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Editorial- Launching Enhancing Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (ELTHE): a place to publish and share your own scholarly work and teaching innovations. (2024)
Journal Article
Roger, M., & Nolan, S. (2024). Editorial- Launching Enhancing Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (ELTHE): a place to publish and share your own scholarly work and teaching innovations. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 1, 1-3.

Welcome to the first edition of Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ELTHE). ETLHE offers an opportunity for those involved in universitylearning and teaching to disseminate their practice. It aims to publish accounts of scho... Read More about Editorial- Launching Enhancing Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (ELTHE): a place to publish and share your own scholarly work and teaching innovations..

Engineering a Multilayered Skin Equivalent: The Importance of Endogenous Extracellular Matrix Maturation to Provide Robustness and Reproducibility (2019)
Book Chapter
Costello, L., Fullard, N., Roger, M., Bradbury, S., Dicolandrea, T., Isfort, R., …Przyborski, S. (2019). Engineering a Multilayered Skin Equivalent: The Importance of Endogenous Extracellular Matrix Maturation to Provide Robustness and Reproducibility. In S. Böttcher-Haberzeth, & T. Biedermann (Eds.), Skin Tissue Engineering (107-122).