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Professor John Evans' Outputs (3)

Tailoring Negative Thermal Expansion via Tunable Induced Strain in La–Fe–Si-Based Multifunctional Material (2022)
Journal Article
Fleming, R. O., Gonçalves, S., Davarpanah, A., Radulov, I., Pfeuffer, L., Beckmann, B., Skokov, K., Ren, Y., Li, T., Evans, J., Amaral, J., Almeida, R., Lopes, A., Oliveira, G., Araújo, J. P., Apolinário, A., & Belo, J. H. (2022). Tailoring Negative Thermal Expansion via Tunable Induced Strain in La–Fe–Si-Based Multifunctional Material. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(38), 43498-43507.

Zero thermal expansion (ZTE) composites are typically designed by combining positive thermal expansion (PTE) with negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials acting as compensators and have many diverse applications, including in high-precision instru... Read More about Tailoring Negative Thermal Expansion via Tunable Induced Strain in La–Fe–Si-Based Multifunctional Material.

Defects and disorder in apatite-type silicate oxide ion conductors: implications for conductivity (2022)
Journal Article
Fuller, C. A., Gutmann, M. J., Ling, C. D., Wang, C.-H., Zhang, W., Halasyamani, P. S., Evans, I. R., & Evans, J. S. (2022). Defects and disorder in apatite-type silicate oxide ion conductors: implications for conductivity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A: materials for energy and sustainability, 10(27),

The structure and composition of La-silicate apatite oxide ion conductor, La10Si6O27, in which the types of defects it contains are controversial, has been thoroughly investigated. Large crystals were grown using the floating zone method, and their s... Read More about Defects and disorder in apatite-type silicate oxide ion conductors: implications for conductivity.

Oxide ion conductivity, proton conductivity and phase transitions in perovskite-derived Ba3–xSrxYGa2O7.5 0  x  3 materials (2022)
Journal Article
Fuller, C. A., Murrell, J. I., Blom, D. A., Vogt, T., Zhang, W., Halasyamani, P. S., Radosavljevic Evans, I., & Evans, J. S. (2022). Oxide ion conductivity, proton conductivity and phase transitions in perovskite-derived Ba3–xSrxYGa2O7.5 0  x  3 materials. Chemistry of Materials, 34(7), 3185-3196.

We report the synthesis, structural characterization, oxide ion and proton conductivities of the perovskite-related Ba3–xSrxYGa2O7.5 family. Single-phase samples are prepared for 0  x  3 and show a complex structural evolution from P2/c to C2 space... Read More about Oxide ion conductivity, proton conductivity and phase transitions in perovskite-derived Ba3–xSrxYGa2O7.5 0  x  3 materials.