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All Outputs (28)

Avoiding Extreme Risk Before it Occurs: A Complexity Science Approach Toward Incubation (2010)
Journal Article
McKelvey, B., & Andriani, P. (2010). Avoiding Extreme Risk Before it Occurs: A Complexity Science Approach Toward Incubation. Risk Management, 12(1), 54-82.

Crises appearing in many kinds of organizations are found to be mostly caused by management and workers. The acquisition of the Southern Pacific railroad by the Union Pacific in 1996 provides a dramatic case of how tiny initiating events – incubation... Read More about Avoiding Extreme Risk Before it Occurs: A Complexity Science Approach Toward Incubation.

From Gaussian to Paretian Thinking: Causes and Implications of Power Laws in Organizations (2009)
Journal Article
Andriani, P., & McKelvey, B. (2009). From Gaussian to Paretian Thinking: Causes and Implications of Power Laws in Organizations. Organization Science, 20(6), 1053-1071.

Although normal distributions and related current quantitative methods are still relevant for some organizational research, the growing ubiquity of power laws signifies that Pareto rank/frequency distributions, fractals, and underlying scale-free the... Read More about From Gaussian to Paretian Thinking: Causes and Implications of Power Laws in Organizations.

Complessita’, eventi estremi e leggi di potenza nel management e nelle organizzazioni (Complexity, extreme events and power laws in management and organisations) (2008)
Journal Article
Andriani, P., & McKelvey, B. (2008). Complessita’, eventi estremi e leggi di potenza nel management e nelle organizzazioni (Complexity, extreme events and power laws in management and organisations)

I manager sul campo vivono in un mondo di “estremi”, ma le ricerche sul management si basano su statistiche di tipo gaussiano che ignorano questi estremi. Occasionalmente, deviazioni che amplificano processi reciprocamente causali tra punti interdipe... Read More about Complessita’, eventi estremi e leggi di potenza nel management e nelle organizzazioni (Complexity, extreme events and power laws in management and organisations).

Storie di imprenditori-scienziati tra ricerca etnografica e business. Intervista sulla complessità a Ernesto Illy.(Between ethnography and business: an interview about complexity with coffee entrepreneur Ernesto Illy.) (2008)
Journal Article
Andriani, P., Detoni, A., & Pilotti, L. (2008). Storie di imprenditori-scienziati tra ricerca etnografica e business. Intervista sulla complessità a Ernesto Illy.(Between ethnography and business: an interview about complexity with coffee entrepreneur Ernesto Illy.)

Beyond Gaussian averages: redirecting international business and management research toward extreme events and power laws (2007)
Journal Article
Andriani, P., & McKelvey, B. (2007). Beyond Gaussian averages: redirecting international business and management research toward extreme events and power laws. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(7), 1212-1230.

Practicing managers live in a world of 'extremes', but international business and management research is based on Gaussian statistics that rule out such extremes. On occasion, positive feedback processes among interactive data points cause extreme ev... Read More about Beyond Gaussian averages: redirecting international business and management research toward extreme events and power laws.

Formacja oraz identyfikacja klastrów w fazie embrionalnej. Przykład klastra technologii podwodnych w regionie północno-wschodniej Anglii = Clusters formation and identification in the embryo stage on the example of the subsea technologies cluster in the North-Eastern England region (2007)
Journal Article
Siedlok, F., & Andriani, P. (2007). Formacja oraz identyfikacja klastrów w fazie embrionalnej. Przykład klastra technologii podwodnych w regionie północno-wschodniej Anglii = Clusters formation and identification in the embryo stage on the example of the subsea technologies cluster in the North-Eastern England region. Zarządzanie Publiczne, 1, 74-94

Diversity, interconnectivity and sustainability (2007)
Book Chapter
Allen, P., & Andriani, P. (2007). Diversity, interconnectivity and sustainability. In J. Bogg, & R. Geyer (Eds.), Complexity, science and society (11-32). Radcliffe Publishing

Beyond Gaussian averages : redirecting management research toward extreme events and power laws (2006)
Preprint / Working Paper
Andriani, P., & McKelvey, B. (2006). Beyond Gaussian averages : redirecting management research toward extreme events and power laws

Practicing managers live in a world of ‘extremes’ but management research is based on Gaussian statistics that rule out those extremes. On occasion, deviation amplifying mutual causal processes among interdependent data points cause extreme events ch... Read More about Beyond Gaussian averages : redirecting management research toward extreme events and power laws.

Innovation systems by nonlinear networks (2006)
Journal Article
Andriani, P., Conti, F., Fortuna, L., Frasca, M., Passiante, G., & Rizzo, A. (2006). Innovation systems by nonlinear networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 44(1-4), 263-268.

Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) constitute a powerful paradigm for modeling complex systems. Innovation systems are complex systems in which small and medium enterprises play the role of simple units interacting with each other. In this paper, innova... Read More about Innovation systems by nonlinear networks.

NEKS final report (2006)
Andriani, P., & Siedlok, F. (2006). NEKS final report. [No known commissioning body]

The NEKS project in the North East of England resulted in a number of outcomes, the following being the most important: 1. Identification and mapping of the subsea technologies cluster [STC] for the first time 2. Creating basis for collaboration and... Read More about NEKS final report.

Complexity Theory and the Management of Networks (2004)
Book Chapter
Andriani, P., & Passiante, G. (2004). Complexity Theory and the Management of Networks. In P. Andriani, & G. Passiante (Eds.), Complexity theory and the management of networks : Workshop on Organisational Networks as Distributed Systems of Knowledge, 2001, University of Lecce, Italy ; proceedings (3-19). Imperial College Press

Developing Knowledge in "Networks of Practice" (2004)
Book Chapter
Andriani, P., Atkinson, G., Bowden, A., & Hall, R. (2004). Developing Knowledge in "Networks of Practice". In B. Trezzini, P. Lambe, & S. Hawamdeh (Eds.), People, knowledge and technology : what have we learnt so far? : First IKMS International Conference on Knowledge Management, 13-15 December 2004, Singapore,; proceedings (21-31). World Scientific Publishing

Managing knowledge associated with innovation (2003)
Journal Article
Hall, R., & Andriani, P. (2003). Managing knowledge associated with innovation. Journal of Business Research, 56(2), 145-152.

This article reports the results of empirical work carried out in a project funded by the UK Government's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The project was concerned with operationalising knowledge management concepts in the... Read More about Managing knowledge associated with innovation.

Evolutionary Dynamics of Industrial Clusters (2003)
Book Chapter
Andriani, P. (2003). Evolutionary Dynamics of Industrial Clusters. In E. Mitleton-Kelly (Ed.), Complex systems and evolutionary perspectives on organisations : the application of complexity theory to organisations (127-146). Elsevier

Managing knowledge for innovation (2002)
Journal Article
Hall, R., & Andriani, P. (2002). Managing knowledge for innovation. Long Range Planning, 35(1), 29-48.

This paper describes a technique for identifying knowledge gaps in innovative firms. Gaps occur between existing knowledge and knowledge requirements and particularly occur when a firm is trying to introduce new processes or products. The authors wer... Read More about Managing knowledge for innovation.

Diversity, knowledge and complexity theory: some introductory issues (2001)
Journal Article
Andriani, P. (2001). Diversity, knowledge and complexity theory: some introductory issues. International Journal of Innovation Management, 5(2), 257-274.

This paper will discuss some introductory issues related to the role and importance of microdiversity of agents in the context of business networks. Traditional views emphasise the importance of connectivity in the making of industrial clusters, but... Read More about Diversity, knowledge and complexity theory: some introductory issues.