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All Outputs (29)

Conflict and Security (2018)
Book Chapter
Lyon, S. M. (2018). Conflict and Security. In P. Sillitoe (Ed.), International encyclopedia of anthropology. John Wiley and Sons.

Conflict and security although related, imply different domains. Conflict has long been a pre-occupation of anthropology. Underlying assumptions about how best to understand conflict have shifted over the years, but it is probably fair to say that an... Read More about Conflict and Security.

Categories and Cultural Models of Nature in Northern Punjab, Pakistan (2017)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. M., & Mughal, M. (2017). Categories and Cultural Models of Nature in Northern Punjab, Pakistan. World cultures eJournal, 22(2),

The most widespread model of the natural world by Northern Punjabi farmers appears to leverage a powerful supernatural domain, which includes Allah, as a sole God, plus, various non-human spirits or jinn, who can be both benign and malicious, and a b... Read More about Categories and Cultural Models of Nature in Northern Punjab, Pakistan.

On Brothers and Sisters: South Asian and Japanese Idea Systems and their Consequences (2017)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. M. (2017). On Brothers and Sisters: South Asian and Japanese Idea Systems and their Consequences. World cultures eJournal, 22(1),

The role expectations of cross siblings varies across culture. Such expectations, while not rigidly prescribing actual behaviors nevertheless influences relations between brothers and sisters in observable ways. In South Asia, a cultural rhetoric of... Read More about On Brothers and Sisters: South Asian and Japanese Idea Systems and their Consequences.

Online Environments and the Future of Social Science Research (2016)
Book Chapter
Fischer, M. D., Lyon, S. M., & Zeitlyn, D. (2017). Online Environments and the Future of Social Science Research. In N. G. Fielding, R. M. Lee, & G. Blank (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of online research methods (611-627). (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications

This chapter considers the impact that the Internet and related communications technologies (IRCT) will have on the range of possibilities and prospects for new generations of social scientists. Contemporary and future developments will advance the s... Read More about Online Environments and the Future of Social Science Research.

Ties That Bind: Marital Networks and Politics in Punjab, Pakistan (2016)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. M., & Mughal, M. (2016). Ties That Bind: Marital Networks and Politics in Punjab, Pakistan. Structure and dynamics, 9(2), Article imbs_socdyn_sdeas_32330

Pakistani politics are characterised by strong corporate social links through kinship and caste that impose reciprocal obligations and rights. Marital maps allow for accurate prediction of allegiances and decision making and contribute to a transpare... Read More about Ties That Bind: Marital Networks and Politics in Punjab, Pakistan.

Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises (2015)
Journal Article
Powells, G., Bell, S., Judson, E. P., Lyon, S. M., Wardle, R., Capova, K. A., & Bulkeley, H. (2016). Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises. Energy Efficiency, 9(3), 591-604.

Managing the electricity network through ‘smart grid’ systems is a key strategy to address challenges of energy security, low carbon transitions and the replacement of ageing infrastructure networks in the UK. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have... Read More about Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises.

Persistent Cultures: Miskitu Kinship Terminological Fluidity and Idea Systems (2015)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. M., Jamieson, M. A., & Fischer, M. D. (2015). Persistent Cultures: Miskitu Kinship Terminological Fluidity and Idea Systems. Structure and dynamics, 8(1), Article 1

Kinship is understood dynamically and processually but kinship terminologies are remarkably stable idea systems. They provide cultural continuity over time and are more resistant to modification than many types of cultural instantiations. Miskitu spe... Read More about Persistent Cultures: Miskitu Kinship Terminological Fluidity and Idea Systems.

The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England (2015)
Journal Article
Judson, E. P., Bell, S., Bulkeley, H., Powells, G., & Lyon, S. M. (2015). The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England. Science & Technology Studies, 28(3), 26-53

Challenges of energy security, low carbon transitions, and electricity network constraints have led to a shift to new, efficient technologies for household energy services. Studies of such technological innovations usually focus on consumer informati... Read More about The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England.

Networks and Kinship: Formal Models of Alliance, Descent and Inheritance in a Pakistani Punjabi Village (2013)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. (2013). Networks and Kinship: Formal Models of Alliance, Descent and Inheritance in a Pakistani Punjabi Village. Social Science Computer Review, 31(1), 45-55.

Pakistani Punjabi landlords use marriage both strategically as well as affectively. That is to say, they seek maximal political advantage and minimal household disruption with marriage arrangements. Using a set of formal networks analyses tools, this... Read More about Networks and Kinship: Formal Models of Alliance, Descent and Inheritance in a Pakistani Punjabi Village.

Paper as a serious method of concern (2013)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. M., & Henig, D. (2013). Paper as a serious method of concern. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 3(3), 421-425

Conceptual Models of Nature in Pakistan (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lyon, S., & Bennardo, G. (2012, July). Conceptual Models of Nature in Pakistan. Presented at Cultural Models of Nature and the Environment: Self, Space, and Causality, DeKalb, Illinois

Varieties of openness and types of digital anthropology (2012)
Journal Article
Zeitlyn, D., & Lyon, S. (2012). Varieties of openness and types of digital anthropology. Durham anthropology journal, 18(2), 97-110

We find Danny Miller’s recent article in Hau interesting and provocative (as ever in Miller’s work) but it confuses several issues which are best considered separately. Miller advocates a model of openness in publication which sees a move away from c... Read More about Varieties of openness and types of digital anthropology.

Genealogy, kinship and knowledge: A cautionary note about causation (2010)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. (2010). Genealogy, kinship and knowledge: A cautionary note about causation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33(5), 394-394.

The choice of emphasis in kinship studies has often resulted in incompatible theoretical models of kinship that are mutually undermining and contradictory. Jones’ attempts to reconcile disparate approaches to kinship using OT is useful, however; seei... Read More about Genealogy, kinship and knowledge: A cautionary note about causation.

Motivation and Justification from Dreams: Muslim decision making strategies in Punjab, Pakistan (2010)
Journal Article
Lyon, S. (2010). Motivation and Justification from Dreams: Muslim decision making strategies in Punjab, Pakistan. History and Anthropology, 21(3), 263-276.

Dreams may serve to justify or motivate decisions. This paper examines two dream incidents in Pakistan which have implications for the study of decision making processes. In the first incident, the centrality of the dream is questionable in the decis... Read More about Motivation and Justification from Dreams: Muslim decision making strategies in Punjab, Pakistan.

The Internet and the Future of Social Science Research (2008)
Book Chapter
Fischer, M., Lyon, S., & Zeitlyn, D. (2008). The Internet and the Future of Social Science Research. In N. Fielding, R. Lee, & G. Blank (Eds.), The Sage handbook of online research methods (519-536). SAGE Publications

This chapter considers the impact that the Internet and related communications technologies (IRCT) will have on the possibilities and prospects for new generations of social scientists. Contemporary and future developments will advance the scale of r... Read More about The Internet and the Future of Social Science Research.