, S., Lacey, C. G., & Orsi, Á. A. (2021). Determining the systemic redshift of Lyman α emitters with neural networks and improving the measured large-scale clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(1), 603-626.

We explore how to mitigate the clustering distortions in Lyman α emitter (LAE) samples caused by the misidentification of the Lyman α (⁠Lyα⁠) wavelength in their Lyα line profiles. We use the Lyα line profiles from our previous LAE theoretical model... Read More about Determining the systemic redshift of Lyman α emitters with neural networks and improving the measured large-scale clustering.

Are Lyα emitters segregated in protoclusters regions? (2020)
Journal Article
Hough, T., Gurung-López, S., Orsi, Á., Cora, S. A., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2020). Are Lyα emitters segregated in protoclusters regions?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 499(2), 2104-2115.

The presence of neutral hydrogen in the inter-stellar medium (ISM) and inter-galactic medium (IGM) induces radiative transfer (RT) effects on Lyα photons which affect the observability of Lyα emitters (LAEs). We use the GALFORM semi-analytic model of... Read More about Are Lyα emitters segregated in protoclusters regions?.

Galaxy properties in the cosmic web of EAGLE simulation (2020)
Journal Article
Xu, W., Guo, Q., Zheng, H., Gao, L., Lacey, C., Gu, Q., …Chen, X. (2020). Galaxy properties in the cosmic web of EAGLE simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498(2), 1839-1851.

We investigate the dependence of the galaxy properties on cosmic web environments using the most up-to-date hydrodynamic simulation: Evolution and Assembly of Galaxies and their Environments (EAGLE). The baryon fractions in haloes and the amplitudes... Read More about Galaxy properties in the cosmic web of EAGLE simulation.

Do model emission line galaxies live in filaments at z∼1? (2020)
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Perez, V., Cui, W., Contreras, S., Baugh, C., Comparat, J., Griffin, A., …Norberg, P. (2020). Do model emission line galaxies live in filaments at z∼1?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498(2), 1852-1870.

Current and future cosmological surveys are targeting star-forming galaxies at z∼ 1 with nebular emission lines. We use a state-of-the-art semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution to explore the large scale environment of star-forming... Read More about Do model emission line galaxies live in filaments at z∼1?.

Qwind code release. A non-hydrodynamical approach to modelling line-driven winds in active galactic nuclei (2020)
Journal Article
Elvis, M., Risaliti, G., McDowell, J. C., Lacey, C., Done, C., & Quera-Bofarull, A. (2020). Qwind code release. A non-hydrodynamical approach to modelling line-driven winds in active galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(1), 402-412.

UV line driven winds may be an important part of the AGN feedback process, but understanding their impact is hindered by the complex nature of the radiation hydrodynamics. Instead, we have taken the approach pioneered by Risaliti & Elvis, calculating... Read More about Qwind code release. A non-hydrodynamical approach to modelling line-driven winds in active galactic nuclei.

AGNs at the cosmic dawn: predictions for future surveys from a ΛCDM cosmological model (2020)
Journal Article
Griffin, A. J., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lagos, C. D. P., Baugh, C. M., & Fanidakis, N. (2020). AGNs at the cosmic dawn: predictions for future surveys from a ΛCDM cosmological model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492(2), 2535-2552.

Telescopes to be launched over the next decade-and-a-half, such as JWST, EUCLID, ATHENA and Lynx, promise to revolutionise the study of the high redshift Universe and greatly advance our understanding of the early stages of galaxy formation. We use a... Read More about AGNs at the cosmic dawn: predictions for future surveys from a ΛCDM cosmological model.

Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume II: the impact of the intergalactic medium (2019)
Journal Article
Gurung-López, S., Orsi, Á. A., Bonoli, S., Padilla, N., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2020). Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume II: the impact of the intergalactic medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491(3), 3266-3289.

In the near future galaxy surveys will target Lyman alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) to unveil the nature of dark energy. It has been suggested that the observability of LAEs is coupled to the large scale properties of the intergalactic medium. Such co... Read More about Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume II: the impact of the intergalactic medium.

The evolution of the UV-to-mm extragalactic background light: evidence for a top-heavy initial mass function? (2019)
Journal Article
Cowley, W. I., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., Cole, S., Frenk, C. S., & Lagos, C. D. P. (2019). The evolution of the UV-to-mm extragalactic background light: evidence for a top-heavy initial mass function?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(3), 3082-3101.

We present predictions for the UV-to-mm extragalactic background light (EBL) from a recent version of the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation which invokes a top-heavy stellar initial mass function (IMF) for galaxies undergoing dynamica... Read More about The evolution of the UV-to-mm extragalactic background light: evidence for a top-heavy initial mass function?.

The evolution of SMBH spin and AGN luminosities for z < 6 within a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation (2019)
Journal Article
Griffin, A. J., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., del P Lagos, C., Baugh, C. M., & Fanidakis, N. (2019). The evolution of SMBH spin and AGN luminosities for z < 6 within a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487(1), 198-227.

Understanding how Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) evolve through cosmic time allows us to probe the physical processes that control their evolution. We use an updated model for the evolution of masses and spins of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), coupl... Read More about The evolution of SMBH spin and AGN luminosities for z < 6 within a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation.

Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume I: the impact of radiative transfer (2019)
Journal Article
Gurung-López, S., Orsi, Á. A., Bonoli, S., Baugh, C. M., & Lacey, C. G. (2019). Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume I: the impact of radiative transfer. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486(2), 1882-1906.

Lyman-α emitters (LAEs) are a promising target to probe the large scale structure of the Universe at high redshifts, z ≳ 2. However, their detection is sensitive to radiative transfer effects that depend on local astrophysical conditions. Thus, model... Read More about Lyα emitters in a cosmological volume I: the impact of radiative transfer.

A comparison between semi-analytical gas cooling models and cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (2019)
Journal Article
Hou, J., Lacey, C. G., & Frenk, C. S. (2019). A comparison between semi-analytical gas cooling models and cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486(2), 1691-1717.

We compare the mass cooling rates and cumulative cooled-down masses predicted by several semi-analytical (SA) cooling models with cosmological hydrodynamical simulations performed using the AREPO code (ignoring processes such as feedback and chemical... Read More about A comparison between semi-analytical gas cooling models and cosmological hydrodynamical simulations.

The first Super Massive Black Holes: indications from models for future observations (2019)
Journal Article
Amarantidis, S., Afonso, J., Messias, H., Henriques, B., Griffin, A., Lacey, C., …Norris, R. P. (2019). The first Super Massive Black Holes: indications from models for future observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485(2), 2694-2709.

We present an exploration of the expected detection of the earliest Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the Universe from state-of-art galaxy formation and evolution semi-analytic models and hydro-dynamical simulations. We estimate the number and radiati... Read More about The first Super Massive Black Holes: indications from models for future observations.

Galaxy formation in the Planck Millennium: the atomic hydrogen content of dark matter haloes (2018)
Journal Article
Baugh, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lagos, C. D., Lacey, C. G., Helly, J. C., Jenkins, A., …Cole, S. (2019). Galaxy formation in the Planck Millennium: the atomic hydrogen content of dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483(4), 4922-4937.

We present recalibrations of the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation in a new N-body simulation with the Planck cosmology. The Planck Millennium simulation uses more than 128 billion particles to resolve the matter distribution in a cub... Read More about Galaxy formation in the Planck Millennium: the atomic hydrogen content of dark matter haloes.

JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies – I. Survey overview and first results (2018)
Journal Article
Saintonge, A., Wilson, C. D., Xiao, T., Lin, L., Hwang, H. S., Tosaki, T., …Zheng, Z. (2018). JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies – I. Survey overview and first results. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481(3), 3497-3519.

JINGLE is a new JCMT legacy survey designed to systematically study the cold interstellar medium of galaxies in the local Universe. As part of the survey we perform 850 µm continuum measurements with SCUBA-2 for a representative sample of 193 Hersche... Read More about JINGLE, a JCMT legacy survey of dust and gas for galaxy evolution studies – I. Survey overview and first results.

The environment of radio galaxies: a signature of AGN feedback at high redshifts (2018)
Journal Article
Izquierdo-Villalba, D., Orsi, Á. A., Bonoli, S., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Griffin, A. J. (2018). The environment of radio galaxies: a signature of AGN feedback at high redshifts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480(1), 1340-1352.

We use the semi-analytical model of galaxy formation GALFORM to characterize an indirect signature of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback in the environment of radio galaxies at high redshifts. The predicted environment of radio galaxies is denser... Read More about The environment of radio galaxies: a signature of AGN feedback at high redshifts.

The Large-scale Effect of Environment on Galactic Conformity (2018)
Journal Article
Sun, S., Guo, Q., Wang, L., Wang, J., Gao, L., Lacey, C., & Pan, J. (2018). The Large-scale Effect of Environment on Galactic Conformity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 477(3), 3136-3144.

We use a volume-limited galaxy sample from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 to explore the dependence of galactic conformity on the large-scale environment, measured on ∼4 Mpc scales. We find that the star formation activity of neighbour g... Read More about The Large-scale Effect of Environment on Galactic Conformity.

The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: The EGS deep field - II. Morphological transformation and multiwavelength properties of faint submillimetre galaxies (2018)
Journal Article
Zavala, J., Aretxaga, I., Dunlop, J., Michałowski, M., Hughes, D., Bourne, N., …van der Werf, P. (2018). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: The EGS deep field - II. Morphological transformation and multiwavelength properties of faint submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(4), 5585-5602.

We present a multiwavelength analysis of galaxies selected at 450 and 850 μm from the deepest SCUBA-2 observations in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS) field, which have an average depth of σ450 = 1.9 and σ850 = 0.46 mJy beam− 1 over ∼70 arcmin2. The fi... Read More about The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: The EGS deep field - II. Morphological transformation and multiwavelength properties of faint submillimetre galaxies.

A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models (2017)
Journal Article
Hou, J., Lacey, C. G., & Frenk, C. S. (2018). A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 543-569.

Semi-analytic galaxy formation models are widely used to gain insight into the astrophysics of galaxy formation and in model testing, parameter space searching and mock catalogue building. In this work, we present a new model for gas cooling in haloe... Read More about A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models.

Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM (2017)
Journal Article
Cowley, W., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2018). Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(2), 2352-2372.

We present predictions for the outcome of deep galaxy surveys with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) obtained from a physical model of galaxy formation in Λ cold dark matter. We use the latest version of the GALFORM model, embedded within a new (... Read More about Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM.

The host dark matter haloes of [O II] emitters at 0.5 < z < 1.5 (2017)
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Perez, V., Comparat, J., Norberg, P., Baugh, C., Contreras, S., Lacey, C., …Humphries, J. (2018). The host dark matter haloes of [O II] emitters at 0.5 < z < 1.5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(3), 4024-4038.

Emission line galaxies (ELGs) are used in several ongoing and upcoming surveys (SDSSIV/eBOSS, DESI) as tracers of the dark matter distribution. Using a new galaxy formation model, we explore the characteristics of [O II] emitters, which dominate opti... Read More about The host dark matter haloes of [O II] emitters at 0.5 < z < 1.5.

Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations (2017)
Journal Article
Mitchell, P. D., Lacey, C. G., Lagos, C. D., Frenk, C. S., Bower, R. G., Cole, S., …Theuns, T. (2018). Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(1), 492-521.

It is now possible for hydrodynamical simulations to reproduce a representative galaxy population. Accordingly, it is timely to assess critically some of the assumptions of traditional semi-analytic galaxy formation models. We use the EAGLE simulatio... Read More about Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations.

The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: AGN and host-galaxy properties out to z ≲ 6 (2017)
Journal Article
Delvecchio, I., Smolčić, V., Zamorani, G., Lagos, C. D. P., Berta, S., Delhaize, J., …Tasca, L. (2017). The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: AGN and host-galaxy properties out to z ≲ 6. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 602, Article A3.

We explore the multiwavelength properties of AGN host galaxies for different classes of radio-selected AGN out to z ≲ 6 via a multiwavelength analysis of about 7700 radio sources in the COSMOS field. The sources were selected with the Very Large Arra... Read More about The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: AGN and host-galaxy properties out to z ≲ 6.

Understanding the non-linear clustering of high-redshift galaxies (2017)
Journal Article
Jose, C., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Subramanian, K. (2017). Understanding the non-linear clustering of high-redshift galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(4), 4428-4436.

We incorporate the non-linear clustering of dark matter haloes, as modelled by Jose et al. into the halo model to better understand the clustering of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) in the redshift range z = 3–5. We find that, with this change, the predi... Read More about Understanding the non-linear clustering of high-redshift galaxies.

Blending bias impacts the host halo masses derived from a cross-correlation analysis of bright submillimetre galaxies (2017)
Journal Article
Cowley, W., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Wilkinson, A. (2017). Blending bias impacts the host halo masses derived from a cross-correlation analysis of bright submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(3), 3396-3404.

Placing bright submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) within the broader context of galaxy formation and evolution requires accurate measurements of their clustering, which can constrain the masses of their host dark matter haloes. Recent work has shown that... Read More about Blending bias impacts the host halo masses derived from a cross-correlation analysis of bright submillimetre galaxies.

The far infra-red SEDs of main sequence and starburst galaxies (2017)
Journal Article
Cowley, W., Béthermin, M., Lagos, C. D. P., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2017). The far infra-red SEDs of main sequence and starburst galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467(1), 1231-1248.

We compare observed far infrared/sub-millimetre (FIR/sub-mm) galaxy spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of massive galaxies (M⋆ ≳ 1010 h−1 M⊙) derived through a stacking analysis with predictions from a new model of galaxy formation. The FIR SEDs of... Read More about The far infra-red SEDs of main sequence and starburst galaxies.

The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 μm maps, catalogues and number counts (2016)
Journal Article
Geach, J., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Smail, I., van der Werf, P., Alexander, D., …Zemcov, M. (2017). The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 μm maps, catalogues and number counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 465(2), 1789-1806.

We present a catalogue of ∼3000 submillimetre sources detected (≥3.5σ) at 850 μm over ∼5 deg2 surveyed as part of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS). This is the largest survey of its kind at 850 μm, incr... Read More about The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: 850 μm maps, catalogues and number counts.

The metal enrichment of passive galaxies in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation (2016)
Journal Article
Okamoto, T., Nagashima, M., Lacey, C., & Frenk, C. (2017). The metal enrichment of passive galaxies in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(4), 4866-4874.

Massive early-type galaxies have higher metallicities and higher ratios of α elements to iron than their less massive counterparts. Reproducing these correlations has long been a problem for hierarchical galaxy formation theory, both in semi-analytic... Read More about The metal enrichment of passive galaxies in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation.

HELP: XID+, the probabilistic de-blender for Herschel SPIRE maps (2016)
Journal Article
Hurley, P., Oliver, S., Betancourt, M., Clarke, C., Cowley, W., Duivenvoorden, S., …Wang, L. (2017). HELP: XID+, the probabilistic de-blender for Herschel SPIRE maps. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464(1), 885-896.

We have developed a new prior-based source extraction tool, xid+, to carry out photometry in the Herschel SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver) maps at the positions of known sources. xid+ is developed using a probabilistic Bayesian frame... Read More about HELP: XID+, the probabilistic de-blender for Herschel SPIRE maps.

Reionisation in sterile neutrino cosmologies (2016)
Journal Article
Bose, S., Frenk, C., Hou, J., Lacey, C., & Lovell, M. (2016). Reionisation in sterile neutrino cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(4), 3848-3859.

We investigate the process of reionisation in a model in which the dark matter is a warm elementary particle such as a sterile neutrino. We focus on models that are consistent with the dark matter decay interpretation of the recently detected line at... Read More about Reionisation in sterile neutrino cosmologies.

Constraining SN feedback: a tug of war between reionization and the Milky Way satellites (2016)
Journal Article
Hou, J., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., & Bose, S. (2016). Constraining SN feedback: a tug of war between reionization and the Milky Way satellites. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(2), 1224-1239.

Theoretical models of galaxy formation based on the cold dark matter cosmogony typically require strong feedback from supernova (SN) explosions in order to reproduce the Milky Way satellite galaxy luminosity function and the faint end of the field ga... Read More about Constraining SN feedback: a tug of war between reionization and the Milky Way satellites.

The faint end of the 250 μm luminosity function at z < 0.5 (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, L., Norberg, P., Bethermin, M., Bourne, N., Cooray, A., Cowley, W., …Viero, M. (2016). The faint end of the 250 μm luminosity function at z < 0.5. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 592, Article L5.

Aims. We aim to study the 250 μm luminosity function (LF) down to much fainter luminosities than achieved by previous efforts. Methods. We developed a modified stacking method to reconstruct the 250 μm LF using optically selected galaxies from the SD... Read More about The faint end of the 250 μm luminosity function at z < 0.5.

A unified multiwavelength model of galaxy formation (2016)
Journal Article
Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., Frenk, C. S., Benson, A. J., Bower, R. G., Cole, S., …Mitchell, P. D. (2016). A unified multiwavelength model of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 462(4), 3854-3911.

We present a new version of the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. This brings together several previous developments of GALFORM into a single unified model, including a different initial mass function (IMF) in quiescent star formatio... Read More about A unified multiwavelength model of galaxy formation.

The clustering of dark matter haloes: scale-dependent bias on quasi-linear scales (2016)
Journal Article
Jose, C., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2016). The clustering of dark matter haloes: scale-dependent bias on quasi-linear scales. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463(1), 270-281.

We investigate the spatial clustering of dark matter halos, collapsing from 1 − 4σ fluctuations, in the redshift range 0 − 5 using N-body simulations. The halo bias of high redshift halos (z ≥ 2) is found to be strongly non-linear and scale-dependent... Read More about The clustering of dark matter haloes: scale-dependent bias on quasi-linear scales.

Galaxies in the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation and in the Durham and Munich semi-analytical models (2016)
Journal Article
Guo, Q., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Guo, Q., Schaller, M., Furlong, M., Bower, R., …Theuns, T. (2016). Galaxies in the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation and in the Durham and Munich semi-analytical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(4), 3457-3482.

We compare global predictions from the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation, and two semi-analytic (SA) models of galaxy formation, L-GALAXIES and GALFORM. All three models include the key physical processes for the formation and evolution of galaxies and... Read More about Galaxies in the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation and in the Durham and Munich semi-analytical models.

GAMA/H-ATLAS: common star formation rate indicators and their dependence on galaxy physical parameters (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, L., Norberg, P., Gunawardhana, M., Heinis, S., Baldry, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., …van der Werf, P. (2016). GAMA/H-ATLAS: common star formation rate indicators and their dependence on galaxy physical parameters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(2), 1898-1916.

We compare common star formation rate (SFR) indicators in the local Universe in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) equatorial fields (∼160 deg2), using ultraviolet (UV) photometry from GALEX, far-infrared and sub-millimetre (sub-mm) photometry from... Read More about GAMA/H-ATLAS: common star formation rate indicators and their dependence on galaxy physical parameters.

The clustering and halo occupation distribution of Lyman-break galaxies at z ˜ 4 (2016)
Journal Article
Park, J., Kim, H., Wyithe, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Barone-Nugent, R., …Bouwens, R. (2016). The clustering and halo occupation distribution of Lyman-break galaxies at z ˜ 4. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(1), 176-189.

We investigate the clustering of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z ∼ 4. Using the hierarchical galaxy formation model GALFORM, we predict, for the first time using a semi-analytical model with feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN), the angular co... Read More about The clustering and halo occupation distribution of Lyman-break galaxies at z ˜ 4.

The clustering evolution of dusty star-forming galaxies (2016)
Journal Article
Cowley, W., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2016). The clustering evolution of dusty star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461(2), 1621-1641.

We present predictions for the clustering of galaxies selected by their emission at far-infrared (FIR) and sub-millimetre wavelengths. This includes the first predictions for the effect of clustering biases induced by the coarse angular resolution of... Read More about The clustering evolution of dusty star-forming galaxies.

The environments of high-redshift radio galaxies and quasars: probes of protoclusters (2016)
Journal Article
Orsi, Á. A., Fanidakis, N., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2016). The environments of high-redshift radio galaxies and quasars: probes of protoclusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(4), 3827-3839.

We use the GALFORM semi-analytical model to study high-density regions traced by radio galaxies and quasars at high redshifts. We explore the impact that baryonic physics has upon the properties of galaxies in these environments. Star-forming emissio... Read More about The environments of high-redshift radio galaxies and quasars: probes of protoclusters.

The evolution of the stellar mass versus halo mass relationship (2015)
Journal Article
Mitchell, P. D., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Cole, S. (2016). The evolution of the stellar mass versus halo mass relationship. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(2), 1459-1483.

We present an analysis of the predictions made by the GALFORM semi-analytic galaxy formation model for the evolution of the relationship between stellar mass and halo mass. We show that for the standard implementations of supernova feedback and gas r... Read More about The evolution of the stellar mass versus halo mass relationship.

Erratum: "HerMES: ALMA Imaging of Herschel-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxies" (2015, ApJ, 812, 43) (2015)
Journal Article
Bussmann, R., Riechers, D., Fialkov, A., Scudder, J., Hayward, C., Cowley, W., …Wardlow, J. (2015). Erratum: "HerMES: ALMA Imaging of Herschel-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxies" (2015, ApJ, 812, 43). Astrophysical Journal, 815(2), Article 135.

The original published article omitted the final 6 panels of Figure 2. In addition, the original article included an older version of Figure 3 that does not have source labels shown in each panel.

A hybrid multiresolution scheme to efficiently model the structure of reionization on the largest scales (2015)
Journal Article
Kim, H., Wyithe, J., Park, J., Poole, G., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2016). A hybrid multiresolution scheme to efficiently model the structure of reionization on the largest scales. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455(4), 4498-4511.

Redshifted 21-cm measurements of the structure of ionized regions that grow during reionization promise to provide a new probe of early galaxy and structure formation. One of the challenges of modelling reionization is to account both for the subhalo... Read More about A hybrid multiresolution scheme to efficiently model the structure of reionization on the largest scales.

Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): projected galaxy clustering (2015)
Journal Article
Farrow, D., Cole, S., Norberg, P., Metcalfe, N., Baldry, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., …Sridhar, S. (2015). Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): projected galaxy clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 454(2), 2120-2145.

We measure the projected two-point correlation function of galaxies in the 180 deg2 equatorial regions of the GAMA II survey, for four different redshift slices between z = 0.0 and 0.5. To do this, we further develop the Cole method of producing suit... Read More about Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): projected galaxy clustering.

HerMES: ALMA Imaging of Herschel-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxies (2015)
Journal Article
Bussmann, R., Riechers, D., Fialkov, A., Scudder, J., Hayward, C., Cowley, W., …Wardlow, J. (2015). HerMES: ALMA Imaging of Herschel-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 812(1), Article 43.

The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) has identified large numbers of dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) over a wide range in redshift. A detailed understanding of these DSFGs is hampered by the limited spatial resolution of Hersch... Read More about HerMES: ALMA Imaging of Herschel-selected Dusty Star-forming Galaxies.

Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): end of survey report and data release 2 (2015)
Journal Article
Liske, J., Baldry, I., Driver, S., Tuffs, R., Alpaslan, M., Andrae, E., …Wright, A. (2015). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): end of survey report and data release 2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(2), 2087-2126.

The Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey is one of the largest contemporary spectroscopic surveys of low redshift galaxies. Covering an area of ∼286 deg2 (split among five survey regions) down to a limiting magnitude of r < 19.8 mag, we have collec... Read More about Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): end of survey report and data release 2.

A new methodology to test galaxy formation models using the dependence of clustering on stellar mass (2015)
Journal Article
Campbell, D., Baugh, C., Mitchell, P., Helly, J., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., …Farrow, D. (2015). A new methodology to test galaxy formation models using the dependence of clustering on stellar mass. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(1), 852-871.

We present predictions for the two-point correlation function of galaxy clustering as a function of stellar mass, computed using two new versions of the GALFORM semi-analytic galaxy formation model. These models make use of a high resolution, large v... Read More about A new methodology to test galaxy formation models using the dependence of clustering on stellar mass.

The star formation and AGN luminosity relation: predictions from a semi-analytical model (2015)
Journal Article
Gutcke, T., Fanidakis, N., Macciò, A., & Lacey, C. (2015). The star formation and AGN luminosity relation: predictions from a semi-analytical model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451(4), 3759-3767.

In a universe where active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback regulates star formation in massive galaxies, a strong correlation between these two quantities is expected. If the gas causing star formation is also responsible for feeding the central blac... Read More about The star formation and AGN luminosity relation: predictions from a semi-analytical model.

Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling (2015)
Journal Article
Ciesla, L., Charmandaris, V., Georgakakis, A., Bernhard, E., Mitchell, P., Buat, V., …Xilouris, M. (2015). Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 576, Article A10.

Detailed studies of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of normal galaxies have increasingly been used to understand the physical mechanism dominating their integrated emission, mainly owing to the availability of high quality multi-wavelength dat... Read More about Constraining the properties of AGN host galaxies with spectral energy distribution modelling.

The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies - II. Misaligned gas accretion (2015)
Journal Article
Lagos, C. D. P., Padilla, N., Davis, T., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., …Contreras, S. (2015). The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies - II. Misaligned gas accretion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448(2), 1271-1287.

We study the origin of the wide distribution of angles between the angular momenta of the stellar and gas components, αG, S, in early-type galaxies (ETGs). We use the GALFORM model of galaxy formation, set in the Λ cold dark matter framework, and cou... Read More about The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies - II. Misaligned gas accretion.

The environments of Ly α blobs I: Wide-field Ly α imaging of TN J1338-1942, a powerful radio galaxy at z ≃ 4.1 associated with a giant Ly α nebula (2015)
Journal Article
Saito, T., Matsuda, Y., Lacey, C., Smail, I., Orsi, A., Baugh, C., …Taniguchi, Y. (2015). The environments of Ly α blobs I: Wide-field Ly α imaging of TN J1338-1942, a powerful radio galaxy at z ≃ 4.1 associated with a giant Ly α nebula. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447(4), 3069-3086.

We exploit wide-field Ly α imaging with Subaru to probe the environment around TN J1338−1942, a powerful radio galaxy with a > 100 kpc Ly α halo at z = 4.11. We used a sample of Ly α emitters (LAEs) down to log (LLyα[ erg s−1]) ∼ 42.8 to measure the... Read More about The environments of Ly α blobs I: Wide-field Ly α imaging of TN J1338-1942, a powerful radio galaxy at z ≃ 4.1 associated with a giant Ly α nebula.

Evolution of the dust emission of massive galaxies up to z = 4 and constraints on their dominant mode of star formation (2015)
Journal Article
Béthermin, M., Daddi, E., Magdis, G., Lagos, C., Sargent, M., Albrecht, M., …Viero, M. (2015). Evolution of the dust emission of massive galaxies up to z = 4 and constraints on their dominant mode of star formation. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 573, Article A113.

We aim to measure the average dust and molecular gas content of massive star-forming galaxies (>3 × 1010M⊙) up to z = 4 in the COSMOS field to determine if the intense star formation observed at high redshift is induced by major mergers or is caused... Read More about Evolution of the dust emission of massive galaxies up to z = 4 and constraints on their dominant mode of star formation.

Simulated observations of sub-millimetre galaxies: the impact of single-dish resolution and field variance (2014)
Journal Article
Cowley, W. I., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Cole, S. (2015). Simulated observations of sub-millimetre galaxies: the impact of single-dish resolution and field variance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446(2), 1784-1798.

Recent observational evidence suggests that the coarse angular resolution [∼20 arcsec full width at half maximum (FWHM)] of single-dish telescopes at sub-mm wavelengths has biased the observed galaxy number counts by blending together the sub-mm emis... Read More about Simulated observations of sub-millimetre galaxies: the impact of single-dish resolution and field variance.

Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the dependence of the galaxy luminosity function on environment, redshift and colour (2014)
Journal Article
McNaught-Roberts, T., Norberg, P., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Loveday, J., Peacock, J., …Vázquez-Mata, J. (2014). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the dependence of the galaxy luminosity function on environment, redshift and colour. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 445(2), 2125-2145.

We use 80 922 galaxies in the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to measure the galaxy luminosity function (LF) in different environments over the redshift range 0.04 < z < 0.26. The depth and size of GAMA allows us to define samples split by col... Read More about Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the dependence of the galaxy luminosity function on environment, redshift and colour.

The evolution of the star-forming sequence in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2014)
Journal Article
Mitchell, P., Lacey, C., Cole, S., & Baugh, C. (2014). The evolution of the star-forming sequence in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444(3), 2637-2664.

It has been argued that the specific star formation rates of star-forming galaxies inferred from observational data decline more rapidly below z = 2 than is predicted by hierarchical galaxy formation models. We present a detailed analysis of this pro... Read More about The evolution of the star-forming sequence in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies – I. A new test of galaxy formation physics (2014)
Journal Article
Lagos, C. D. P., Davis, T., Lacey, C., Zwaan, M., Baugh, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., & Padilla, N. (2014). The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies – I. A new test of galaxy formation physics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(2), 1002-1021.

We study the atomic (H I) and molecular hydrogen (H2) contents of early-type galaxies (ETGs) and their gas sources using the GALFORM model of galaxy formation. This model uses a self-consistent calculation of the star formation rate, which depends on... Read More about The origin of the atomic and molecular gas contents of early-type galaxies – I. A new test of galaxy formation physics.

Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: How does the far-IR luminosity function depend on galaxy group properties? (2014)
Journal Article
Guo, Q., Lacey, C., Norberg, P., Cole, S., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., …Robotham, A. (2014). Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: How does the far-IR luminosity function depend on galaxy group properties?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(3), 2253-2270.

We use the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) Phase I data to study the conditional luminosity function of far-IR (250 μm) selected galaxies in optically selected galaxy groups from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) spectr... Read More about Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: How does the far-IR luminosity function depend on galaxy group properties?.

Extending the halo mass resolution of N-body simulations (2014)
Journal Article
Angulo, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2014). Extending the halo mass resolution of N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 442(4), 3256-3265.

We present a scheme to extend the halo mass resolution of dark matter N-body simulations. The method uses the simulated density field to predict the number of sub-resolution haloes expected in different regions, taking as input the abundance and the... Read More about Extending the halo mass resolution of N-body simulations.

Which galaxies dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe? (2014)
Journal Article
Lagos, C., Baugh, C., Zwaan, M., Lacey, C., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Power, C., …van Kampen, E. (2014). Which galaxies dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(1), 920-941.

We study the contribution of galaxies with different properties to the global densities of star formation rate (SFR), atomic (H I) and molecular hydrogen (H2) as a function of redshift. We use the GALFORM model of galaxy formation, which is set in th... Read More about Which galaxies dominate the neutral gas content of the Universe?.

The cross-power spectrum between 21 cm emission and galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2014)
Journal Article
Park, J., Kim, H., Wyithe, J., & Lacey, C. G. (2014). The cross-power spectrum between 21 cm emission and galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438(3), 2474-2482.

The correlation between 21 cm fluctuations and galaxies is sensitive to the astrophysical properties of the galaxies that drove reionization. Thus, detailed measurements of the cross-power spectrum and its evolution could provide a powerful measureme... Read More about The cross-power spectrum between 21 cm emission and galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

Clustering of extremely red objects in Elais-N1 from the UKIDSS DXS with optical photometry from Pan-STARRS 1 and Subaru (2014)
Journal Article
Kim, J., Edge, A. C., Wake, D. A., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C. M., Lacey, C. G., …Kaiser, N. (2014). Clustering of extremely red objects in Elais-N1 from the UKIDSS DXS with optical photometry from Pan-STARRS 1 and Subaru. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438(1), 825-840.

We measure the angular clustering of 33 415 extremely red objects (EROs) in the Elais-N1 field covering 5.33 deg2, which cover the redshift range z = 0.8 to 2. This sample was made by merging the UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic Survey (DXS) with the optica... Read More about Clustering of extremely red objects in Elais-N1 from the UKIDSS DXS with optical photometry from Pan-STARRS 1 and Subaru.

How sensitive are predicted galaxy luminosities to the choice of stellar population synthesis model? (2014)
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Lagos, C., Helly, J., Campbell, D., & Mitchell, P. (2014). How sensitive are predicted galaxy luminosities to the choice of stellar population synthesis model?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(1), 264-283.

We present a new release of the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution, which exploits a Millennium Simulation-class N-body run performed with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 7 cosmology. We use this new model to stu... Read More about How sensitive are predicted galaxy luminosities to the choice of stellar population synthesis model?.

A dynamical model of supernova feedback: gas outflows from the interstellar medium (2013)
Journal Article
Lagos, C. D. P., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2013). A dynamical model of supernova feedback: gas outflows from the interstellar medium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436(2), 1787-1817.

We present a dynamical model of supernova feedback which follows the evolution of pressurized bubbles driven by supernovae in a multiphase interstellar medium (ISM). The bubbles are followed until the point of break-out into the halo, starting from a... Read More about A dynamical model of supernova feedback: gas outflows from the interstellar medium.

The most luminous quasars do not live in the most massive dark matter haloes at any redshift (2013)
Journal Article
Fanidakis, N., Macciò, A., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Frenk, C. (2013). The most luminous quasars do not live in the most massive dark matter haloes at any redshift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436(1), 315-326.

Quasars (QSOs) represent the brightest active galactic nuclei (AGN) in the Universe and are thought to indicate the location of prodigiously growing black holes (BHs), with luminosities as high as 1048 erg s−1. It is often expected though that such a... Read More about The most luminous quasars do not live in the most massive dark matter haloes at any redshift.

How well can we really estimate the stellar masses of galaxies from broad-band photometry? (2013)
Journal Article
Mitchell, P. D., Lacey, C. G., Baugh, C. M., & Cole, S. (2013). How well can we really estimate the stellar masses of galaxies from broad-band photometry?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435(1), 87-114.

The estimated stellar masses of galaxies are widely used to characterize how the galaxy population evolves over cosmic time. If stellar masses can be estimated in a robust manner, free from any bias, global diagnostics such as the stellar mass functi... Read More about How well can we really estimate the stellar masses of galaxies from broad-band photometry?.

Constraints on black hole fuelling modes from the clustering of X-ray AGN (2013)
Journal Article
Fanidakis, N., Georgakakis, A., Mountrichas, G., Krumpe, M., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., …Benson, A. (2013). Constraints on black hole fuelling modes from the clustering of X-ray AGN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 435(1), 679-688.

We present a clustering analysis of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) by compiling X-ray samples from the literature and re-estimating the dark-matter (DM) halo masses of AGN in a uniform manner. We find that moderate-luminosity AGN (L2–10 ... Read More about Constraints on black hole fuelling modes from the clustering of X-ray AGN.

Variation in the escape fraction of ionizing photons from galaxies and the redshifted 21-cm power spectrum during reionization (2013)
Journal Article
Kim, H., Wyithe, J., Park, J., & Lacey, C. (2013). Variation in the escape fraction of ionizing photons from galaxies and the redshifted 21-cm power spectrum during reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433(3), 2476-2484.

The observed power spectrum of redshifted 21-cm fluctuations is known to be sensitive to the astrophysical properties of the galaxies that drove reionization. Thus, detailed measurements of the 21-cm power spectrum and its evolution could lead to mea... Read More about Variation in the escape fraction of ionizing photons from galaxies and the redshifted 21-cm power spectrum during reionization.

The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : blank-field number counts of 450-μm-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background (2013)
Journal Article
Geach, J., Chapin, E., Coppin, K., Dunlop, J., Halpern, M., Smail, I., …Zemcov, M. (2013). The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : blank-field number counts of 450-μm-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 432(1), 53-61.

The first deep blank-field 450 μm map (1σ ≈ 1.3 mJy) from the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array-2 SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS), conducted with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) is presented. Our map covers 140 arcmin2 of the... Read More about The SCUBA-2 cosmology legacy survey : blank-field number counts of 450-μm-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background.

Single-colour diagnostics of the mass-to-light ratio - I. Predictions from galaxy formation models (2013)
Journal Article
Wilkins, S., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Zuntz, J. (2013). Single-colour diagnostics of the mass-to-light ratio - I. Predictions from galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431(1), 430-439.

Accurate galaxy stellar masses are crucial to better understand the physical mechanisms driving the galaxy formation process. We use synthetic star formation and metal enrichment histories predicted by the GALFORM galaxy formation model to investigat... Read More about Single-colour diagnostics of the mass-to-light ratio - I. Predictions from galaxy formation models.

On the role of feedback in shaping the cosmic abundance and clustering of neutral atomic hydrogen in galaxies (2013)
Journal Article
Kim, H., Power, C., Baugh, C., Wyithe, J., Lacey, C., Lagos, C., & Frenk, C. (2013). On the role of feedback in shaping the cosmic abundance and clustering of neutral atomic hydrogen in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428(4), 3366-3374.

We investigate the impact of feedback – from supernovae (SNe), active galactic nuclei (AGN) and a photoionizing background at high redshifts – on the neutral atomic hydrogen (H I) mass function, the bJ-band luminosity function, and the spatial cluste... Read More about On the role of feedback in shaping the cosmic abundance and clustering of neutral atomic hydrogen in galaxies.

Lightcone mock catalogues from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation - I. Construction and application to the BzK colour selection (2013)
Journal Article
Merson, A., Baugh, C., Helly, J., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Cole, S., Bielby, R., …Lagos, C. D. P. (2013). Lightcone mock catalogues from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation - I. Construction and application to the BzK colour selection. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429(1), 556-578.

We introduce a method for constructing end-to-end mock galaxy catalogues using a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation, applied to the halo merger trees extracted from a cosmological N-body simulation. The mocks that we construct are lightcone ca... Read More about Lightcone mock catalogues from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation - I. Construction and application to the BzK colour selection.

The ultraviolet colours and dust attenuation of Lyman-break galaxies (2013)
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Wilkins, S. (2013). The ultraviolet colours and dust attenuation of Lyman-break galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429(2), 1609-1625.

Using GALFORM, a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology, we study the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) colours of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) in the redshift range 2.5 ≤ z ≤ 10. As the impact of dust on UV luminosity... Read More about The ultraviolet colours and dust attenuation of Lyman-break galaxies.

The structure of reionization in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2013)
Journal Article
Kim, H., Wyithe, J., Raskutti, S., Lacey, C., & Helly, J. (2013). The structure of reionization in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 428(3), 2467-2479.

Understanding the epoch of reionization and the properties of the first galaxies represents an important goal for modern cosmology. The structure of reionization and hence the observed power spectrum of redshifted 21-cm fluctuations are known to be s... Read More about The structure of reionization in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

The accuracy of the UV continuum as an indicator of the star formation rate in galaxies (2012)
Journal Article
Wilkins, S., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2012). The accuracy of the UV continuum as an indicator of the star formation rate in galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 427(2), 1490-1496.

The rest-frame intrinsic UV luminosity is often used as an indicator of the instantaneous star formation rate (SFR) in a galaxy. While it is in general a robust indicator of the ongoing star formation activity, the precise value of the calibration re... Read More about The accuracy of the UV continuum as an indicator of the star formation rate in galaxies.

Predictions for the CO emission of galaxies from a coupled simulation of galaxy formation and photon-dominated regions (2012)
Journal Article
del P. Lagos, C., Bayet, E., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Bell, T., Fanidakis, N., & Geach, J. (2012). Predictions for the CO emission of galaxies from a coupled simulation of galaxy formation and photon-dominated regions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 426(3), 2142-2165.

We combine the galaxy formation model GALFORM with the photon-dominated region code UCL−PDR to study the emission from the rotational transitions of 12CO (CO) in galaxies from z = 0 to z = 6 in the Λcold dark matter framework. GALFORM is used to pred... Read More about Predictions for the CO emission of galaxies from a coupled simulation of galaxy formation and photon-dominated regions.

The contribution of star-forming galaxies to fluctuations in the cosmic background light (2012)
Journal Article
Kim, H., Lacey, C., Cole, S., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Efstathiou, G. (2012). The contribution of star-forming galaxies to fluctuations in the cosmic background light. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425(4), 2674-2687.

Star-forming galaxies which are too faint to be detected individually produce intensity fluctuations in the cosmic background light. This contribution needs to be taken into account as a foreground when using the primordial signal to constrain cosmol... Read More about The contribution of star-forming galaxies to fluctuations in the cosmic background light.

Can galactic outflows explain the properties of Ly α emitters? (2012)
Journal Article
Orsi, A., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2012). Can galactic outflows explain the properties of Ly α emitters?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425(1), 87-115.

We study the properties of Graphic emitters in a cosmological framework by computing the escape of Graphic photons through galactic outflows. We combine the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with a Monte Carlo Graphic radiative transf... Read More about Can galactic outflows explain the properties of Ly α emitters?.

Predictions for the intrinsic UV continuum properties of star-forming galaxies and the implications for inferring dust extinction (2012)
Journal Article
Wilkins, S., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Lacey, C., & Baugh, C. (2012). Predictions for the intrinsic UV continuum properties of star-forming galaxies and the implications for inferring dust extinction. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424(2), 1522-1529.

The observed ultraviolet continuum (UVC) slope is potentially a powerful diagnostic of dust obscuration in star-forming galaxies. However, the intrinsic slope is also sensitive to the form of the stellar initial mass function and to the recent star f... Read More about Predictions for the intrinsic UV continuum properties of star-forming galaxies and the implications for inferring dust extinction.

The nature and descendants of Lyman-break galaxies in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology (2012)
Journal Article
González, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Benson, A. (2012). The nature and descendants of Lyman-break galaxies in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423(4), 3709-3726.

We predict the formation histories, properties and descendants of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology. In our model, which incorporates a top-heavy initial mass function in starbursts, we find that most LBGs are starbursts... Read More about The nature and descendants of Lyman-break galaxies in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology.

The evolution of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time : what is downsizing? (2012)
Journal Article
Fanidakis, N., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Bower, R., Cole, S., Done, C., …del P. Lagos, C. (2012). The evolution of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time : what is downsizing?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419(4), 2797-2820.

We use a coupled model of the formation and evolution of galaxies and black holes (BHs) to study the evolution of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in a cold dark matter universe. The model is embedded in the galaxy formation code GALFORM and predicts th... Read More about The evolution of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time : what is downsizing?.

Cosmic evolution of the atomic and molecular gas contents of galaxies (2011)
Journal Article
Lagos, C., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Benson, A., Kim, H., & Power, C. (2011). Cosmic evolution of the atomic and molecular gas contents of galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418(3), 1649-1667.

We study the evolution of the cold gas content of galaxies by splitting the interstellar medium into its atomic and molecular hydrogen components, using the galaxy formation model GALFORM in the Λ cold dark matter framework. We calculate the molecula... Read More about Cosmic evolution of the atomic and molecular gas contents of galaxies.

Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe - II. Clustering of Extremely Red Objects (2011)
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Kim, J. (2011). Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe - II. Clustering of Extremely Red Objects. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 417(1), 517-531.

We present predictions for the clustering of Extremely Red Objects (EROs) in a Λ cold dark matter universe, using a semi-analytical galaxy formation model in combination with a cosmological N-body simulation. EROs are red, massive galaxies observed a... Read More about Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe - II. Clustering of Extremely Red Objects.

On the impact of empirical and theoretical star formation laws on galaxy formation (2011)
Journal Article
Lagos, C., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Bower, R., & Benson, A. (2011). On the impact of empirical and theoretical star formation laws on galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 416(2), 1566-1584.

We investigate the consequences of applying different star formation laws in the galaxy formation model GALFORM. Three broad star formation laws are implemented: the empirical relations of Kennicutt and Schmidt and Blitz & Rosolowsky and the theoreti... Read More about On the impact of empirical and theoretical star formation laws on galaxy formation.

Numerical overcooling in shocks (2011)
Journal Article
Creasey, P., Theuns, T., Bower, R., & Lacey, C. (2011). Numerical overcooling in shocks. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415(4), 3706-3720.

We present a study of cooling in radiative shocks simulated with smoothed particle hydrodynamics and adaptive mesh refinement codes. We obtain a similarity solution for a shock-tube problem in the presence of radiative cooling, and test how well the... Read More about Numerical overcooling in shocks.

The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South : a photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies (2011)
Journal Article
Wardlow, J., Smail, I., Coppin, K., Alexander, D., Brandt, W., Danielson, A., …van der Werf, P. (2011). The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South : a photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 415(2), 1479-1508.

We derive photometric redshifts from 17-band optical to mid-infrared photometry of 78 robust radio, 24-μm and Spitzer IRAC counterparts to 72 of the 126 submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) selected at 870 μm by LABOCA observations in the Extended Chandra D... Read More about The LABOCA survey of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South : a photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies.

The spatial distribution of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2011)
Journal Article
Kim, H., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., …Schneider, M. (2011). The spatial distribution of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 414(3), 2367-2385.

The distribution of cold gas in dark matter haloes is driven by key processes in galaxy formation: gas cooling, galaxy mergers, star formation and reheating of gas by supernovae. We compare the predictions of four different galaxy formation models fo... Read More about The spatial distribution of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

The role of submillimetre galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation (2011)
Journal Article
González, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Frenk, C. (2011). The role of submillimetre galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413(2), 749-762.

We study the role of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) in the galaxy formation process in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology. We use the Baugh et al. semi-analytical model, which matches the observed SMG number counts and redshift distribution by assuming... Read More about The role of submillimetre galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation.

Which haloes host Herschel-ATLAS galaxies in the local Universe? (2011)
Journal Article
Guo, Q., Cole, S., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Norberg, P., …van Kampen, E. (2011). Which haloes host Herschel-ATLAS galaxies in the local Universe?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(4), 2277-2285.

We measure the projected cross-correlation between low-redshift (z < 0.5) far-infrared selected galaxies in the science demonstration phase (SDP) field of the Herschel-ATLAS (H-ATLAS) survey and optically selected galaxies from the Galaxy and Mass As... Read More about Which haloes host Herschel-ATLAS galaxies in the local Universe?.

The evolution of Lyman-break galaxies in the cold dark matter model (2011)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Benson, A. (2011). The evolution of Lyman-break galaxies in the cold dark matter model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 412(3), 1828-1852.

We make a detailed investigation of the properties of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) in the ΛCDM model. We present predictions for two published variants of the GALFORM semi-analytical model: the Baugh et al. model, which has star formation at high reds... Read More about The evolution of Lyman-break galaxies in the cold dark matter model.

Modelling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies: introducing the artificial neural network (2011)
Journal Article
Silva, L., Schurer, A., Granato, G., Almeida, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., …Selvestrel, D. (2011). Modelling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies: introducing the artificial neural network. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(3), 2043-2056.

The spectral energy distribution (SED) of galaxies is a complex function of the star formation history and geometrical arrangement of stars and gas in galaxies. The computation of the radiative transfer of stellar radiation through the dust distribut... Read More about Modelling the spectral energy distribution of galaxies: introducing the artificial neural network.

Effects of cosmological model assumptions on galaxy redshift survey measurements (2011)
Journal Article
Samushia, L., Percival, W., Guzzo, L., Wang, Y., Cimatti, A., Baugh, C., …Orsi, A. (2011). Effects of cosmological model assumptions on galaxy redshift survey measurements. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(3), 1993-2002.

The clustering of galaxies observed in future redshift surveys will provide a wealth of cosmological information. Matching the signal at different redshifts constrains the dark energy driving the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. In tand... Read More about Effects of cosmological model assumptions on galaxy redshift survey measurements.

The galaxies that reionized the Universe (2011)
Journal Article
Raičević, M., Theuns, T., & Lacey, C. (2011). The galaxies that reionized the Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 410(2), 775-787.

The Durham GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model has been shown to reproduce the observed rest-frame 1500-Å luminosity function of galaxies well over the whole redshift range z= 5–10. We show that in this model, this galaxy population also e... Read More about The galaxies that reionized the Universe.

Designing a space-based galaxy redshift survey to probe dark energy (2010)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Percival, W., Cimatti, A., Mukherjee, P., Guzzo, L., Baugh, C., …Zamorani, G. (2010). Designing a space-based galaxy redshift survey to probe dark energy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 409(2), 737-749.

A space-based galaxy redshift survey would have enormous power in constraining dark energy and testing general relativity, provided that its parameters are suitably optimized. We study viable space-based galaxy redshift surveys, exploring the depende... Read More about Designing a space-based galaxy redshift survey to probe dark energy.

The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation (2010)
Journal Article
Bower, R., Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., …Frenk, C. (2010). The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407(4), 2017-2045.

Semi-analytic models are a powerful tool for studying the formation of galaxies. However, these models inevitably involve a significant number of poorly constrained parameters that must be adjusted to provide an acceptable match to the observed Unive... Read More about The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation.

The redshift evolution of the mass function of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2010)
Journal Article
Power, C., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2010). The redshift evolution of the mass function of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 406(1), 43-59.

Accurately predicting how the cosmic abundance of neutral hydrogen evolves with redshift is a challenging problem facing modellers of galaxy formation. We investigate the predictions of four currently favoured semi-analytical galaxy formation models... Read More about The redshift evolution of the mass function of cold gas in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

Probing dark energy with future redshift surveys: a comparison of emission line and broad-band selection in the near-infrared (2010)
Journal Article
Orsi, A., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Cimatti, A., Wang, Y., & Zamorani, G. (2010). Probing dark energy with future redshift surveys: a comparison of emission line and broad-band selection in the near-infrared. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405(2), 1006-1024.

Future galaxy surveys will map the galaxy distribution in the redshift interval 0.5 < z < 2 using near-infrared cameras and spectrographs. The primary scientific goal of such surveys is to constrain the nature of the dark energy by measuring the larg... Read More about Probing dark energy with future redshift surveys: a comparison of emission line and broad-band selection in the near-infrared.

Predictions for Herschel from Λ-cold dark matter : unveiling the cosmic star formation history (2010)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Benson, A., Orsi, A., Silva, L., …Bressan, A. (2010). Predictions for Herschel from Λ-cold dark matter : unveiling the cosmic star formation history. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 405(1), 2-28.

We use a model for the evolution of galaxies in the far-infrared (far-IR) based on the Λ-cold dark matter cosmology to make detailed predictions for the upcoming cosmological surveys with the Herschel Space Observatory. We use the combined GALFORM se... Read More about Predictions for Herschel from Λ-cold dark matter : unveiling the cosmic star formation history.

The Herschel ATLAS (2010)
Journal Article
Eales, S., Dunne, L., Clements, D., Cooray, A., de Zotti, G., Dye, S., …White, G. (2010). The Herschel ATLAS. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 122(891), 499-515.

The Herschel ATLAS is the largest open-time key project that will be carried out on the Herschel Space Observatory. It will survey 570 deg2 of the extragalactic sky, 4 times larger than all the other Herschel extragalactic surveys combined, in five f... Read More about The Herschel ATLAS.

Empirical Hα emitter count predictions for dark energy surveys (2010)
Journal Article
Geach, J., Cimatti, A., Percival, W., Wang, Y., Guzzo, L., Zamorani, G., …Kümmel, M. (2010). Empirical Hα emitter count predictions for dark energy surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(2), 1330-1338.

Future galaxy redshift surveys aim to measure cosmological quantities from the galaxy power spectrum. A prime example is the detection of baryonic acoustic oscillations, providing a standard ruler to measure the dark energy equation of state, w(z), t... Read More about Empirical Hα emitter count predictions for dark energy surveys.

Modelling the dusty universe - I. Introducing the artificial neural network and first applications to luminosity and colour distributions (2010)
Journal Article
Almeida, C., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Granato, G., Silva, L., & Bressan, A. (2010). Modelling the dusty universe - I. Introducing the artificial neural network and first applications to luminosity and colour distributions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402(1), 544-564.

We introduce a new technique based on artificial neural networks which enable us to make accurate predictions for the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of large samples of galaxies, at wavelengths ranging from the far-ultraviolet (UV) to the submi... Read More about Modelling the dusty universe - I. Introducing the artificial neural network and first applications to luminosity and colour distributions.

AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - I. Maps, catalogues and source counts (2010)
Journal Article
Austermann, J., Dunlop, J., Perera, T., Scott, K., Wilson, G., Aretxaga, I., …Yun, M. (2010). AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - I. Maps, catalogues and source counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401(1), 160-176.

We present the first results from the largest deep extragalactic mm-wavelength survey undertaken to date. These results are derived from maps covering over 0.7 deg2, made at λ= 1.1 mm, using the AzTEC continuum camera mounted on the James Clerk Maxwe... Read More about AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - I. Maps, catalogues and source counts.

The fate of substructures in cold dark matter haloes (2009)
Journal Article
Angulo, R., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Frenk, C. (2009). The fate of substructures in cold dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 399(2), 983-995.

We use the Millennium Simulation, a large, high-resolution N-body simulation of the evolution of structure in a Λ cold dark matter cosmology, to study the properties and fate of substructures within a large sample of dark matter haloes. We find that... Read More about The fate of substructures in cold dark matter haloes.

Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe – I. Counts of extremely red objects and basic properties (2009)
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Perez, V., Baugh, C., Lacey, C., & Almeida, C. (2009). Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe – I. Counts of extremely red objects and basic properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 398(2), 497-514.

We present predictions for the abundance and nature of extremely red objects (EROs) in the Λ cold dark matter model. EROs are red, massive galaxies observed at z≥ 1 and their numbers and properties pose a challenge to hierarchical galaxy formation mo... Read More about Massive, red galaxies in a hierarchical universe – I. Counts of extremely red objects and basic properties.

Testing model predictions of the cold dark matter cosmology for the sizes, colours, morphologies and luminosities of galaxies with the SDSS (2009)
Journal Article
González, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Benson, A. (2009). Testing model predictions of the cold dark matter cosmology for the sizes, colours, morphologies and luminosities of galaxies with the SDSS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 397(3), 1254-1274.

The huge size and uniformity of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) make possible an exacting test of current models of galaxy formation. We compare the predictions of the GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model for the luminosities, morpholog... Read More about Testing model predictions of the cold dark matter cosmology for the sizes, colours, morphologies and luminosities of galaxies with the SDSS.

The clustering of Lyα emitters in a ΛCDM Universe (2008)
Journal Article
Orsi, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Infante, L. (2008). The clustering of Lyα emitters in a ΛCDM Universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 391(4), 1589-1604.

We combine a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation with a very large simulation which follows the growth of a large-scale structure in a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe to predict the clustering of Lyα emitters. We find that the clustering str... Read More about The clustering of Lyα emitters in a ΛCDM Universe.

The properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models (2008)
Journal Article
Swinbank, A., Lacey, C., Smail, I., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Blain, A., …Hainline, L. (2008). The properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 391(1), 420-434.

We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and GRASIL spectrophotometric code to investigate the properties of galaxies selected via their submillimetre (submm) emission. The fiducial model we use has previously been shown... Read More about The properties of submm galaxies in hierarchical models.

The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters (2008)
Journal Article
Font, A., Bower, R., McCarthy, I., Benson, A., Frenk, C., Helly, J., …Cole, S. (2008). The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 389(4), 1619-1629.

Current models of galaxy formation predict satellite galaxies in groups and clusters that are redder than observed. We investigate the effect on the colours of satellite galaxies produced by the ram-pressure stripping of their hot-gaseous atmospheres... Read More about The colours of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters.

A population of faint extended line emitters and the host galaxies of optically thick QSO absorption systems (2008)
Journal Article
Rauch, M., Haehnelt, M., Bunker, A., Becker, G., Marleau, F., Graham, J., …Theuns, T. (2008). A population of faint extended line emitters and the host galaxies of optically thick QSO absorption systems. Astrophysical Journal, 681(2), 856-880.

We have conducted a long-slit search for low surface brightness Lyα emitters at redshift 2.67 < z < 3.75. A 92 hr long exposure with the ESO VLT FORS2 instrument down to a 1 σ surface brightness detection limit of 8 × 10−20 erg cm−2 s−1 arcsec−2 per... Read More about A population of faint extended line emitters and the host galaxies of optically thick QSO absorption systems.

The assembly bias of dark matter haloes to higher orders (2008)
Journal Article
Angulo, R., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2008). The assembly bias of dark matter haloes to higher orders. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 387(2), 921-932.

We use an extremely large volume (2.4 h−3Gpc3), high-resolution N-body simulation to measure the higher order clustering of dark matter haloes as a function of mass and internal structure. As a result of the large simulation volume and the use of a n... Read More about The assembly bias of dark matter haloes to higher orders.

Luminous red galaxies in hierarchical cosmologies (2008)
Journal Article
Almeida, C., Baugh, C., Wake, D., Lacey, C., Benson, A., Bower, R., & Pimbblet, K. (2008). Luminous red galaxies in hierarchical cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 386(4), 2145-2160.

Luminous red galaxies (LRGs) are much rarer and more massive than L* galaxies. Coupled with their extreme colours, LRGs therefore provide a demanding testing ground for the physics of massive galaxy formation. We present the first self-consistent pre... Read More about Luminous red galaxies in hierarchical cosmologies.

Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data (2008)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Silva, L., Granato, G., & Bressan, A. (2008). Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 385(3), 1155-1178.

We present predictions for the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function, number counts and redshift distributions in the infrared (IR) based on the ΛCDM cosmological model. We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model and GRA... Read More about Galaxy evolution in the infrared : comparison of a hierarchical galaxy formation model with Spitzer data.

The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey - VI. 350-μm mapping of submillimetre galaxies (2008)
Journal Article
Coppin, K., Halpern, M., Scott, D., Borys, C., Dunlop, J., Dunne, L., …Vaccari, M. (2008). The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey - VI. 350-μm mapping of submillimetre galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 384(4), 1597-1610.

A follow-up survey using the Submillimetre High-Angular Resolution Camera (SHARC-II) at 350 μm has been carried out to map the regions around several 850-μm-selected sources from the Submillimetre HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). These obse... Read More about The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey - VI. 350-μm mapping of submillimetre galaxies.

Ram pressure stripping the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters (2008)
Journal Article
McCarthy, I., Frenk, C., Font, A., Lacey, C., Bower, R., Mitchell, N., …Theuns, T. (2008). Ram pressure stripping the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 383(2), 593-605.

We use a large suite of carefully controlled full hydrodynamic simulations to study the ram pressure stripping of the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies as they fall into massive groups and clusters. The sensitivity of the results to the orbit, total gal... Read More about Ram pressure stripping the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies in groups and clusters.

The detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillations in future galaxy surveys (2008)
Journal Article
Angulo, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2008). The detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillations in future galaxy surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 383(2), 755-776.

We assess the detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) in the power spectrum of galaxies using ultralarge volume N-body simulations of the hierarchical clustering of dark matter and semi-analytical modelling of galaxy formation. A step-by... Read More about The detectability of baryonic acoustic oscillations in future galaxy surveys.

Black hole growth in hierarchical galaxy formation (2007)
Journal Article
Malbon, R., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2007). Black hole growth in hierarchical galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 382(4), 1394-1414.

We incorporate a model for black hole growth during galaxy mergers into the semi-analytical galaxy formation model based on ΛCDM proposed by Baugh et al. Our black hole model has one free parameter, which we set by matching the observed zero-point of... Read More about Black hole growth in hierarchical galaxy formation.

The UDF05 follow-up of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. I. The faint-end slope of the Lyman Break Galaxy Population at z ~ 5 (2007)
Journal Article
Oesch, P., Stiavelli, M., Carollo, C., Bergeron, L., Koekemoer, A., Lucas, R., …Rix, H. (2007). The UDF05 follow-up of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. I. The faint-end slope of the Lyman Break Galaxy Population at z ~ 5. Astrophysical Journal, 671(2), Article 1212.

We present the UDF05 HST program, which consists of three disjoint fields—NICP12, NICP34, plus the HUDF—with deep ACS (F606W, F775W, and F850LP) and NICMOS (F110W and F160W) imaging. Here we use the ACS data for the NICP12 and HUDF fields to implemen... Read More about The UDF05 follow-up of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. I. The faint-end slope of the Lyman Break Galaxy Population at z ~ 5.

Narrow-band surveys for very high redshift Lyman-α emitters (2007)
Journal Article
Nilsson, K., Orsi, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Thommes, E. (2007). Narrow-band surveys for very high redshift Lyman-α emitters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 474(2), 385-392.

Context.Many current and future surveys aim to detect the highest redshift ($z \ga 7$) sources through their Lyman-$\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) emission, using the narrow-band imaging method. However, to date the surveys have only yielded non-detections and... Read More about Narrow-band surveys for very high redshift Lyman-α emitters.

The Nature of (Sub)millimeter Galaxies in Hierarchical Models (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Baugh, C. M., Lacey, C. G., Frenk, C. S., Granato, G. L., Silva, L., Bressan, A., …Cole, S. (2007). The Nature of (Sub)millimeter Galaxies in Hierarchical Models. In A. .. Baker, J. Glenn, A. Harris, J. .. Mangum, & M. .. Yun (Eds.),

The structural and photometric properties of early-type galaxies in hierarchical models (2007)
Journal Article
Almeida, C., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2007). The structural and photometric properties of early-type galaxies in hierarchical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 376(4), 1711-1726.

We present predictions for the structural and photometric properties of early-type galaxies in the Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology from the published semi-analytical galaxy formation models of Baugh et al. and Bower et al. These calculations... Read More about The structural and photometric properties of early-type galaxies in hierarchical models.

Modelling shock heating in cluster mergers - I. Moving beyond the spherical accretion model (2007)
Journal Article
McCarthy, I., Bower, R., Balogh, M., Voit, G., Pearce, F., Theuns, T., …Frenk, C. (2007). Modelling shock heating in cluster mergers - I. Moving beyond the spherical accretion model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 376(2), 497-522.

The thermal history of the intracluster medium (ICM) is complex. Heat input from cluster mergers, from active galactic nuclei (AGN) and from winds in galaxies offsets and may even prevent the cooling of the ICM. Consequently, the processes that set t... Read More about Modelling shock heating in cluster mergers - I. Moving beyond the spherical accretion model.

The SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey - II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts (2006)
Journal Article
Coppin, K., Chapin, E., Mortier, A., Scott, S., Borys, C., Dunlop, J., …Willott, C. (2006). The SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey - II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 372(4), 1621-1652.

We present maps, source catalogue and number counts of the largest, most complete and unbiased extragalactic submillimetre survey: the 850-μm SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). Using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA)... Read More about The SCUBA half-degree extragalactic survey - II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts.

Luminosity functions for galaxies and quasars in the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic Legacy Survey (2006)
Journal Article
Babbedge, T., Rowan-Robinson, M., Vaccari, M., Surace, J., Lonsdale, C., Clements, D., …Smith, H. (2006). Luminosity functions for galaxies and quasars in the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic Legacy Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 370(3), 1159-1180.

We construct rest-frame luminosity functions (LFs) at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8 and 24 μm over the redshift range 0 < z < 2 for galaxies and 0 < z < 4 for optical quasi-stellar objects (QSOs), using optical and infrared (IR) data from the Spitzer Wide-area In... Read More about Luminosity functions for galaxies and quasars in the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic Legacy Survey.

Breaking the hierarchy of galaxy formation (2006)
Journal Article
Bower, R., Benson, A., Malbon, R., Helly, J., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., …Lacey, C. (2006). Breaking the hierarchy of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 370(2), 645-655.

Recent observations of the distant Universe suggest that much of the stellar mass of bright galaxies was already in place at z> 1. This presents a challenge for models of galaxy formation because massive haloes are assembled late in the hierarchical... Read More about Breaking the hierarchy of galaxy formation.

The epoch of reionization (2006)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Sugiyama, N., Nusser, A., & Lacey, C. (2006). The epoch of reionization. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 369(3), 1055-1080.

We have modelled the process of reionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM) by photoionization by galaxies, in order to learn what galaxy formation in the framework of the cold dark matter (CDM) model predicts for the epoch of reionization. We use... Read More about The epoch of reionization.

The properties of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2006)
Journal Article
Le Delliou, M., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Morris, S. (2006). The properties of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 365(3), 712-726.

We present detailed predictions for the properties of Lyα-emitting galaxies in the framework of the Λ cold dark matter cosmology, calculated using the semi-analytical galaxy formation model galform. We explore a model that assumes a top-heavy initial... Read More about The properties of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

Theoretical models of the halo occupation distribution : separating central and satellite galaxies (2005)
Journal Article
Zheng, Z., Berlind, A., Weinberg, D., Benson, A., Baugh, C., Cole, S., …Lacey, C. (2005). Theoretical models of the halo occupation distribution : separating central and satellite galaxies. Astrophysical Journal, 633(2), 791-809.

The halo occupation distribution (HOD) describes the relation between galaxies and dark matter at the level of individual dark matter halos. The properties of galaxies residing at the centers of halos differ from those of satellite galaxies because o... Read More about Theoretical models of the halo occupation distribution : separating central and satellite galaxies.

The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey — I. Survey motivation, design and data processing. (2005)
Journal Article
Mortier, A., Serjeant, S., Dunlop, J., Scott, S., Ade, P., Alexander, D., …Vaccari, M. (2005). The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey — I. Survey motivation, design and data processing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 363(2), 563-580.

The Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) is a major new blank-field extragalactic submillimetre (submm) survey currently underway at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). Ultimately, SHADES a... Read More about The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey — I. Survey motivation, design and data processing..

The metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2005)
Journal Article
Nagashima, M., Lacey, C., Okamoto, T., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Cole, S. (2005). The metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 363(1), L31-L35.

We investigate the metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in the framework of hierarchical models of galaxy formation. The semi-analytical model we use, which has been used to study the metal enrichment of the intracluster medium (ICM) by Nagashima... Read More about The metal enrichment of elliptical galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

The metal enrichment of the intracluster medium in hierarchical galaxy formation models (2005)
Journal Article
Nagashima, M., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Cole, S. (2005). The metal enrichment of the intracluster medium in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 358(4), 1247-1266.

We investigate the metal enrichment of the intracluster medium (ICM) within the framework of hierarchical models of galaxy formation. We calculate the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters using a semi-analytical model which includes the e... Read More about The metal enrichment of the intracluster medium in hierarchical galaxy formation models.

The abundance of Lyα emitters in hierarchical models (2005)
Journal Article
Le Delliou, M., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Guiderdoni, B., Bacon, R., Courtois, H., …Morris, S. (2005). The abundance of Lyα emitters in hierarchical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 357(1), L11-L15.

We present predictions for the abundance of Lyα emitters in hierarchical structure formation models. We use the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation to explore the impact on the predicted counts of varying assumptions about the escape fr... Read More about The abundance of Lyα emitters in hierarchical models.

Can the faint submillimetre galaxies be explained in the Λ cold dark matter model? (2005)
Journal Article
Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Granato, G., Silva, L., Bressan, A., …Cole, S. (2005). Can the faint submillimetre galaxies be explained in the Λ cold dark matter model?. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 356(3), 1191-1200.

We present predictions for the abundance of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) and Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) in the Λ cold dark matter cosmology. A key feature of our model is the self-consistent calculation of the absorption and emission of radiation b... Read More about Can the faint submillimetre galaxies be explained in the Λ cold dark matter model?.

Predictions for the SKA from hierarchical galaxy formation models (2004)
Journal Article
Baugh, C., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Benson, A., Cole, S., Granato, G., …Bressan, A. (2004). Predictions for the SKA from hierarchical galaxy formation models. New Astronomy Reviews, 48(11-12), 1239-1246.

There is now overwhelming evidence to suggest that structure in the Universe formed hierarchically. The development of collapsed structures in the dark matter due to gravitational instability has been studied extensively using numerical simulations a... Read More about Predictions for the SKA from hierarchical galaxy formation models.

Heating of galactic discs by infalling satellites (2004)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Lacey, C., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2004). Heating of galactic discs by infalling satellites. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 351(4), 1215-1236.

We develop an analytic model to calculate the rate at which galaxy discs are heated by dark matter substructures orbiting in their haloes. The model takes into account the internal structure, mass function and accretion rate of satellites expected in... Read More about Heating of galactic discs by infalling satellites.

What shapes the luminosity function of galaxies? (2003)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Bower, R., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2003). What shapes the luminosity function of galaxies?. Astrophysical Journal, 599(1), 38-49.

We investigate the physical mechanisms that shape the luminosity function of galaxies in hierarchical clustering models. Beginning with the mass function of dark matter halos in the CDM ( cold dark matter) cosmology, we show, in incremental steps, ho... Read More about What shapes the luminosity function of galaxies?.

The halo occupation distribution and the physics of galaxy formation (2003)
Journal Article
Berlind, A., Weinberg, D., Benson, A., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Davé, R., …Lacey, C. (2003). The halo occupation distribution and the physics of galaxy formation. Astrophysical Journal, 593(1), 1-25.

The halo occupation distribution (HOD) describes the bias between galaxies and dark matter by specifying (1) the probability P(N|M) that a halo of virial mass M contains N galaxies of a particular class and (2) the relative spatial and velocity distr... Read More about The halo occupation distribution and the physics of galaxy formation.

On the origin of intracluster entropy (2003)
Journal Article
Voit, G., Balogh, M., Bower, R., Lacey, C., & Bryan, G. (2003). On the origin of intracluster entropy. Astrophysical Journal, 593(1), 272-290.

The entropy distribution of the intracluster medium and the shape of its confining potential well completely determine the X-ray properties of a relaxed cluster of galaxies, motivating us to explore the origin of intracluster entropy and to describe... Read More about On the origin of intracluster entropy.

The properties of spiral galaxies : confronting hierarchical galaxy formation models with observations (2003)
Journal Article
Bell, E., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2003). The properties of spiral galaxies : confronting hierarchical galaxy formation models with observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 343(2), 367-384.

We compare the properties of local spiral galaxies with the predictions of the Cole et al. semi-analytic model of hierarchical galaxy formation, in order to gain insight into the baryonic processes, such as gas cooling and star formation, that were r... Read More about The properties of spiral galaxies : confronting hierarchical galaxy formation models with observations.

The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - III. Environmental dependence in the luminosity function (2003)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Lacey, C. (2003). The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - III. Environmental dependence in the luminosity function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 343(2), 679-691.

Using semi-analytic modelling techniques, we calculate the luminosity function of galaxy populations residing in cold dark matter haloes of different masses. We pay particular attention to the influence of the re-ionization of the Universe on the num... Read More about The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - III. Environmental dependence in the luminosity function.

Galaxy formation using halo merger histories taken from N-body simulations (2003)
Journal Article
Helly, J., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Benson, A., & Lacey, C. (2003). Galaxy formation using halo merger histories taken from N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 338(4), 903-912.

We develop a hybrid galaxy formation model that uses outputs from an N-body simulation to follow the merger histories (or ‘merger trees’) of dark matter haloes and treats baryonic processes, such as the cooling of gas within haloes and subsequent sta... Read More about Galaxy formation using halo merger histories taken from N-body simulations.

A comparison of gas dynamics in smooth particle hydrodynamics and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation (2003)
Journal Article
Helly, J., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Benson, A., Lacey, C., & Pearce, F. (2003). A comparison of gas dynamics in smooth particle hydrodynamics and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 338(4), 913-925.

We compare the results of two techniques used to calculate the evolution of cooling gas during galaxy formation: smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations and semi-analytic modelling. We improve upon the earlier statistical comparison of Benson... Read More about A comparison of gas dynamics in smooth particle hydrodynamics and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation.

Cosmological dark matter annihilations into γ rays : a closer look (2002)
Journal Article
Ullio, P., Bergström, L., Edsjö, J., & Lacey, C. (2002). Cosmological dark matter annihilations into γ rays : a closer look. Physical Review D, 66(12), Article 123502.

We investigate the prospects of detecting weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) dark matter by measuring the contribution to the extragalactic gamma-ray radiation induced, in any dark matter halo and at all redshifts, by WIMP pair annihilations... Read More about Cosmological dark matter annihilations into γ rays : a closer look.

Statistics of neutral regions during hydrogen reionization (2002)
Journal Article
Nusser, A., Benson, A., Sugiyama, N., & Lacey, C. (2002). Statistics of neutral regions during hydrogen reionization. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 580(2), L93-L96.

We present predictions for two statistical measures of the hydrogen reionization process at high redshift. The first statistic is the number of neutral segments identified in spectra of high-redshift QSOs as a function of their length. The second is... Read More about Statistics of neutral regions during hydrogen reionization.

The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - II. Satellite galaxies in the Local Group (2002)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Cole, S. (2002). The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - II. Satellite galaxies in the Local Group. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 333(1), 177-190.

We use a self-consistent model of galaxy formation and the evolution of the intergalactic medium to study the effects of the reionization of the Universe at high redshift on the properties of satellite galaxies like those seen around the Milky Way. P... Read More about The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - II. Satellite galaxies in the Local Group.

The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - I. Model and results at z=0 (2002)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Frenk, C. (2002). The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - I. Model and results at z=0. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 333(1), 156-176.

We develop a coupled model for the evolution of the global properties of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and the formation of galaxies, in the presence of a photoionizing background due to stars and quasars. We use this model to predict the thermodyna... Read More about The effects of photoionization on galaxy formation - I. Model and results at z=0.

The clustering evolution of the galaxy distribution (2001)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Lacey, C. (2001). The clustering evolution of the galaxy distribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 327(4), 1041-1056.

We follow the evolution of the galaxy population in a ΛCDM cosmology by means of high-resolution N-body simulations in which the formation of galaxies and their observable properties are calculated using a semi-analytic model. We display images of th... Read More about The clustering evolution of the galaxy distribution.

Polarization of the cosmic microwave background from nonuniform reionization (2001)
Journal Article
Liu, G., Sugiyama, N., Benson, A., Lacey, C., & Nusser, A. (2001). Polarization of the cosmic microwave background from nonuniform reionization. Astrophysical Journal, 561(2), 504-516.

We study the polarization anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) resulting from patchy reionization of the intergalactic medium by stars in galaxies. It is well known that the polarization of the CMB is very sensitive to the details of r... Read More about Polarization of the cosmic microwave background from nonuniform reionization.

The impact of galaxy formation on the X-ray evolution of clusters (2001)
Journal Article
Bower, R., Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., & Frenk, C. (2001). The impact of galaxy formation on the X-ray evolution of clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 325(2), 497-508.

We present a new model for the X-ray properties of the intracluster medium that explicitly includes heating of the gas by the energy released during the evolution of cluster galaxies. We calculate the evolution of clusters by combining the semi-analy... Read More about The impact of galaxy formation on the X-ray evolution of clusters.

Non-uniform reionization by galaxies and its effect on the cosmic microwave background (2001)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Nusser, A., Sugiyama, N., & Lacey, C. (2001). Non-uniform reionization by galaxies and its effect on the cosmic microwave background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 320(1), 153-176.

We present predictions for the reionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM) by stars in high-redshift galaxies, based on a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. We calculate ionizing luminosities of galaxies, including the effects of absorption... Read More about Non-uniform reionization by galaxies and its effect on the cosmic microwave background.

The local space density of SB-SDM galaxies as function of their scale size, surface brightness, and luminosity (2000)
Journal Article
de Jong, R., & Lacey, C. (2000). The local space density of SB-SDM galaxies as function of their scale size, surface brightness, and luminosity. Astrophysical Journal, 545(2), 781-797.

We investigate the dependence of the local space density of spiral galaxies on luminosity, scale size, and surface brightness. We derive bivariate space density distributions in these quantities from a sample of about 1000 Sb-Sdm spiral galaxies, cor... Read More about The local space density of SB-SDM galaxies as function of their scale size, surface brightness, and luminosity.

Hierarchical galaxy formation (2000)
Journal Article
Cole, S., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Frenk, C. (2000). Hierarchical galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 319(1), 168-204

The evolution of disc galaxies (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cole, S. M., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., & Benson, A. (2000). The evolution of disc galaxies. .

We briefly describe the physical processes that are included in our semi–analytic model of hierarchical galaxy formation. We review some of the low redshift properties of one such model constructed assuming a ∧CDM cosmology. We examine the evolutiona... Read More about The evolution of disc galaxies.

The nature of galaxy bias and clustering (2000)
Journal Article
Benson, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., & Lacey, C. (2000). The nature of galaxy bias and clustering. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 311(4), 793-808

Scaling laws in gravitational clustering for counts-in-cells and mass functions (2000)
Journal Article
Valageas, P., Lacey, C., & Schaeffer, R. (2000). Scaling laws in gravitational clustering for counts-in-cells and mass functions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 311(2), 234-250.

We present an analysis of some of the properties of the density field realized in numerical simulations for power-law initial power spectra in the case of a critical density universe. We study the non-linear regime, which is the most difficult to han... Read More about Scaling laws in gravitational clustering for counts-in-cells and mass functions.

How dark matter halos cluster in Lagrangian space (1999)
Journal Article
Porciani, C., Catelan, P., & Lacey, C. (1999). How dark matter halos cluster in Lagrangian space. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 513(2), L99-L102.

We investigate the clustering of dark matter halos in Lagrangian space in terms of their two-point correlation function. Analyzing a set of collisionless scale-free 1283 particle N-body simulations with spectral indices n=-2, -1, we measure the first... Read More about How dark matter halos cluster in Lagrangian space.

The structure of dark matter haloes in hierarchical clustering models (1996)
Journal Article
Cole, S., & Lacey, C. (1996). The structure of dark matter haloes in hierarchical clustering models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 281(2), 716-736.

We use a set of large cosmological N-body simulations to study the internal structure of dark matter haloes which form in scale-free hierarchical clustering models (initial power spectra P(k) ∞ kn with n = 0, −1 and −2) in an Ω = 1 universe. We find... Read More about The structure of dark matter haloes in hierarchical clustering models.

Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation - II. Comparison with N-body simulations (1994)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., & Cole, S. (1994). Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation - II. Comparison with N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 271(3), 676-692.

We have made a detailed comparison of the results of N-body simulations with the analytical description of the merging histories of dark matter haloes presented in Lacey & Cole, which is based on an extension of the Press-Schechter method. We find th... Read More about Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation - II. Comparison with N-body simulations.

Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation (1993)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., & Cole, S. (1993). Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 262(3), 627-649.

We present an analytical description of the merging of virialized haloes which is applicable to any hierarchical model in which structure grows via gravitational instability. The formulae are an extension of the Press-Schechter model. The dependence... Read More about Merger rates in hierarchical models of galaxy formation.

Tidally triggered galaxy formation. II - Galaxy number counts (1993)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., Guiderdoni, B., Rocca-Volmerange, B., & Silk, J. (1993). Tidally triggered galaxy formation. II - Galaxy number counts. Astrophysical Journal, 402, 15-41.

A model is presented for the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function in which the distribution of the galaxy masses, star formation time scales, and star formation turn-on redshifts is derived from the initial power spectrum of density fluctuatio... Read More about Tidally triggered galaxy formation. II - Galaxy number counts.

Tidally triggered galaxy formation. I - Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function (1991)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., & Silk, J. (1991). Tidally triggered galaxy formation. I - Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function. Astrophysical Journal, 381, 14-32.

Motivated by accumulating evidence that large-scale galactic star formation is initiated and sustained by tidal interactions, a phenomenological model is developed for the galaxy luminosity function, commencing from a galaxy mass function that is pre... Read More about Tidally triggered galaxy formation. I - Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function.

Gravitational instability in a primordial collapsing gas cloud (1989)
Journal Article
Lacey, C. G. (1989). Gravitational instability in a primordial collapsing gas cloud. Astrophysical Journal, 336, 612-638.

This paper presents an analysis of the linear evolution of short-wavelength perturbations in a background fluid flow which is undergoing gravitational collapse on large scales. Local evolution equations for perturbations to an arbitrary flow are deri... Read More about Gravitational instability in a primordial collapsing gas cloud.

Energetic constraints on spectral distortions of the microwave background (1988)
Journal Article
Lacey, C. G., & Field, G. B. (1988). Energetic constraints on spectral distortions of the microwave background. Astrophysical Journal, 330(7), L1-L4.

The energetic constraints on mechanisms for producing the spectral distortion of the microwave background claimed by Matsumoto et al., (1988) are investigated in the light of the new upper bounds on the cosmological baryon density derived by Kawano e... Read More about Energetic constraints on spectral distortions of the microwave background.

The structure of shocks with thermal conduction and radiative cooling (1988)
Journal Article
Lacey, C. G. (1988). The structure of shocks with thermal conduction and radiative cooling. Astrophysical Journal, 326, 769-778.

A general analysis is presented of the structure of a steady state, plane-parallel shock wave in which both thermal conduction and radiative cooling are important. The fluid is assumed to have a perfect-gas equation of state, with radiative cooling a... Read More about The structure of shocks with thermal conduction and radiative cooling.

The diffusion of stars through phase space (1988)
Journal Article
Binney, J., & Lacey, C. (1988). The diffusion of stars through phase space. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 230(4), 597-627.

Deviations of the potentials of stellar systems from integrability cause stars to diffuse through three-dimensional orbit space. The Fokker–Planck equation that describes this diffusion takes a particularly simple form when actions are used as orbit-... Read More about The diffusion of stars through phase space.

Massive black holes in galactic halos? (1985)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., & Ostriker, J. (1985). Massive black holes in galactic halos?. Astrophysical Journal, 299, 633-652.

The authors consider the idea that galaxy halos are composed of massive black holes as a possible resolution of two problems: the composition of dark halos, and the heating of stellar disks. It is found that in order to account for the amount of disk... Read More about Massive black holes in galactic halos?.

Chemical evolution of the galactic disk with radial gas flows (1985)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., & Fall, S. (1985). Chemical evolution of the galactic disk with radial gas flows. Astrophysical Journal, 290, 154-170.

Models are presented for the chemical evolution of the galactic disc with radial inflows of the gas at a velocity constant with time, but that may vary with the galactocentric radius. The models include the infall of metal-free gas from outside the d... Read More about Chemical evolution of the galactic disk with radial gas flows.

The influence of massive gas clouds on stellar velocity dispersions in galactic discs (1984)
Journal Article
Lacey, C. (1984). The influence of massive gas clouds on stellar velocity dispersions in galactic discs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 208(4), 687-707.

This paper calculates the evolution of the three components of the velocity dispersion of the stars in a galactic disc due to the influence of massive gas clouds in circular orbits in the disc. We find that there are two phases in this evolution: an... Read More about The influence of massive gas clouds on stellar velocity dispersions in galactic discs.

Kinematical and chemical evolution of the galactic disc (1983)
Journal Article
Lacey, C., & Fall, S. (1983). Kinematical and chemical evolution of the galactic disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 204(3), 791-810.

In the models presented here, metal-free gas accumulates in the galactic disc at a rate that decays exponentially on a time-scale tf. Stars then form with a constant initial mass function and a small velocity dispersion at a rate proportional to the... Read More about Kinematical and chemical evolution of the galactic disc.