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Red sea city : images of the Jeddah urbanisation : an exhibition of photographs (1983)
Preprint / Working Paper
University of Durham. Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. (1983). Red sea city : images of the Jeddah urbanisation : an exhibition of photographs

If one were to accept the majority opinion ofthe early and mediaevel geographers and scholars , the correct Arabic form for the name of the town would be Juddah, signifying 'sea-shore', as well as 'way' , 'beaten track'. A minority of these prefer Ji... Read More about Red sea city : images of the Jeddah urbanisation : an exhibition of photographs.

Kings who Opted Out (1983)
Book Chapter
Stancliffe, C. (1983). Kings who Opted Out. In P. Wormald (Ed.), Ideal and Reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Society: Essays Presented to J. M. Wallace-Hadrill (154-176). Blackwell

A large area multitechnique experiment for hard X-ray astronomy. (1983)
Journal Article
Baker, R., Dean, A., Dipper, N., Barbaglia, G., Boella, G., Bussini, A., …Boccaccini, L. (1983). A large area multitechnique experiment for hard X-ray astronomy. Advances in Space Research, 3(4), 83-85.

A balloon-borne multitechnique large area experiment consisting of 2 co-aligned detectors (3200 cm2 NaI and 1800 cm2 multiwire proportional counters), is described, which is capble of producing observations of the hard X-ray sky with very high sensit... Read More about A large area multitechnique experiment for hard X-ray astronomy..

Heavy quarks (1983)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., & Shifman, M. (1983). Heavy quarks

Ultra high energy gamma rays from Cygnus X3 (1983)
Journal Article
Dowthwaite, J., Gibson, A., Harrison, A., Kirkman, I., Lotts, A., Macrae, J., …Walmsley, M. (1983). Ultra high energy gamma rays from Cygnus X3. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 126, 1-6