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All Outputs (6)

On the Formal Semantics of Speech-Act Based Communication in an Agent-Oriented Programming Language (2007)
Journal Article
Vieira, R., Moreira, A., Wooldridge, M., & Bordini, R. H. (2007). On the Formal Semantics of Speech-Act Based Communication in an Agent-Oriented Programming Language. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 29, 221-267

Research on agent communication languages has typically taken the speech acts paradigm as its starting point. Despite their manifest attractions, speech-act models of communication have several serious disadvantages as a foundation for communication... Read More about On the Formal Semantics of Speech-Act Based Communication in an Agent-Oriented Programming Language.

Verifying multi-agent programs by model checking (2006)
Journal Article
Bordini, R. H., Fisher, M., Visser, W., & Wooldridge, M. (2006). Verifying multi-agent programs by model checking. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 12(2), 239-256.

This paper gives an overview of our recent work on an approach to verifying multi-agent programs. We automatically translate multi-agent systems programmed in the logic-based agent-oriented programming language AgentSpeak into either Promela or Java,... Read More about Verifying multi-agent programs by model checking.

Multi-agent programming : languages, platforms and applications (2005)
Bordini, R. H., Dastani, M., Dix, J., & El Fallah Seghrouchni, A. (Eds.). (2005). Multi-agent programming : languages, platforms and applications. Springer Verlag

The following text is taken from the publisher's website. "Multi-Agent Programming is an essential reference for anyone interested in the most up-to-date developments in MAS programming. While previous research has focused on the development of forma... Read More about Multi-agent programming : languages, platforms and applications.

Jason and the Golden Fleece of agent-oriented programming (2005)
Book Chapter
Bordini, R. H., Hübner, J. F., & Vieira, R. (2005). Jason and the Golden Fleece of agent-oriented programming. In R. H. Bordini, M. Dastani, J. Dix, & A. El Fallah Seghrouchni (Eds.), Multi-agent programming : languages, platforms and applications (3-37). Springer Verlag

Proving BDI properties of agent-oriented programming languages : the asymmetry thesis principles in AgentSpeak(L) (2004)
Journal Article
Bordini, R. H., & Moreira, A. F. (2004). Proving BDI properties of agent-oriented programming languages : the asymmetry thesis principles in AgentSpeak(L). Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 42(1-3), 197-226.

In this paper, we consider each of the nine BDI principles defined by Rao and Georgeff based on Bratman's asymmetry thesis, and we verify which ones are satisfied by Rao's AgentSpeak(L), a logic programming language inspired by the BDI architecture f... Read More about Proving BDI properties of agent-oriented programming languages : the asymmetry thesis principles in AgentSpeak(L).

State-space reduction techniques in agent verification (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bordini, R. H., Fisher, M., Visser, W., Wooldridge, M., Jennings, N. R., Sierra, C., …Tambe, M. (2004). State-space reduction techniques in agent verification. In Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2004, 19-23 July 2004, New York ; proceedings (896-903).

We have developed a set of tools to allow the use of model-checking techniques for the verification of systems directly implemented in an agent-oriented programming language. The success of model checking as a verification technique for large systems... Read More about State-space reduction techniques in agent verification.