Drivers of ecological assembly in the hindgut of Atlantic Cod fed a macroalgal supplemented diet
Journal Article
Keating, C., Bolton-Warberg, M., Hinchcliffe, J., Davies, R., Whelan, S., Wan, A., Fitzgerald, R., Davies, S., Smith, C., & Ijaz, U. (2022). Drivers of ecological assembly in the hindgut of Atlantic Cod fed a macroalgal supplemented diet. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 8(1), 1-13.
Dr Ciara Keating's Outputs (23)
Temporal changes in the gut microbiota in farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) outweigh the response to diet supplementation with macroalgae (2021)
Journal Article
Keating, C., Bolton-Warberg, M., Hinchcliffe, J., Davies, R., Whelan, S., Wan, A., …Smith, C. (2021). Temporal changes in the gut microbiota in farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) outweigh the response to diet supplementation with macroalgae. Animal Microbiome, 3, 1-21
First proof of concept for full-scale, direct, low-temperature anaerobic treatment of municipal wastewater (2021)
Journal Article
Trego, A. C., Holohan, B. C., Keating, C., Graham, A., O'Connor, S., Gerardo, M., …O'Flaherty, V. (2021). First proof of concept for full-scale, direct, low-temperature anaerobic treatment of municipal wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 341, Article 125786
Solar septic tank: next generation sequencing reveals effluent microbial community composition as a useful index of system performance (2019)
Journal Article
Connelly, S., Pussayanavin, T., J. Randle-Boggis, R., Wicheansan, A., Jampathong, S., Keating, C., …Koottatep, T. (2019). Solar septic tank: next generation sequencing reveals effluent microbial community composition as a useful index of system performance. Water, 11(12), tanks are widely deployed for off-grid sewage management but are typified by poor treatment performance, discharge of polluting effluents and the requirement for frequent de-sludging. The Solar Septic Tank (SST) is a novel septic tank design t... Read More about Solar septic tank: next generation sequencing reveals effluent microbial community composition as a useful index of system performance.
Balancing the scales: assessing the impact of irrigation and pathogen burden on potato blackleg disease and soil microbial communities (2024)
Journal Article
Keating, C., Kilbride, E., Stalham, M. A., Nellist, C., Milner, J., Humphris, S., Toth, I., Mable, B. K., & Ijaz, U. Z. (2024). Balancing the scales: assessing the impact of irrigation and pathogen burden on potato blackleg disease and soil microbial communities. Microbiome, 12(1), Article 210. Understanding the interaction between environmental conditions, crop yields, and soil health is crucial for sustainable agriculture in a changing climate. Management practices to limit disease are a balancing act. For example, in potato p... Read More about Balancing the scales: assessing the impact of irrigation and pathogen burden on potato blackleg disease and soil microbial communities.
Microbial single-cell applications under anoxic conditions (2024)
Journal Article
Keating, C., Fiege, K., Diender, M., Sousa, D. Z., & Villanueva, L. (2024). Microbial single-cell applications under anoxic conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90(11), Article e01321-24. field of microbiology traditionally focuses on studying microorganisms at the population level. Nevertheless, the application of single-cell level methods, including microfluidics and imaging techniques, has revealed heterogeneity within populati... Read More about Microbial single-cell applications under anoxic conditions.
Dataset of 16S rRNA gene sequences of 111 healthy and Newcastle disease infected caecal samples from multiple chicken breeds of Pakistan (2024)
Journal Article
Ameer, A., Saleem, F., Keating, C., Gundogdu, O., Ijaz, U. Z., & Javed, S. (2024). Dataset of 16S rRNA gene sequences of 111 healthy and Newcastle disease infected caecal samples from multiple chicken breeds of Pakistan. Data in Brief, 57, Article 110957. article presents a processed dataset from amplicon sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene to recover bacterial and archaeal taxa from the caeca of multiple chicken breeds of Pakistan. These include chicken breeds commonly raised at comm... Read More about Dataset of 16S rRNA gene sequences of 111 healthy and Newcastle disease infected caecal samples from multiple chicken breeds of Pakistan.
Specialty grand challenge: how can we use integrative approaches to understand microbial community dynamics? (2024)
Journal Article
Ijaz, U. Z., Ameer, A., Saleem, F., Gul, F., Keating, C., & Javed, S. (2024). Specialty grand challenge: how can we use integrative approaches to understand microbial community dynamics?. Frontiers in Systems Biology, 4, Article 1432791.
Dataset of 569 metagenome-assembled genomes from the caeca of multiple chicken breeds from commercial and backyard farming setups of Pakistan (2024)
Journal Article
Saleem, F., Ameer, A., Star-Shirko, B., Keating, C., Gundogdu, O., Ijaz, U. Z., & Javed, S. (2024). Dataset of 569 metagenome-assembled genomes from the caeca of multiple chicken breeds from commercial and backyard farming setups of Pakistan. Data in Brief, 54, Article 110552. article focuses the recovery of prokaryotic organisms including bacteria and archaea from 9 different groups of chicken raised in different farm setups in Pakistan. The groups comprise of three different breeds (Broilers, White Layers, and Black... Read More about Dataset of 569 metagenome-assembled genomes from the caeca of multiple chicken breeds from commercial and backyard farming setups of Pakistan.
Dataset of 130 metagenome-assembled genomes of healthy and diseased broiler chicken caeca from Pakistan (2024)
Journal Article
Ameer, A., Saleem, F., Keating, C., Gundogdu, O., Ijaz, U. Z., & Javed, S. (2024). Dataset of 130 metagenome-assembled genomes of healthy and diseased broiler chicken caeca from Pakistan. Data in Brief, 54, Article 110487. article presents metagenomic-assembled genomes (MAGs) of prokaryotic organisms originating from chicken caeca. The samples originate from broiler chickens, one group was infected with Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) and one uninfected control grou... Read More about Dataset of 130 metagenome-assembled genomes of healthy and diseased broiler chicken caeca from Pakistan.
Gut microbial ecology and exposome of a healthy Pakistani cohort (2024)
Journal Article
Gul, F., Herrema, H., Davids, M., Keating, C., Nasir, A., Ijaz, U. Z., & Javed, S. (2024). Gut microbial ecology and exposome of a healthy Pakistani cohort. Gut Pathogens, 16(1), Article 5.
Pakistan is a multi-ethnic society where there is a disparity between dietary habits, genetic composition, and environmental exposures. The microbial ecology of healthy Pakistani gut in the context of anthropometric, sociodemographic, and... Read More about Gut microbial ecology and exposome of a healthy Pakistani cohort.
Molecular insights informing factors affecting low temperature anaerobic applications: Diversity, collated core microbiomes and complexity stability relationships in LCFA-fed systems. (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, S., Keating, C., Ijaz, U. Z., & Hassard, F. (2023). Molecular insights informing factors affecting low temperature anaerobic applications: Diversity, collated core microbiomes and complexity stability relationships in LCFA-fed systems. Science of the Total Environment, 874, Article 162420
A Cross-Sectional Study of Potential Antimicrobial Resistance and Ecology in Gastrointestinal and Oral Microbial Communities of Young Normoweight Pakistani Individuals (2023)
Journal Article
Batool, M., Keating, C., Javed, S., Nasir, A., Muddassar, M., & Ijaz, U. Z. (2023). A Cross-Sectional Study of Potential Antimicrobial Resistance and Ecology in Gastrointestinal and Oral Microbial Communities of Young Normoweight Pakistani Individuals. Microorganisms, 11(2), resistance (AMR) is a major global public health concern mainly affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) due to lack of awareness, inadequate healthcare and sanitation infrastructure, and other environmental factors. In this s... Read More about A Cross-Sectional Study of Potential Antimicrobial Resistance and Ecology in Gastrointestinal and Oral Microbial Communities of Young Normoweight Pakistani Individuals.
Beyond basic diversity estimates—Analytical tools for mechanistic interpretations of amplicon sequencing data (2022)
Journal Article
Trego, A., Keating, C., Nzeteu, C., Graham, A., O’Flaherty, V., & Ijaz, U. Z. (2022). Beyond basic diversity estimates—Analytical tools for mechanistic interpretations of amplicon sequencing data. Microorganisms, 10(10), Article 1961.
Analysis of pit latrine microbiota reveals depth-related variation in composition, and key parameters and taxa associated with latrine fill-up rate (2022)
Journal Article
Ijaz, U. Z., Gundogdu, O., Keating, C., Eekert, M. V., Gibson, W., Parkhill, J., Abilahi, F., Liseki, B., Nguyen, V.-A., & Sudgen, S. (2022). Analysis of pit latrine microbiota reveals depth-related variation in composition, and key parameters and taxa associated with latrine fill-up rate. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, Article 960747. latrines are used by billions of people globally, often in developing countries where they provide a low-tech and low-cost sanitation method. However, health and social problems can arise from a lack of emptying or maintenance of these facilities... Read More about Analysis of pit latrine microbiota reveals depth-related variation in composition, and key parameters and taxa associated with latrine fill-up rate.
Machine Learning Approach to Predict Quality Parameters for Bacterial Consortium-Treated Hospital Wastewater and Phytotoxicity Assessment on Radish, Cauliflower, Hot Pepper, Rice and Wheat Crops (2022)
Journal Article
Rashid, A., Mirza, S. A., Keating, C., Ijaz, U. Z., Ali, S., & Campos, L. C. (2022). Machine Learning Approach to Predict Quality Parameters for Bacterial Consortium-Treated Hospital Wastewater and Phytotoxicity Assessment on Radish, Cauliflower, Hot Pepper, Rice and Wheat Crops. Water, 14(1), Article 116.
Hospital wastewater treated with a novel bacterial consortium (Alcaligenes faecalis and Bacillus paramycoides spp.) for phytotoxicity reduction in Berseem clover and tomato crops (2021)
Journal Article
Rashid, A., Mirza, S. A., Keating, C., Ali, S., & Campos, L. C. (2021). Hospital wastewater treated with a novel bacterial consortium (Alcaligenes faecalis and Bacillus paramycoides spp.) for phytotoxicity reduction in Berseem clover and tomato crops. Water Science and Technology, 83(7), 1764-1780. wastewaters are produced in large volumes in Pakistan (∼362–745 L/ and are discharged without proper treatment. They are widely used by farmers for crop irrigation and induce a phytotoxic effect on plant growth. The study was conduct... Read More about Hospital wastewater treated with a novel bacterial consortium (Alcaligenes faecalis and Bacillus paramycoides spp.) for phytotoxicity reduction in Berseem clover and tomato crops.
Indigenous Bacillus paramycoides spp. and Alcaligenes faecalis: sustainable solution for bioremediation of hospital wastewater (2020)
Journal Article
Rashid, A., Mirza, S. A., Keating, C., Ali, S., & Campos, L. C. (2022). Indigenous Bacillus paramycoides spp. and Alcaligenes faecalis: sustainable solution for bioremediation of hospital wastewater. Environmental Technology, 43(12), 1903-1916. near towns and cities are using a wide range of highly polluted wastewaters for crop irrigation in Pakistan due to severe freshwater shortage. The present study aimed to promote indigenous bacterial strains isolated from domestic, hospital, t... Read More about Indigenous Bacillus paramycoides spp. and Alcaligenes faecalis: sustainable solution for bioremediation of hospital wastewater.
Cold adaptation and replicable microbial community development during long-term low-temperature anaerobic digestion treatment of synthetic sewage (2018)
Journal Article
Keating, C., Hughes, D., Mahony, T., Cysneiros, D., Ijaz, U., Smith, C., & O'Flaherty, V. (2018). Cold adaptation and replicable microbial community development during long-term low-temperature anaerobic digestion treatment of synthetic sewage. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94(7),
A keystone methylobacterium strain in biofilm formation in drinking water (2017)
Journal Article
Tsagkari, E., Keating, C., Couto, J. M., & Sloan, W. T. (2017). A keystone methylobacterium strain in biofilm formation in drinking water. Water, 9(10), Article 778. structure of biofilms in drinking water systems is influenced by the interplay between biological and physical processes. Bacterial aggregates in bulk fluid are important in seeding biofilm formation on surfaces. In simple pure and co-cultures, c... Read More about A keystone methylobacterium strain in biofilm formation in drinking water.