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All Outputs (16)

Responsible scientists and a citizens’ panel: New storylines for creative engagement between science and the public (2014)
Journal Article
Robinson, P., Macnaghten, P., Banks, S., Bickersteth, J., Kennedy, A., Richardson, Y., …Sylvestre, I. (2014). Responsible scientists and a citizens’ panel: New storylines for creative engagement between science and the public. The Geographical Journal, 180(1), 83-88.

Uncertainties over emerging technologies and their potential effect on society and the environment often lead to controversy between scientists, policymakers and the public. Opening up the debates and involving citizens and social scientists early in... Read More about Responsible scientists and a citizens’ panel: New storylines for creative engagement between science and the public.

Why solar radiation management geoengineering and democracy won’t mix (2013)
Journal Article
Szerszynski, B., Kearnes, M., Macnaghten, P., Owen, R., & Stilgoe, J. (2013). Why solar radiation management geoengineering and democracy won’t mix. Environment and Planning A, 45(12), 2809-2816.

In this paper we argue that recent policy treatments of solar radiation management (SRM) have insufficiently addressed its potential implications for contemporary political systems. Exploring the emerging ‘social constitution’ of SRM, we outline four... Read More about Why solar radiation management geoengineering and democracy won’t mix.

Developing a framework of responsible innovation (2013)
Journal Article
Stilgoe, J., Owen, R., & Macnaghten, P. (2013). Developing a framework of responsible innovation. Research Policy, 42(9), 1568-1580.

The governance of emerging science and innovation is a major challenge for contemporary democracies. In this paper we present a framework for understanding and supporting efforts aimed at ‘responsible innovation’. The framework was developed in part... Read More about Developing a framework of responsible innovation.

Living the Global social experiment: An analysis of public discourse on solar radiation management and its implications for governance (2013)
Journal Article
Macnaghten, P., & Szerszynski, B. (2013). Living the Global social experiment: An analysis of public discourse on solar radiation management and its implications for governance. Global Environmental Change, 23(2), 465-474.

Solar radiation management techniques are a class of geoengineering methods designed to reflect some of the inbound sunlight back into space with the intended effect of arresting further warming of the planet and thus counteracting global warming. In... Read More about Living the Global social experiment: An analysis of public discourse on solar radiation management and its implications for governance.

O mito da participação: uma perspectiva comparativa sobre governança científico-tecnológica (2011)
Journal Article
Guivant, J., & Macnaghten, P. (2011). O mito da participação: uma perspectiva comparativa sobre governança científico-tecnológica. Ambiente & Sociedade, 14(2), 89-104.

A consensus exists in the science and technology studies literature concerning the importance and need for public participation in the governance of emerging and controversial technologies. Our argument is that public participation needs to be situat... Read More about O mito da participação: uma perspectiva comparativa sobre governança científico-tecnológica.

Converging citizens? Nanotechnology and the political imaginary of public engagement in Brazil and the United Kingdom. (2011)
Journal Article
Macnaghten, P., & Guivant, J. (2011). Converging citizens? Nanotechnology and the political imaginary of public engagement in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Public Understanding of Science, 20(2), 207-220.

This paper offers a comparative analysis of two public engagement exercises, conducted concurrently in the UK and Brazil. Following an account of how public engagement is situated in the political imaginary of the UK and Brazil, we set out a theoreti... Read More about Converging citizens? Nanotechnology and the political imaginary of public engagement in Brazil and the United Kingdom..

Researching technoscientific concerns in the making: narrative structures, public responses and emerging nanotechnologies (2010)
Journal Article
Macnaghten, P. (2010). Researching technoscientific concerns in the making: narrative structures, public responses and emerging nanotechnologies. Environment and Planning A, 42(1), 23-37.

In this paper I engage with debates on technoscientific governance, narrative, and emergent public attitudes. Building on a piece of social research addressing public responses to the social and ethical dimensions of emerging nanotechnologies, I deve... Read More about Researching technoscientific concerns in the making: narrative structures, public responses and emerging nanotechnologies.

‘All things weird and scary’: Nanotechnology, theology, and cultural resources (2009)
Journal Article
Davies, S. R., Kearnes, M., & Macnaghten, P. M. (2009). ‘All things weird and scary’: Nanotechnology, theology, and cultural resources. Culture and Religion, 10(2), 201-220.

Nanotechnology is widely suggested to be fast becoming a defining technology of the twenty-first century. This 'science of the very small' has applications in areas from medicine to materials, and is predicted to have profound effects on social life.... Read More about ‘All things weird and scary’: Nanotechnology, theology, and cultural resources.

Engaging Nanotechnologies: A case study of ‘upstream’ public engagement’ (2009)
Journal Article
Macnaghten, P. (2009). Engaging Nanotechnologies: A case study of ‘upstream’ public engagement’. Ambiente & Sociedade, 12(1), 1-18.

This paper develops an analysis of the factors likely to shape future public responses to the social and ethical dimensions of emerging nanotechnologies. The research was designed to offer insight into the following: what sorts of issues are likely u... Read More about Engaging Nanotechnologies: A case study of ‘upstream’ public engagement’.

Governing at the Nanoscale: People, policies and emerging technologies (2006)
Kearnes, M., Macnaghten, P., & Wilsdon, J. (2006). Governing at the Nanoscale: People, policies and emerging technologies. Demos

Based on a two-year ESRC-funded project by Demos and Lancaster University, this report examines the technical and social implications of nanotechnologies. Rapid advances in nanotechnologies are giving rise to new economic, social and ethical question... Read More about Governing at the Nanoscale: People, policies and emerging technologies.

Nuclear Futures: Assessing Public Attitudes to New Nuclear Power (2006)
Journal Article
Grove-White, R., Kearnes, M., Macnaghten, P., & Wynne, B. (2006). Nuclear Futures: Assessing Public Attitudes to New Nuclear Power. The Political Quarterly, 77(2), 238-246.

The nuclear debate has become once again a ‘live’ policy issue in UK national politics, with far-reaching implications for a diverse range of stakeholders. There is now a new policy rationale for the consideration of new-build nuclear power in the co... Read More about Nuclear Futures: Assessing Public Attitudes to New Nuclear Power.

Nanotechnology, governance, and public deliberation: What role for the Social Sciences? (2005)
Journal Article
Macnaghten, P., Kearnes, M., & Wynne, B. (2005). Nanotechnology, governance, and public deliberation: What role for the Social Sciences?. Science Communication, 27(2), 268-291.

In this article we argue that nanotechnology represents an extraordinary opportunity to build in a robust role for the social sciences in a technology that remains at an early, and hence undetermined, stage of development. We examine policy dynamics... Read More about Nanotechnology, governance, and public deliberation: What role for the Social Sciences?.

Animals in their nature: A case study on public attitudes to animals, genetic modification and 'nature' (2004)
Journal Article
Macnaghten, P. (2004). Animals in their nature: A case study on public attitudes to animals, genetic modification and 'nature'. Sociology, 38(3), 533-551.

This article seeks to engage with contemporary debates on the social and ethical dimensions of genetically modified (GM) animals. Dominant policy ethical approaches and frameworks are criticized for failing radically to accommodate some of the most i... Read More about Animals in their nature: A case study on public attitudes to animals, genetic modification and 'nature'.

Embodying the environment in everyday life practices (2003)
Journal Article
Macnaghten, P. (2003). Embodying the environment in everyday life practices. Sociological Review, 51(1), 63-84.

This paper suggests ways in which 'the environment' needs to be reconfigured so that it better resonates with how people are experiencing politics, nature and everyday life. Through empirical research on environmental concerns and everyday practices,... Read More about Embodying the environment in everyday life practices.