Elephants Are Stories Now: Understanding The Loss Of Elephants In South Sudan
Waanzi Hillary, I., Amuom, M., & Leonardi, C. (2024). Elephants Are Stories Now: Understanding The Loss Of Elephants In South Sudan. Rift Valley Institute
All Outputs (1894)
Les Discours publics du jeune Charles Nodier et de ses pairs bisontins : une étude de l’agentivité enfantine dans la vie civique pendant la Révolution française, 1790–94 (2024)
Journal Article
Perna, A. (2024). Les Discours publics du jeune Charles Nodier et de ses pairs bisontins : une étude de l’agentivité enfantine dans la vie civique pendant la Révolution française, 1790–94. Histoire de l’éducation, 161, 81-108. https://doi.org/10.4000/11wth
The Rising Generation and the Fogram: Locating Adulthood in Eighteenth-Century England (2024)
Book Chapter
Crosbie, B. (2024). The Rising Generation and the Fogram: Locating Adulthood in Eighteenth-Century England. In M. Cannon, & L. Tisdall (Eds.), Adulthood in Britain and the United States from 1350 to Generation Z. London University PressAdulthood is surprisingly hard to locate in histories of eighteenth-century England. The historiography might be dominated by those between childhood and old age, but this reflects an unconscious bias in which the middle stage of life is an implicit... Read More about The Rising Generation and the Fogram: Locating Adulthood in Eighteenth-Century England.
Les gens de Chaumot et les violences de guerre à la fin du XVIe siècle (2024)
Journal Article
Hamilton, T. (2024). Les gens de Chaumot et les violences de guerre à la fin du XVIe siècle. Études Villeneuviennes, 59, 35-44
“The Royal Sacred Hairy Family of Burmah”: Human Difference and Biocultural Empire in the Nineteenth Century (2024)
Book Chapter
Saha, J. (2024). “The Royal Sacred Hairy Family of Burmah”: Human Difference and Biocultural Empire in the Nineteenth Century. In A. Burton, R. Mawani, & S. Frost (Eds.), Biocultural Empire: New Histories of Imperial Lifeworlds (135-156). Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350454231.ch-5Imagine two men conversing on the deck of a steamer headed for England in the early summer of 1886. Perhaps the ship had just navigated the Suez Canal and their conversation takes place under the warm Mediterranean sun. One of the men is an engineer... Read More about “The Royal Sacred Hairy Family of Burmah”: Human Difference and Biocultural Empire in the Nineteenth Century.
Essay review: technopolitics, development and the residues of the South African state. (2024)
Journal Article
Heffernan, A. (online). Essay review: technopolitics, development and the residues of the South African state. British Journal for the History of Science, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007087424001031It has been thirty years since the end of political apartheid in South Africa in 1994. Those decades have been marked by single-party dominance under the African National Congress (ANC), and the expansion of democratic rights and public goods like ed... Read More about Essay review: technopolitics, development and the residues of the South African state..
Physics Envy (2024)
Journal Article
Martin, J. (in press). Physics Envy. Centaurus,
The Creation of State Anniversaries: James VI and I and the Politics of Thanksgiving (2024)
Journal Article
Williamson, P., & Mears, N. (online). The Creation of State Anniversaries: James VI and I and the Politics of Thanksgiving. The English Historical Review, Article ceae205. https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/ceae205Religious anniversaries ordered by the state—by the monarch, royal council or parliament—were observed in England and Ireland from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. These have been studied chiefly as occasions for special sermons and popul... Read More about The Creation of State Anniversaries: James VI and I and the Politics of Thanksgiving.
Past Caring: Archive, Affect, and Whiteness in Digital Colourisation (2024)
Journal Article
Riggs, C. (in press). Past Caring: Archive, Affect, and Whiteness in Digital Colourisation. Visual Studies,The digital colourisation of historical photographs has received prominent and favourable media attention since the 2010s; several museums, heritage organisations, and publishers have adopted it. In the US and British contexts, both the selection of... Read More about Past Caring: Archive, Affect, and Whiteness in Digital Colourisation.
‘The Service of Astronomy’: European star-gazing and its implications in the Middle Ages (2024)
Journal Article
Gasper, G. (2024). ‘The Service of Astronomy’: European star-gazing and its implications in the Middle Ages. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2877, Article 012029. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2877/1/012029What follows is an exploration of medieval European astronomy focussing on the twelfth and thirteenth centuries as a period of significant change in terms of technologies and learning largely via the inheritance from Greek and Islamicate astronomical... Read More about ‘The Service of Astronomy’: European star-gazing and its implications in the Middle Ages.
Lincoln Readings of Texts, Materials, and Contexts: Supplementum to Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources (2024)
Barrett, G., & Wilkinson, L. J. (Eds.). (2024). Lincoln Readings of Texts, Materials, and Contexts: Supplementum to Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources. Arc Humanities PressStudies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources, the transformative successor to Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History (first published in 1964), provides a unique venue for scholars to offer fresh readings of evidence from the period 400–1600. Thi... Read More about Lincoln Readings of Texts, Materials, and Contexts: Supplementum to Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources.
Ordeal by Innocents: the Law and Liturgy of Trial by Water in Early Medieval Iberia (2024)
Book Chapter
Barrett, G. (2024). Ordeal by Innocents: the Law and Liturgy of Trial by Water in Early Medieval Iberia. In G. Barrett, & L. J. Wilkinson (Eds.), Lincoln Readings of Texts, Materials, and Contexts (187-235). ARC Humanities PressThis article studies trial by hot water in late antique and early medieval Iberia across three genres of source material. I first consider the marginal position of the law on “the ordeal of the cauldron” in the oldest copies of the Visigothic code, a... Read More about Ordeal by Innocents: the Law and Liturgy of Trial by Water in Early Medieval Iberia.
Introducing Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources. A Statement of Purpose (2024)
Book Chapter
Barrett, G., & Wilkinson, L. J. (2024). Introducing Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources. A Statement of Purpose. In G. Barrett, & L. J. Wilkinson (Eds.),Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources, the transformative successor to Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History (first published in 1964), provides a unique venue for scholars to offer fresh readings of evidence from the period 400–1600. Thi... Read More about Introducing Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources. A Statement of Purpose.
Blurred Boundaries and Contested Authorities in Two Archenfield Parishes in the Later Middle Ages (2024)
Journal Article
Thomson, D. (2024). Blurred Boundaries and Contested Authorities in Two Archenfield Parishes in the Later Middle Ages. Religions, 15(10), Article 1191. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15101191This article’s primary aim is to present a highly localised body of evidence from two neighbouring small communities, Garway and Pencoyd, in the Archenfield area of the Welsh March. In Garway’s case, two documents from either end of the long fifteent... Read More about Blurred Boundaries and Contested Authorities in Two Archenfield Parishes in the Later Middle Ages.
The Ecological Consequences of Developmentalist Modernism (2024)
Journal Article
Courtney, C. (2025). The Ecological Consequences of Developmentalist Modernism. Modern China, 51(1), 15-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/00977004241280931This commentary argues that Stevan Harrell’s An Ecological History of Modern China offers valuable insights into the transformation of ecosystems, which reflect the lived experiences of Chinese people. It examines some of the more contentious claims... Read More about The Ecological Consequences of Developmentalist Modernism.
Habiter la transition : la vie quotidienne et la politique de transformation de l'État en Afrique du Sud (2024)
Journal Article
Johnson, R. E. (in press). Habiter la transition : la vie quotidienne et la politique de transformation de l'État en Afrique du Sud. 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire,Le Parlement sud-africain siège au Cap, à l'ombre de la montagne de la Table, au cœur de la ville datant de l'époque coloniale. On peut l'approcher par l'ouest et se promener sur l'avenue du gouvernement, dans les Company Gardens, devant la South Afr... Read More about Habiter la transition : la vie quotidienne et la politique de transformation de l'État en Afrique du Sud.
Present and Precedent in the Church Councils of Late Antique Iberia (RHS Historical Transactions) (2024)
Digital Artefact
Barrett, G., & Wood, J. (2024). Present and Precedent in the Church Councils of Late Antique Iberia (RHS Historical Transactions). [Blog Post]. LondonIn this post, Graham Barrett and Jamie Wood outline their recent workshop on the compact between Church and crown in late antique Iberia. The workshop, funded by the Royal Historical Society’s Workshop Grant programme, enabled participants to collabo... Read More about Present and Precedent in the Church Councils of Late Antique Iberia (RHS Historical Transactions).
“A Pageant Apart from Politics”: The Opening of the South African Parliament, 1910-2020 (2024)
Journal Article
Johnson, R. E. (in press). “A Pageant Apart from Politics”: The Opening of the South African Parliament, 1910-2020. Parliamentary History,In Westminster-model institutions of which the South African parliament is one, an opening ceremony takes place annually at the start of a parliamentary session. In the South African context in the early twentieth century, it involved a speech by the... Read More about “A Pageant Apart from Politics”: The Opening of the South African Parliament, 1910-2020.
Ruth Balint. Destination Elsewhere: Displaced Persons and their Quest to Leave Postwar Europe. (2024)
Journal Article
Clifford, R. (2024). Ruth Balint. Destination Elsewhere: Displaced Persons and their Quest to Leave Postwar Europe. American Historical Review, 129(3), 1324-1325. https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhae291
Saving, inheritance and future-making in 1940s Kenya (2024)
Journal Article
Velasco, C., & Willis, J. (online). Saving, inheritance and future-making in 1940s Kenya. Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies, https://doi.org/10.1093/pastj/gtae013The colonial state in Kenya offered its African subjects a novel tool for imagining a future life. The Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) was meant to encourage ‘thrift’ — the postponement of consumption — and to play its part in a wider colonial projec... Read More about Saving, inheritance and future-making in 1940s Kenya.