Signs of the times? Testing the chronological significance of Linear A and B palaeography
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Salgarella, E., & Judson, A. (2021, September). Signs of the times? Testing the chronological significance of Linear A and B palaeography. Presented at 15th International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, Crete
All Outputs (923)
The date of the final destruction of the Palace of Nestor at Pylos (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davis, J. L., Stocker, S. R., Vitale, S., Bennet, J., Brecoulaki, H., & Judson, A. (2021, September). The date of the final destruction of the Palace of Nestor at Pylos. Presented at 15th International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, Crete
The Legacy of Plato’s Timaeus (2024)
Prins, J., & Thomas, E. (Eds.). (2024). The Legacy of Plato’s Timaeus. Brill Academic Publishers.’s Timaeus inspired a uniquely enduring interest across disciplines. In the centuries between its composition and the seventeenth century, scholars looked to this dialogue for answers to questions about the structure of the universe and how to l... Read More about The Legacy of Plato’s Timaeus.
Born-digital field survey data: using a KoBo Toolbox workflow in the West Area of Samos Archaeological Project (2024)
Journal Article
Loy, M., Katevaini, A., & Vasileiou, A. (2024). Born-digital field survey data: using a KoBo Toolbox workflow in the West Area of Samos Archaeological Project. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 9, 83–96
Review of John Killen, The new documents in Mycenaean Greek. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024. 2 vols. Pp. 1199. ISBN 9781009286091. (2024)
Journal Article
Judson, A. (2024). Review of John Killen, The new documents in Mycenaean Greek. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024. 2 vols. Pp. 1199. ISBN 9781009286091. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Article 2024.12.20
Antony of Tagrit and the progymnasmata: Towards a Syriac rhetorical theory in the Abbasid Era (2024)
Journal Article
Nicosia, M. (2024). Antony of Tagrit and the progymnasmata: Towards a Syriac rhetorical theory in the Abbasid Era. Histoire Epistémologie Langage, 46(2), paper investigates the engagement with Greek progymnasmata exercises shown by the first rhetorical handbook in Syriac: Antony of Tagrit’s On Rhetoric (ninth century). Despite lacking any specific reference to progymnastic authors or texts and ha... Read More about Antony of Tagrit and the progymnasmata: Towards a Syriac rhetorical theory in the Abbasid Era.
Work on the Poros Cemetery in the Coulson Conservation Lab (2024)
Hall, K., Loy, M., & Tzari, M. (2024). Work on the Poros Cemetery in the Coulson Conservation Lab
Introduction and overview (2024)
Journal Article
Loy, M., & Parikh, T. (2024). Introduction and overview. Archaeological Reports, 70, 1-10. introduction presents the structure and contents of the current issue of Archaeological Reports. It also offers an overview (not meant to be exhaustive) of archaeological activity in Greece over the past 12 months, focusing on major exhibitions... Read More about Introduction and overview.
Archaeological Reports vol. 70 (2024)
Loy, M., Mouratidis, G., & Parikh, T. (Eds.). (2024). Archaeological Reports vol. 70. Cambridge University Press
From Text to Building: The Impact of the Timaeus on the Discipline of Architecture in Later Antiquity (2024)
Book Chapter
Thomas, E. (in press). From Text to Building: The Impact of the Timaeus on the Discipline of Architecture in Later Antiquity. In J. Prins, & E. Thomas (Eds.), The Legacy of Plato's Timaeus. Brill Academic Publishers.
Syriac Lexis and Lexica: Compiling ancient and modern vocabularies (2024)
Nicosia, M. (Ed.). (2024). Syriac Lexis and Lexica: Compiling ancient and modern vocabularies. Gorgias Press
Syriac Rhetorical Lexica: Towards the Compilation of a Trilingual Dictionary (2024)
Book Chapter
Nicosia, M. (2024). Syriac Rhetorical Lexica: Towards the Compilation of a Trilingual Dictionary. In M. Nicosia (Ed.), Syriac Lexis and Lexica: Compiling ancient and modern vocabularies. Gorgias PressThe paper discusses the challenges posed by the creation of a trilingual lexicon (Syriac-Greek-Arabic) of the technical vocabulary of rhetoric and its advantages. It will present the selected corpus, the proposed layout of the lemmas, and a selection... Read More about Syriac Rhetorical Lexica: Towards the Compilation of a Trilingual Dictionary.
Order and chaos in the ancient Greco-Roman philosophical imagination (2024)
Journal Article
Horky, P. S. (2024). Order and chaos in the ancient Greco-Roman philosophical imagination. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2877, Article 012085. did chaos come to be opposed to order? This paper considers the earliest references in the Western world to the concepts of “chaos” (Xάος) and “order” (κόσμος), understood as cosmological concepts; these terms are first attested in the epic Theo... Read More about Order and chaos in the ancient Greco-Roman philosophical imagination.
Lord William Taylour: parallel lives in Greece and Cambridge (2024)
Book Chapter
Loy, M. (in press). Lord William Taylour: parallel lives in Greece and Cambridge. In R. Raja, M. Stamatopoulou, & O. Bobou (Eds.), Turning the Page: Archaeological Archives and Entangled Cultural Knowledge
Crystalising Initiation: The ephebic inscriptions of Hellenistic Athens (2024)
Book Chapter
de Lisle, C. (2025). Crystalising Initiation: The ephebic inscriptions of Hellenistic Athens. In J. H. Vennebusch (Ed.), Inscribing Initiation: Written Artefacts in Rites of Passage (135-154). Franz Steiner VerlagThe ephebic inscriptions of Hellenistic Athens were annually erected honorific monuments commemorating young Athenian men’s completion of the ephebate, a year-long training programme that initiated them into public life. These monuments, composed of... Read More about Crystalising Initiation: The ephebic inscriptions of Hellenistic Athens.
Heliodorus’ Aethiopica in Antony of Tagrit’s Fifth Book of Rhetoric: A Follow-up Study, Sixteen Years after the Discovery (2024)
Journal Article
Nicosia, M. (2024). Heliodorus’ Aethiopica in Antony of Tagrit’s Fifth Book of Rhetoric: A Follow-up Study, Sixteen Years after the Discovery. Le Muséon, 137(1-2), 137-169. to the absence of Syriac translations of ancient Greek novels or explicit references to any of them in the Syriac literature, scholars agreed for a long time that these texts never reached Syriac environments. However, in 2008, Aldo Corcella reco... Read More about Heliodorus’ Aethiopica in Antony of Tagrit’s Fifth Book of Rhetoric: A Follow-up Study, Sixteen Years after the Discovery.
The Conditionality of Helenus’ Oracle and Tragic Choice in Sophocles’ Philoctetes (2024)
Journal Article
McPhee, B. D. (online). The Conditionality of Helenus’ Oracle and Tragic Choice in Sophocles’ Philoctetes. Mnemosyne: A Journal of Classical Studies, 1-21.’ oracle in Sophocles’ Philoctetes is commonly misunderstood as an unqualified revelation of an immutable future: the gods have fated Philoctetes to rejoin the Greek army at Troy. This has occasioned further misinterpretations of the play, es... Read More about The Conditionality of Helenus’ Oracle and Tragic Choice in Sophocles’ Philoctetes.
The first known inscription from Hatra in Greek and Hatran Aramaic: new insights into sociolinguistics and religion at the city of the Sun (2024)
Journal Article
Bucci, I., De Hoz, M.-P., Kaizer, T., & Moriggi, M. (in press). The first known inscription from Hatra in Greek and Hatran Aramaic: new insights into sociolinguistics and religion at the city of the Sun. IRAQ,
Bernini’s Two Theatres and the Trauma of Classical Reception (2024)
Journal Article
Thomas, E. (2024). Bernini’s Two Theatres and the Trauma of Classical Reception. Skenè. Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies, 10(1), 131-146This article compares how the theatrical architectural spaces of Francesco Guitti at Parma and Gian Lorenzo Bernini at Rome used classical traditions of spectacle to satisfy contemporary sensationalist demands. Guitti’s stage machinery devised after... Read More about Bernini’s Two Theatres and the Trauma of Classical Reception.
Introduction: From Plato’s Text to the Beginnings of Modern Science: Towards a New Understanding of the Disciplinary Inheritance of Plato’s Timaeus (2024)
Book Chapter
Prins, J., & Thomas, E. (in press). Introduction: From Plato’s Text to the Beginnings of Modern Science: Towards a New Understanding of the Disciplinary Inheritance of Plato’s Timaeus. In J. Prins, & E. Thomas (Eds.), The Legacy of Plato’s Timaeus. Brill Academic Publishers.