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All Outputs (25)

Developing the use of diagrammatic representations in primary mathematics through professional development (2013)
Journal Article
Barmby, P., Bolden, D., Raine, S., & Thompson, L. (2013). Developing the use of diagrammatic representations in primary mathematics through professional development. Educational Research, 55(3), 263-290.

Background: The research on diagrammatic representations highlights their importance for the teaching and learning of mathematics. However, the empirical evidence to support their use in the classroom is mixed and somewhat lacking. Purpose: The aim o... Read More about Developing the use of diagrammatic representations in primary mathematics through professional development.

A representational approach to developing primary ITT students' confidence in their mathematics (2013)
Journal Article
Bolden, D., Barmby, P., & Harries, A. (2013). A representational approach to developing primary ITT students' confidence in their mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44(1), 70-83.

Representations of mathematical concepts play an important role in understanding: both in helping learners understand the to-be-learned material and in facilitating teachers’ understanding of pedagogical processes which, in turn, are involved in deve... Read More about A representational approach to developing primary ITT students' confidence in their mathematics.

Defending attitude scales (2011)
Book Chapter
Kind, P., & Barmby, P. (2011). Defending attitude scales. In I. Saleh, & M. Khine (Eds.), Attitude research in science education : classic and contemporary measurements (117-135). Information Age Publishing

Teaching for understanding/understanding for teaching (2010)
Book Chapter
Barmby, P., Harries, A., & Higgins, S. (2010). Teaching for understanding/understanding for teaching. In I. Thompson (Ed.), Issues in teaching numeracy in primary schools (45-57). McGraw-Hill

The array representation and primary children's understanding and reasoning in multiplication (2009)
Journal Article
Barmby, P., Harries, T., Higgins, S., & Suggate, J. (2009). The array representation and primary children's understanding and reasoning in multiplication. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(3), 217-241.

We examine whether the array representation can support children’s understanding and reasoning in multiplication. To begin, we define what we mean by understanding and reasoning. We adopt a ‘representational-reasoning’ model of understanding, where u... Read More about The array representation and primary children's understanding and reasoning in multiplication.

Representing multiplication. (2008)
Journal Article
Harries, A., & Barmby, P. (2008). Representing multiplication. Mathematics teaching, 206, 37-41

Representing and Understanding Multiplication (2007)
Journal Article
Harries, A., & Barmby, P. (2007). Representing and Understanding Multiplication. Research in Mathematics Education, 9(1), 33-46.

In this paper, we examine the importance of representations, in particular with respect to the understanding of multiplication by primary school pupils. We first of all look at the theoretical background to representations in mathematics. In particul... Read More about Representing and Understanding Multiplication.

Examining Changing Attitudes in Secondary School Science (2007)
Journal Article
Barmby, P., Kind, P., & Jones, K. (2008). Examining Changing Attitudes in Secondary School Science. International Journal of Science Education, 30(8), 1075-1093.

This study, carried out in England, examined the variation of attitudes towards science over the first three years of secondary schooling and with gender. The study in question was part of an evaluation of the "Lab in a Lorry" project, and involved 9... Read More about Examining Changing Attitudes in Secondary School Science.

Developing attitudes towards science measures (2007)
Journal Article
Kind, P., Jones, K., & Barmby, P. (2007). Developing attitudes towards science measures. International Journal of Science Education, 29(7), 871-893.

In this study, we describe the development of measures used to examine pupils' attitudes towards science. In particular, separate measures for attitudes towards the following areas were developed: learning science in school, practical work in science... Read More about Developing attitudes towards science measures.

Improving Teacher Recruitment and Retention: The Importance of workload and Pupil Behaviour (2006)
Journal Article
Barmby, P. (2006). Improving Teacher Recruitment and Retention: The Importance of workload and Pupil Behaviour. Educational Research, 48(3), 247-265.

The shortage of teachers in England and Wales continues to be a high profile area of scrutiny. Particular subjects (including mathematics; science and English) are categorized by the Training and Development Agency (TDA)for schools as priority or sho... Read More about Improving Teacher Recruitment and Retention: The Importance of workload and Pupil Behaviour.