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Towards sustainable assessment formats in language teaching: testing integrated skills with portfolio-based tasks (2024)
Journal Article
Coderch, M., & Lewis, L. (2024). Towards sustainable assessment formats in language teaching: testing integrated skills with portfolio-based tasks. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 1, 87-96.

In this paper, we share our experience of using portfolio-based tasks to assess integrated skills in German and Spanish language modules at level C1. The modules, delivered during the academic year 2022-23, are part of the institution-wide language p... Read More about Towards sustainable assessment formats in language teaching: testing integrated skills with portfolio-based tasks.

An initial assessment of the academic and professional profile of modern foreign languages’ teachers in UK higher education (2021)
Journal Article
Coderch, M. (2021). An initial assessment of the academic and professional profile of modern foreign languages’ teachers in UK higher education. Language Learning in Higher Education, 11(2), 527-535.

The aim of this activity report is to provide an initial appraisal of the current makeup of the professional group of modern foreign language teachers in UK Higher Education. The report is in two parts: a literature review that identifies the main de... Read More about An initial assessment of the academic and professional profile of modern foreign languages’ teachers in UK higher education.

Entre l’amor i el dret: l’ús del lèxic feudal a la lírica amorosa medieval catalana i valenciana. = Between love and law: feudal vocabulary in medieval Catalan and Valencian courtly love lyric (2015)
Journal Article
Coderch, M. (2015). Entre l’amor i el dret: l’ús del lèxic feudal a la lírica amorosa medieval catalana i valenciana. = Between love and law: feudal vocabulary in medieval Catalan and Valencian courtly love lyric. Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 45(1), 195-231.

L’ús del lèxic del dret feudal per part dels trobadors de les corts occitanes durant els segles XII i XIII és la característica més innovadora d’aquesta manifestació artística. Aquesta convenció es manté, amb nivells d’intensitat variables, en la pro... Read More about Entre l’amor i el dret: l’ús del lèxic feudal a la lírica amorosa medieval catalana i valenciana. = Between love and law: feudal vocabulary in medieval Catalan and Valencian courtly love lyric.

Humanities on the Web: The Medieval World (2014)
Soriano, L., Rovira, H., Coderch, M., Sabaté, G., & Espluga, X. (Eds.). (2014). Humanities on the Web: The Medieval World. Peter Lang.

This book reveals the current state of advanced research in the field of Humanities, introducing some of the leading projects being carried out in Europe and in the Unites States by historians and philologists. These research projects have to do with... Read More about Humanities on the Web: The Medieval World.

Actitudes frente a los ideales éticos corteses en la lírica castellana y catalanovalenciana de los siglos XIV y XV (2011)
Journal Article
Coderch, M. (2011). Actitudes frente a los ideales éticos corteses en la lírica castellana y catalanovalenciana de los siglos XIV y XV. Revista de literatura medieval, 23, 87-103

Catalan-Valencian love poetry of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and cancionero Castilian poetry are not only linked by geographical and temporal bonds, but also share the same origins: both are heirs, each one in its own way, to the poetic tr... Read More about Actitudes frente a los ideales éticos corteses en la lírica castellana y catalanovalenciana de los siglos XIV y XV.