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Local-and Global-Scale Hydrological and Sediment Connectivity over Grassland (2025)
Journal Article
Tiwari, S., Turnbull, L., & Wainwright, J. (in press). Local-and Global-Scale Hydrological and Sediment Connectivity over Grassland. Journal of Hydrology,

Quantifying connectivity patterns in dryland ecosystems enables us to understand how changes in the vegetation structure influence the runoff and erosion processes. This knowledge is crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change and land use m... Read More about Local-and Global-Scale Hydrological and Sediment Connectivity over Grassland.

THE DENSITY DIALECTIC: Between Hard and Gentle Densification in London (2025)
Journal Article
Habermehl, V., & McFarlane, C. (online). THE DENSITY DIALECTIC: Between Hard and Gentle Densification in London. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,

Density is critical to cities, but how might we conceive and research its role in urban development? We argue that a conceptualization of the ‘density dialectic’ offers a productive response. Drawing on research on urban development in Tower Hamlets... Read More about THE DENSITY DIALECTIC: Between Hard and Gentle Densification in London.

Ocean warming, icebergs, and productivity in the Gulf of Alaska during the Last Interglacial (2025)
Journal Article
McClymont, E. L., Asahi, H., Stoner, J., Moy, C. M., Gleghorn, S., Lloyd, J. M., & Sánchez Montes, M. L. (2025). Ocean warming, icebergs, and productivity in the Gulf of Alaska during the Last Interglacial. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, Article 1485521.

The Pacific Ocean is an important region for carbon storage, yet the past ocean–climate interactions are relatively underexplored in explaining glacial/interglacial climate variability during the late Pleistocene re-expansion of the Cordilleran Ice S... Read More about Ocean warming, icebergs, and productivity in the Gulf of Alaska during the Last Interglacial.

Algorithmic emergence? Epistemic in/justice in AI-directed transformations of healthcare (2025)
Journal Article
Emah, I., & Bennett, S. (2025). Algorithmic emergence? Epistemic in/justice in AI-directed transformations of healthcare. Frontiers in Sociology, 10, Article 1520810.

Moves toward integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly deep learning and generative AI-based technologies, into the domains of healthcare and public health have recently intensified, with a growing body of literature tackling the ethi... Read More about Algorithmic emergence? Epistemic in/justice in AI-directed transformations of healthcare.

Increased crevassing across accelerating Greenland Ice Sheet margins (2025)
Journal Article
Chudley, T. R., Howat, I. M., King, M. D., & MacKie, E. J. (2025). Increased crevassing across accelerating Greenland Ice Sheet margins. Nature Geoscience, 18, 148–153.

Surface crevassing on the Greenland Ice Sheet is a large source of uncertainty in processes controlling mass loss due to a lack of comprehensive observations of their location and evolution through time. Here we use high-resolution digital elevation... Read More about Increased crevassing across accelerating Greenland Ice Sheet margins.

Sedimentological reconstruction of Glan-y-môr Isaf, North Wales: A model for the formation of stratified subglacial till assemblages from glaciolacustrine deposits (2025)
Journal Article
Powell, C. J., & Oien, R. P. (2025). Sedimentological reconstruction of Glan-y-môr Isaf, North Wales: A model for the formation of stratified subglacial till assemblages from glaciolacustrine deposits. Quaternary Science Reviews, 352, Article 109224.

Reconstruction of an understudied region of North Wales, north of the Llŷn Peninsula, redefines the dynamics and interaction of the Welsh Ice Cap and Irish Sea Ice Stream during the deglaciation of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Sedimentological r... Read More about Sedimentological reconstruction of Glan-y-môr Isaf, North Wales: A model for the formation of stratified subglacial till assemblages from glaciolacustrine deposits.

Financial geography II – green finance and climate transition (2025)
Journal Article
Lai, K. P. Y. (online). Financial geography II – green finance and climate transition. Progress in Human Geography,

This second progress report on financial geography focuses on green finance and research on financing climate transition and environmental challenges. It explores theoretical approaches to green finance, with Marxist perspectives on shifting capital-... Read More about Financial geography II – green finance and climate transition.

Automated Mapping of Braided Palaeochannels from Optical Images with Deep Learning Methods (2025)
Journal Article
Vanzani, F., Carbonneau, P., & Fontana, A. (in press). Automated Mapping of Braided Palaeochannels from Optical Images with Deep Learning Methods. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,

The increasing availability of remotely sensed data has been providing an enormous quantity of information for studying the geomorphology of exposed surfaces of alluvial plains. In many cases, the key for reconstructing their formation lies in the... Read More about Automated Mapping of Braided Palaeochannels from Optical Images with Deep Learning Methods.

A pre-Pliocene origin of the glacial trimline in the Ellsworth Mountains and the prevalence of old landscapes at high elevations in West Antarctica (2025)
Journal Article
Small, D., Bentley, M. J., Freeman, S. P., Rodés, A., & Xu, S. (2025). A pre-Pliocene origin of the glacial trimline in the Ellsworth Mountains and the prevalence of old landscapes at high elevations in West Antarctica. Geomorphology, 473, Article 109634.

A glacial trimline at high elevations in West Antarctica informs on previous warm-based glaciation that occurred during an earlier stage of Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution. A multi-million-year history of theses landscapes has previously been evidenced... Read More about A pre-Pliocene origin of the glacial trimline in the Ellsworth Mountains and the prevalence of old landscapes at high elevations in West Antarctica.

Microbial sulfate reduction regulated by relative sea level change in a Pleistocene – Holocene sedimentary record: Insights from Loch Duart, Scotland, UK (2025)
Journal Article
Podrecca, L., Masterson, A., Hurtgen, M., Taylor, J., Lloyd, J., Selby, D., & Sageman, B. (online). Microbial sulfate reduction regulated by relative sea level change in a Pleistocene – Holocene sedimentary record: Insights from Loch Duart, Scotland, UK. Chemical Geology, 122633.

A Pleistocene–Holocene-aged sediment core recovered near Loch Duart, located in the coastal Assynt region of NW Scotland, UK, provides new insight into the relationship between the sulfur isotope composition of iron sulfides (pyrite) and organic sulf... Read More about Microbial sulfate reduction regulated by relative sea level change in a Pleistocene – Holocene sedimentary record: Insights from Loch Duart, Scotland, UK.

Food, memory, and changing framings of sustainable consumption in Johannesburg (2025)
Journal Article
McEwan, C., Dayab, S., & Hughes, A. (online). Food, memory, and changing framings of sustainable consumption in Johannesburg. Critical African Studies,

This paper addresses how food, tradition, and memories intersect with how sustainable food consumption is conceived, practiced, and mobilised. Using ethnographic research, the paper examines articulations and practices of ‘good food’ among food syste... Read More about Food, memory, and changing framings of sustainable consumption in Johannesburg.

(Un)mapping the Punjab Onto Singapore’s Gurdwaras : Diasporic Territorialities and Decolonial Spaces of Sikh Socialisation (2025)
Journal Article
Shee, S. Y., & Woods, O. (online). (Un)mapping the Punjab Onto Singapore’s Gurdwaras : Diasporic Territorialities and Decolonial Spaces of Sikh Socialisation. Geopolitics, 1-26.

This paper explores an alternative territorial sensibility – ‘diasporic territoriality’ – that is rooted in the search for belonging outside of a putative ‘homeland’ amongst dis/placed communities. Drawing on ethnographic research with 26 members of... Read More about (Un)mapping the Punjab Onto Singapore’s Gurdwaras : Diasporic Territorialities and Decolonial Spaces of Sikh Socialisation.

Using model‐based distance sampling to estimate decadal population change in Northern Gannets ( Morus bassanus ) across periods spanned by different at‐sea survey methods (2025)
Journal Article
Clark‐Wolf, T., Miller, D. L., Drake, H., Fifield, D. A., Rail, J., Wakefield, E. D., Wilhelm, S. I., Wong, S. N., & Gjerdrum, C. (online). Using model‐based distance sampling to estimate decadal population change in Northern Gannets ( Morus bassanus ) across periods spanned by different at‐sea survey methods. Ibis: International Journal of Avian Science,

Seabirds are important sentinels of climate and ecosystem change, but many breeding populations are difficult to monitor because of the remoteness and inaccessibility of their colonies, and the sometimes cryptic nature of their nests and burrows. Lar... Read More about Using model‐based distance sampling to estimate decadal population change in Northern Gannets ( Morus bassanus ) across periods spanned by different at‐sea survey methods.

Increasing Tephra Deposition in Northeastern North America Points to Atmospheric Circulation Changes at the Early Mid Holocene Transition (2025)
Journal Article
Monteath, A. J., Jensen, B. J. L., Davies, L. J., Bolton, M. S. M., Hughes, P. D. M., Mackay, H., Edwards, M. E., Finkenbinder, M., Booth, R. K., Cwynar, L. C., Harvey, J., Pyne‐O’Donnell, S., Papp, C. N., Froese, D. G., Mallon, G., Amesbury, M. J., & Mayfield, R. J. (2025). Increasing Tephra Deposition in Northeastern North America Points to Atmospheric Circulation Changes at the Early Mid Holocene Transition. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 130(1), Article e2024JD042135.

The number of cryptotephra (non‐visible volcanic ash) records from northeastern North America is unique in the continent. The resulting tephrostratigraphic framework includes ash deposits sourced from volcanic arcs across the Northern Hemisphere and... Read More about Increasing Tephra Deposition in Northeastern North America Points to Atmospheric Circulation Changes at the Early Mid Holocene Transition.

Filling the Gaps—Computational Approaches to Incomplete Archaeological Networks (2025)
Journal Article
Priß, D., Wainwright, J., Lawrence, D., Turnbull, L., Prell, C., Karittevlis, C., & Ioannides, A. A. (2025). Filling the Gaps—Computational Approaches to Incomplete Archaeological Networks. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 32(1), Article 19.

Networks are increasingly used to describe and analyse complex archaeological data in terms of nodes (archaeological sites or places) and edges (representing relationships or connections between each pair of nodes). Network analysis can then be appli... Read More about Filling the Gaps—Computational Approaches to Incomplete Archaeological Networks.

Wind Humanities: An Elemental Media Approach (2024)
Journal Article
Hepach, M., Bishop, R., Carpenter, J. R., Parikka, J., & Schneider, B. (2024). Wind Humanities: An Elemental Media Approach. Media+Environment, 6(2),

This article introduces wind humanities as a burgeoning field, exploring how wind shapes experience, reasoning, artistic and knowledge production. It positions wind as a medium, model, and lived experience, drawing on environmental humanities, media... Read More about Wind Humanities: An Elemental Media Approach.

Foreword (2024)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Arctic State Identity: Geography, History, and Geopolitical Relations, by Ingrid A. Medby. Manchester University Press

This book sets out to answer what it means to hold a formal title as one of the eight 'Arctic states'; is there such a thing as an Arctic state identity, and if so, what does this mean for state personnel? It charts the thoughtful reflections and sto... Read More about Foreword.

Foreword (2024)
Book Chapter
Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Marine Geography: Ocean Space and Sense of Place. Elsevier

Cuts, Flows, and Leaks: Enclaving Practices and Countertopographies at Bolivia's Hydrocarbon-Conservation Frontier / Cortes, flujos y fugas: prácticas de enclavamiento y contratopografías en la frontera hidrocarburosconservación de Bolivia (2024)
Journal Article
Anthias, P. (2024). Cuts, Flows, and Leaks: Enclaving Practices and Countertopographies at Bolivia's Hydrocarbon-Conservation Frontier / Cortes, flujos y fugas: prácticas de enclavamiento y contratopografías en la frontera hidrocarburosconservación de Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Geography, 23(3), 138-166.

This paper interrogates the spatial practices and politics involved in remaking Bolivia's protected areas as territories of extraction, focusing on the ongoing conflict over natural gas development in the Tariquía National Reserve of Flora and Fauna.... Read More about Cuts, Flows, and Leaks: Enclaving Practices and Countertopographies at Bolivia's Hydrocarbon-Conservation Frontier / Cortes, flujos y fugas: prácticas de enclavamiento y contratopografías en la frontera hidrocarburosconservación de Bolivia.