An implicit enrichment approach in the boundary element method framework for stress intensity factors calculation in anisotropic materials
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hattori, G., Alatawi, I., & Trevelyan, J. (2015). An implicit enrichment approach in the boundary element method framework for stress intensity factors calculation in anisotropic materials. In V. Mantic, A. Sáez, & M. Aliabadi (Eds.), Advances in boundary element and meshless techniques XVI (197-202)
All Outputs (3)
A direct SIF approach for anisotropic materials using the boundary element method (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hattori, G., Alatawi, I., & Trevelyan, J. (2015). A direct SIF approach for anisotropic materials using the boundary element method. In A. J. Gil, & R. Sevilla (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Mechanics, ACME-UK 2015, 8th-10th April 2015, College of Engineering, Swansea University, Wales, UK (279-282)Recently developments in numerical methods such as the Extended Finite Element Method (X-FEM) and the Extended Boundary Element Method (X-BEM) have significantly improved the accuracy in linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) problems. Nevertheless... Read More about A direct SIF approach for anisotropic materials using the boundary element method.
A direct evaluation of stress intensity factors using the Extended Dual Boundary Element Method (2015)
Journal Article
Alatawi, I., & Trevelyan, J. (2015). A direct evaluation of stress intensity factors using the Extended Dual Boundary Element Method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 52, 56-63. introduce an alternative method in computational fracture mechanics to evaluate Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs) directly using the Extended Dual Boundary Element Method (XBEM) for 2D problems. Like other enrichment approaches, the new approach is... Read More about A direct evaluation of stress intensity factors using the Extended Dual Boundary Element Method.