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All Outputs (17)

Morality in Intellectual Property Law: A Concept-Theoretic Framework (2016)
Journal Article
Adcock, M., & Beyleveld, D. (2016). Morality in Intellectual Property Law: A Concept-Theoretic Framework. Intellectual property rights. Open access, 4(1), Article 154.

This paper presents a ‘concept-theoretic’ position on the relationship between law and morality in any legal system that includes respect for human rights as a fundamental principle of the legal validity of its rules. With European Union law (EU law)... Read More about Morality in Intellectual Property Law: A Concept-Theoretic Framework.

Intellectual property, genetically modified crops and bioethics. (2007)
Journal Article
Adcock, M. (2007). Intellectual property, genetically modified crops and bioethics. Biotechnology Journal, 2(9), 1088-1092.

The implementation of a new technology is almost always surrounded by a debate on the moral and social implications that may arise. The debate with regard to genetically modified (GM) crops has been one of the longest and most controversial. However,... Read More about Intellectual property, genetically modified crops and bioethics..

European Plant Intellectual Property (2006)
Llewelyn, M., & Adcock, M. (2006). European Plant Intellectual Property. Hart Publishing

This authoritative new work analyses European plant intellectual property rights. Whilst the focus of the work is on Europe, and in particular the European Patent Convention, the Council Regulation on Community Plant Variety Rights and the EU Directi... Read More about European Plant Intellectual Property.

The Detail of Law relating to Modern Biotechnology. (2005)
Book Chapter
Adcock, M., & Kinderlerer, J. (2005). The Detail of Law relating to Modern Biotechnology. In H. Landeweerd, & T. Meulen (Eds.), BioTechnology-Ethics (189-194). Angelo Pontecorboli Editore

Agricultural Biotechnology, Politics, Ethics and Policy. (2003)
Book Chapter
Adcock, M., & Kinderlerer, J. (2003). Agricultural Biotechnology, Politics, Ethics and Policy. In Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Security in Southern Africa (71-112). International Food Policy Research Institute

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Genetics - A Study into the Impact and Management of Intellectual Property Rights within the Healthcare Sector. (2003)
Cornish, W., Llewelyn, M., & Adcock, M. (2003). and Genetics - A Study into the Impact and Management of Intellectual Property Rights within the Healthcare Sector. [No known commissioning body]

Intellectual property rights and genetics A study into the impact and management of intellectual property rights within the healthcare sector Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are playing an increasingly important role in healthcare delivery and ar... Read More about Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Genetics - A Study into the Impact and Management of Intellectual Property Rights within the Healthcare Sector..