Deliberate house-burning in the prehistory of central and eastern Europe
Book Chapter
Chapman, J. (1999). Deliberate house-burning in the prehistory of central and eastern Europe. In J. Nordbladh (Ed.), Glyfer och arkeologiska rum : En vänbok till Jarl Nordbladh (113-116). University of Göteborg Press
All Outputs (835)
SU(N) Skyrmions and two dimensional CPN Rational Maps (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ioannidou, T., Piette, B., & Zakrzewski, W. (1999). SU(N) Skyrmions and two dimensional CPN Rational Maps.
A data acquisition and control system for geotechnical testing. (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Toll, D. (1999). A data acquisition and control system for geotechnical testing. In B. Kumar, & B. Topping (Eds.),
The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and their publication, collection and preservation (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Warwick, C. (1999). The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and their publication, collection and preservation. In M. Klasson, B. Loughridge, & S. Lööf (Eds.),
Contingency, Patterning and Species in Hominid Evolution. (1999)
Book Chapter
Bilsborough, A. (1999). Contingency, Patterning and Species in Hominid Evolution. In J. Bintliffe (Ed.), Structure and Contingency: Evolutionary Processes in Life and Human Society ( 43-101). London & New York. Leicester University Press
Taking Care? The Depo-Provera Debate. (1999)
Book Chapter
Russell, A. (1999). Taking Care? The Depo-Provera Debate. In T. Kohn, & R. McKechnie (Eds.), Extending the Boundaries of Care: Medical Ethics and Caring Practices (65-88). Berg
Buddhist Landscapes of East Asia (1999)
Book Chapter
Barnes, G. (1999). Buddhist Landscapes of East Asia. In W. Ashmore, & A. Knapp (Eds.), Archaeologies of Landscape: Contemporary Perspectives (101-123). Wiley
'Pathological Comsumption: Commodities and the End of Culture in H G Wells' Tono-Bungay'. (1999)
Book Chapter
James, S. J. (1999). 'Pathological Comsumption: Commodities and the End of Culture in H G Wells' Tono-Bungay'. In J. Hallam, & N. Moody (Eds.), Consuming for Pleasure: Selected Essays on Popular Fiction (44-61). Liverpool John Moores University Press
Poetry that Gets Up Off the Page and Becomes Human: Poetic Coherence and Eccentricity in Lorca's Theatre. (1999)
Book Chapter
Thompson, M. (1999). Poetry that Gets Up Off the Page and Becomes Human: Poetic Coherence and Eccentricity in Lorca's Theatre. In S. Doggart, & M. Thompson (Eds.), Fire, Blood and the Alphabet: One Hundred Years of Lorca (67-79). Durham Modern Languages SeriesIn 1998 the world celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Federico García Lorca, Spain's greatest modern poet and dramatist. The Lorca Fiesta staged at the Newcastle Playhouse was the biggest centenary event outside Spain, and also the most... Read More about Poetry that Gets Up Off the Page and Becomes Human: Poetic Coherence and Eccentricity in Lorca's Theatre..
The Nature and Processes of Corporate Reporting on Ethical Issues. (1999)
Adams, C. (1999). The Nature and Processes of Corporate Reporting on Ethical Issues. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
The Shapwick Project (1999)
Book Chapter
Gerrard, C. (1999). The Shapwick Project. In C. Webster (Ed.), A Century of Archaeology in Somerset. Papers to mark 150 years of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society (67-93). Somerset County Council
Bayes linear analysis. (1999)
Book Chapter
Goldstein, M. (1999). Bayes linear analysis. In S. Kotz, C. Read, & D. Banks (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of Statistical Sciences Update Volume 3 (29-34). Wiley
A Bayesian reappraisal of environmental fate and behaviour data used in pesticide registration. (1999)
Book Chapter
Wooff, D., Seheult, A., Coolen, F., & Worrall, F. (1999). A Bayesian reappraisal of environmental fate and behaviour data used in pesticide registration. In V. Barnett, & K. Turkman (Eds.), Statistics for the Environment. John Wiley and Sonsno abstract
Influence of layering on vein systematics in line samples (1999)
Book Chapter
Gillespie, P., Loriga, L., Johnston, J., McCaffrey, K., Walsh, J., & Watterson, J. (1999). Influence of layering on vein systematics in line samples. In K. McCaffrey, L. Lonergan, & J. Wilkinson (Eds.), Fractures, Fluids Flow and Mineralisation (35-56). Geological Society Special Publication
Image -- Reality (1999)
Book Chapter
Crang, M. (1999). Image -- Reality. In P. Cloke, P. Crang, & M. Goodwin (Eds.), Introducing Human Geographies (54-62). Edward Arnold
The Core Structure of AGN: Perils of Adaptive Optics Artifacts (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chapman, S., Walker, G., & Morris, S. (1999). The Core Structure of AGN: Perils of Adaptive Optics Artifacts. In Astronomy with adaptive optics : present results and future programs, Proceedings of an ESO/OSA topical meeting, held September 7-11, 1998, Sonthofen, Germany
AGN from the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hall, P., Yee, H., Lin, H., Morris, S., Patton, D., Sawicki, M., …Elston, R. (1999). AGN from the CNOC2 Field Galaxy Redshift Survey. In American Astronomical Society, 195th AAS Meeting, id.115.13; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 31
Isolierung von RNA (1999)
Book Chapter
Schröder, M. (1999). Isolierung von RNA. In H. Gassen, & G. Schrimpf (Eds.), Genrechnische Methoden (225-242). (2). Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
Working Group Report: Past Changes (1999)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B., Eronen, M., Helmens, K., Kirchhefer, A., & Serebryanny, L. (1999). Working Group Report: Past Changes. In M. Turunen, J. Hukkinen, O. Heal, N. -R. Sælthun, & J. Holten (Eds.), A terrestrial transect for Scandinavia/Northern Europe: Proceedings of the international Scantran conference (145-150). European Commission
Change or no Change? Revised Perceptions of Urban Transformation in Late Antiquity (1999)
Book Chapter
Leone, A. (1999). Change or no Change? Revised Perceptions of Urban Transformation in Late Antiquity. In P. Baker, C. Forcey, S. Jundi, & R. Witcher (Eds.), TRAC 98:Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Leicester 1998 (121-130). Oxbow Books.