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A physical optics formulation of Bloch waves and its application to 4D STEM, 3D ED and inelastic scattering simulations (2025)
Journal Article
Mendis, B. (2025). A physical optics formulation of Bloch waves and its application to 4D STEM, 3D ED and inelastic scattering simulations. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, 81(2),

Bloch waves are often used in dynamical diffraction calculations, such as simulating electron diffraction intensities for crystal structure refinement. However, this approach relies on matrix diagonalization and is therefore computationally expensive... Read More about A physical optics formulation of Bloch waves and its application to 4D STEM, 3D ED and inelastic scattering simulations.

Anisotropic Skyrmion and Multi-q Spin Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3 (2025)
Journal Article
Gomilšek, M., Hicken, T., Wilson, M., Franke, K., Huddart, B., Štefančič, A., Holt, S., Balakrishnan, G., Mayoh, D., Birch, M., Moody, S., Luetkens, H., Guguchia, Z., Telling, M., Baker, P., Clark, S., & Lancaster, T. (2025). Anisotropic Skyrmion and Multi-q Spin Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3. Physical Review Letters, 134(4), Article 046702.

Skyrmions are particlelike vortices of magnetization with nontrivial topology, which are usually stabilized by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) in noncentrosymmetric bulk materials. Exceptions are centrosymmetric Gd- and Eu-based skyrmion-lat... Read More about Anisotropic Skyrmion and Multi-q Spin Dynamics in Centrosymmetric Gd2PdSi3.

ALMA/SCUBA-2 COSMOS Survey: Properties of X-Ray- and SED-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in Bright Submillimeter Galaxies (2025)
Journal Article
Uematsu, R., Ueda, Y., Alexander, D. M., Swinbank, A. M., Smail, I., Andonie, C., Chen, C.-C., Dudzevičiūtė, U., Ikarashi, S., Kohno, K., Matsuda, Y., Puglisi, A., Umehata, H., & Wang, W.-H. (2025). ALMA/SCUBA-2 COSMOS Survey: Properties of X-Ray- and SED-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in Bright Submillimeter Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal, 979(2), Article 168.

We investigate the properties of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the brightest submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) in the COSMOS field. We utilize the bright sample of the ALMA/SCUBA-2 COSMOS Survey (AS2COSMOS), which consists of 260 SMGs with S870 μm = 0... Read More about ALMA/SCUBA-2 COSMOS Survey: Properties of X-Ray- and SED-selected Active Galactic Nuclei in Bright Submillimeter Galaxies.

Control Strategies for Solution‐Processed ZTO‐Based Thin‐Film Transistors Tailored Toward Volatile Organic Compound Detection (2025)
Journal Article
Miller, L. R., Miller, L. R., Galán‐González, A., Galán-González, A., Nicholson, B., Bowen, L., Monier, G., Borthwick, R. J., Borthwick, R. J., White, F., Saeed, M., Thompson, R. L., Thompson, R. L., Robert‐Goumet, C., Robert-Goumet, C., Atkinson, D., Zeze, D. A., Chaudhry, M. U., Souop, M., & Bideux, L. (online). Control Strategies for Solution‐Processed ZTO‐Based Thin‐Film Transistors Tailored Toward Volatile Organic Compound Detection. Advanced Electronic Materials, Article 2400810.

A breakthrough in the fabrication of amorphous Zn‐Sn‐O (ZTO)‐based thin‐film transistors (TFTs) is presented for volatile organic compound (VOC) detection. The incorporation of highly abundant materials offers substantial economic and environmental b... Read More about Control Strategies for Solution‐Processed ZTO‐Based Thin‐Film Transistors Tailored Toward Volatile Organic Compound Detection.

From Halos to Galaxies. X. Decoding Galaxy SEDs with Physical Priors and Accurate Star Formation History Reconstruction (2025)
Journal Article
Gao, Z., Peng, Y., Wang, K., Ho, L. C., Renzini, A., Gallazzi, A. R., Mannucci, F., Mo, H., Jing, Y., Yang, X., Wang, E., Zhao, D., Dou, J., Gu, Q., Lyu, C., Maiolino, R., Wang, B., Wang, Y.-C., Xu, B., Yuan, F., & Zhu, X. (2025). From Halos to Galaxies. X. Decoding Galaxy SEDs with Physical Priors and Accurate Star Formation History Reconstruction. The Astrophysical Journal, 979(1), Article 66.

The spectral energy distribution (SED) of galaxies is essential for deriving fundamental properties like stellar mass and star formation history (SFH). However, conventional methods, including both parametric and nonparametric approaches, often fail... Read More about From Halos to Galaxies. X. Decoding Galaxy SEDs with Physical Priors and Accurate Star Formation History Reconstruction.

Magnetic properties of a staggered S=1 chain with an alternating single-ion anisotropy direction (2025)
Journal Article
Vaidya, S., Curley, S. P. M., Manuel, P., Stewart, J. R., Le, M. D., Balz, C., Shiroka, T., Blundell, S. J., Wheeler, K. A., Calderon-Lin, I., Manson, Z. E., Manson, J. L., Singleton, J., Lancaster, T., Johnson, R. D., & Goddard, P. A. (2025). Magnetic properties of a staggered S=1 chain with an alternating single-ion anisotropy direction. Physical Review B, 111, Article 014421.

Materials composed of spin-1 antiferromagnetic (AFM) chains are known to adopt complex ground states that are sensitive to the single-ion-anisotropy (SIA) energy (𝐷), and intrachain (𝐽0) and interchain (𝐽′1,2) exchange energy scales. While theoretica... Read More about Magnetic properties of a staggered S=1 chain with an alternating single-ion anisotropy direction.

Long-lived entanglement of molecules in magic-wavelength optical tweezers (2025)
Journal Article
Ruttley, D. K., Hepworth, T. R., Guttridge, A., & Cornish, S. L. (2025). Long-lived entanglement of molecules in magic-wavelength optical tweezers. Nature, 637(8047), 827-832.

Realizing quantum control and entanglement of particles is crucial for advancing both quantum technologies and fundamental science. Substantial developments in this domain have been achieved in a variety of systems1, 2, 3, 4–5. In this context, ultra... Read More about Long-lived entanglement of molecules in magic-wavelength optical tweezers.

Reinforcement of GO composites using rigid and flexible crosslinkers (2025)
Journal Article
Kaur, P., Bowen, L., Hutchings, L. R., Chaudhry, M. U., Pugh, T., & Thompson, R. L. (2025). Reinforcement of GO composites using rigid and flexible crosslinkers. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 709, Article 136156.

Crosslinkers are important for graphene oxide (GO) plates in filtration applications because they help to define and maintain the integrity of the nanoscale structure. GO platelets were dispersed in aqueous solution and crosslinked using a simple “on... Read More about Reinforcement of GO composites using rigid and flexible crosslinkers.

Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation (2025)
Journal Article
Ward, V. K., & Fielding, S. M. (in press). Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation. Physical Review Materials,

Recent flow cessation experiments on soft materials have shown a counter-intuitive non-monotonic relaxation of the shear stress: following the switch-off of a steady imposed shear flow, the stress initially decays before later increasing again. By si... Read More about Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation.

UPdec-Webb: A Data Set for Coaddition of JWST NIRCam Images (2025)
Journal Article
Wang, L., Shan, H., Nie, L., Cheng, C., Yuan, F.-T., Cui, Q., Li, G., Xie, Y., Liu, D., Liu, Y., Fang, M., Li, N., Jia, P., Li, R., Liu, F., Shu, Y., Jiang, C., Wei, C.-L., Qu, H., Zheng, W.-W., …Kang, X. (2025). UPdec-Webb: A Data Set for Coaddition of JWST NIRCam Images. Astrophysical Journal, 276(2), Article 36.

We present the application of the image coaddition algorithm, upsampling and point-spread function (PSF) deconvolution coaddition (UPDC), for stacking multiple exposure images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Near-Infrared Camera. By... Read More about UPdec-Webb: A Data Set for Coaddition of JWST NIRCam Images.

ALESS-JWST: Joint (Sub)kiloparsec JWST and ALMA Imaging of z ~ 3 Submillimeter Galaxies Reveals Heavily Obscured Bulge Formation Events (2025)
Journal Article
Hodge, J. A., Cunha, E. D., Kendrew, S., Li, J., Smail, I., Westoby, B. A., Nayak, O., Swinbank, A. M., Chen, C.-C., Walter, F., Werf, P. V. D., Cracraft, M., Battisti, A., Brandt, W. N., Rivera, G. C., Chapman, S. C., Cox, P., Dannerbauer, H., Decarli, R., Castillo, M. F., …Weiss, A. (2025). ALESS-JWST: Joint (Sub)kiloparsec JWST and ALMA Imaging of z ~ 3 Submillimeter Galaxies Reveals Heavily Obscured Bulge Formation Events. The Astrophysical Journal, 978(2), Article 165.

We present JWST NIRCam imaging targeting 13 z ~ 3 infrared-luminous (LIR ∼ 5 × 1012L⊙) galaxies from the ALESS survey with uniquely deep, high-resolution (0 .″ 08–0 .″ 16) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array 870 μm imaging. The 2.0–4.4 μm (o... Read More about ALESS-JWST: Joint (Sub)kiloparsec JWST and ALMA Imaging of z ~ 3 Submillimeter Galaxies Reveals Heavily Obscured Bulge Formation Events.

Repository for extended dark matter object constraints (2025)
Journal Article
Croon, D., & Sevillano Muñoz, S. (2025). Repository for extended dark matter object constraints. The European Physical Journal C, 85(1), Article 8.

Extended dark matter objects (EDOs) are popular dark matter candidates that interact gravitationally with the Standard Model. These gravitational interactions can be used to constrain their allowed parameter space. However, EDOs can have different fo... Read More about Repository for extended dark matter object constraints.

Detection of Extended X-Ray Emission around the PeVatron Microquasar V4641 Sgr with XRISM (2025)
Journal Article
Suzuki, H., Tsuji, N., Kanemaru, Y., Shidatsu, M., Olivera-Nieto, L., Safi-Harb, S., Kimura, S. S., de la Fuente, E., Casanova, S., Mori, K., Wang, X., Kato, S., Tateishi, D., Uchiyama, H., Tanaka, T., Uchida, H., Inoue, S., Huang, D., Lemoine-Goumard, M., Miura, D., …Ueda, Y. (2025). Detection of Extended X-Ray Emission around the PeVatron Microquasar V4641 Sgr with XRISM. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 978(2), Article L20.

A recent report on the detection of very-high-energy gamma rays from V4641 Sagittarii (V4641 Sgr) up to ≈0.8 PeV has made it the second confirmed “PeVatron” microquasar. Here we report on the observation of V4641 Sgr with X-Ray Imaging and Spectrosco... Read More about Detection of Extended X-Ray Emission around the PeVatron Microquasar V4641 Sgr with XRISM.

EDGE-INFERNO: Simulating Every Observable Star in Faint Dwarf Galaxies and Their Consequences for Resolved-star Photometric Surveys (2025)
Journal Article
Andersson, E. P., Rey, M. P., Pontzen, A., Cadiou, C., Agertz, O., Read, J. I., & Martin, N. F. (2025). EDGE-INFERNO: Simulating Every Observable Star in Faint Dwarf Galaxies and Their Consequences for Resolved-star Photometric Surveys. The Astrophysical Journal, 978(2), Article 129.

Interpretation of data from faint dwarf galaxies is made challenging by observations limited to only the brightest stars. We present a major improvement to tackle this challenge by undertaking zoomed cosmological simulations that resolve the evolutio... Read More about EDGE-INFERNO: Simulating Every Observable Star in Faint Dwarf Galaxies and Their Consequences for Resolved-star Photometric Surveys.

NuFit-6.0: updated global analysis of three-flavor neutrino oscillations (2024)
Journal Article
Esteban, I., Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C., Maltoni, M., Martinez-Soler, I., Pinheiro, J. P., & Schwetz, T. (2024). NuFit-6.0: updated global analysis of three-flavor neutrino oscillations. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(12), Article 216.

We present an updated global analysis of neutrino oscillation data as of September 2024. The parameters θ12, θ13, ∆m212, and ∣∆m3ℓ2∣ (ℓ = 1, 2) are well-determined with relative precision at 3σ of about 13%, 8%, 15%, and 6%, respectively. The third m... Read More about NuFit-6.0: updated global analysis of three-flavor neutrino oscillations.

Generalised antenna functions for higher-order calculations (2024)
Journal Article
Fox, E., Glover, N., & Marcoli, M. (2025). Generalised antenna functions for higher-order calculations. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(12), Article 225.

In this paper we discuss the definition, the construction and the implementation of generalised antenna functions for final-state radiation up to Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order (NNLO) in QCD. Generalised antenna functions encapsulate the singular beha... Read More about Generalised antenna functions for higher-order calculations.

HETDEX-LOFAR Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog (2024)
Journal Article
Debski, M. H., Zeimann, G. R., Hill, G. J., Schneider, D. P., Morabito, L., Dalton, G., Jarvis, M. J., Mentuch Cooper, E., Ciardullo, R., Gawiser, E., & Jurlin, N. (2025). HETDEX-LOFAR Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog. The Astrophysical Journal, 978(1), Article 101.

We combine the power of blind integral field spectroscopy from the Hobby–Eberly Telescope (HET) Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) with sources detected by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) to construct the HETDEX-LOFAR Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog. Sta... Read More about HETDEX-LOFAR Spectroscopic Redshift Catalog.

LMC Calls, Milky Way Halo Answers: Disentangling the Effects of the MW–LMC Interaction on Stellar Stream Populations (2024)
Journal Article
Brooks, R. A. N., Garavito-Camargo, N., Johnston, K. V., Price-Whelan, A. M., Sanders, J. L., & Lilleengen, S. (2025). LMC Calls, Milky Way Halo Answers: Disentangling the Effects of the MW–LMC Interaction on Stellar Stream Populations. The Astrophysical Journal, 978(1), Article 79.

The infall of the LMC into the Milky Way (MW) has dynamical implications throughout the MW’s dark matter halo. We study the impact of this merger on the statistical properties of populations of simulated stellar streams. Specifically, we investigate... Read More about LMC Calls, Milky Way Halo Answers: Disentangling the Effects of the MW–LMC Interaction on Stellar Stream Populations.

Generalizing multipartite concentratable entanglement for practical applications: mixed, qudit and optical states (2024)
Journal Article
Foulds, S., Prove, O., & Kendon, V. (2024). Generalizing multipartite concentratable entanglement for practical applications: mixed, qudit and optical states. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 382(2287), Article 20240411.

The controlled SWAP test for detecting and quantifying entanglement applied to pure qubit states is robust to small errors in the states and efficient for large multi-qubit states (Foulds et al. 2021 Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 035002 (doi:10.1088/2058-... Read More about Generalizing multipartite concentratable entanglement for practical applications: mixed, qudit and optical states.