Invasion risk of the currently cultivated alien flora in southern Africa is predicted to decline under climate change
Journal Article
Omer, A., Essl, F., Dullinger, S., Lenzner, B., García‐Rodríguez, A., Moser, D., Fristoe, T., Dawson, W., Weigelt, P., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., van Kleunen, M., & Wessely, J. (2024). Invasion risk of the currently cultivated alien flora in southern Africa is predicted to decline under climate change. Ecography, 2024(6), Article e07010.
Alien species can have massive impacts on native biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and human livelihoods. Assessing which species from currently cultivated alien floras may escape into the wild and naturalize is essential for efficient and proacti... Read More about Invasion risk of the currently cultivated alien flora in southern Africa is predicted to decline under climate change.