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All Outputs (27)

Crediting Stiegler (2024)
Journal Article
Moore, G. (2024). Crediting Stiegler. Philosophy Today: An International Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, 68(3), 425-442.

The opening contributions to this special edition on "The Truth of Stiegler" make the case that the more Bernard Stiegler develops his analysis of the catastrophic collapse of society, the further he risks departure from the philosophical rigour of h... Read More about Crediting Stiegler.

Against Simplification: The Intermittence of Life (2024)
Book Chapter
Moore, G. (2024). Against Simplification: The Intermittence of Life. In B. Buseyne, G. Tsagdis, & P. Willemarck (Eds.), Bernard Stiegler: Memories of the Future (63-76). Bloomsbury

Post-scriptum sur une société malade. (2021)
Book Chapter
Moore, G. (2021). Post-scriptum sur une société malade. In A. Alombert, V. Chaix, M. Montévil, & V. Puig (Eds.), Prendre soin de l’informatique et des générations (207-220). Éditions FYP

Automations, Technological and Nervous: Addiction Epidemics from Athens to Fake News (2020)
Journal Article
Moore, G. (2020). Automations, Technological and Nervous: Addiction Epidemics from Athens to Fake News. New Formations, 98, 119-138.

Building on work by Bertrand Gille (1978), Bernard Stiegler argues that waves of technological automation tend to be characterised by periods of social ‘disadjustment’, when the rapid pace of change leaves political and social support systems inadequ... Read More about Automations, Technological and Nervous: Addiction Epidemics from Athens to Fake News.

On the Origin of Aisthesis by Means of Artificial Selection; or, the Preservation of Favored Traces in the Struggle for Existence (2017)
Journal Article
Moore, G. (2017). On the Origin of Aisthesis by Means of Artificial Selection; or, the Preservation of Favored Traces in the Struggle for Existence. boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture, 44(1), 191-212.

Much is made of Charles Darwin's concept of natural selection, but Bernard Stiegler has developed a theory of artificial selection that is arguably every bit as important for an understanding of human life, and the life of the mind and aesthetics, in... Read More about On the Origin of Aisthesis by Means of Artificial Selection; or, the Preservation of Favored Traces in the Struggle for Existence.

Prolégomènes à un manifeste des études digitales (2016)
Journal Article
Moore, G. (2016). Prolégomènes à un manifeste des études digitales. Études digitales, 1(2),

Résumé Les « études digitales » ne peuvent pas se contenter de rester aux marges de l’université traditionnelle. Comme nom pour la théorie stieglerienne de l’« organologie générale », elles sont un paradigme pour la réinvention des humanités – ainsi... Read More about Prolégomènes à un manifeste des études digitales.

Stiegler and Technics (2013)
Howells, C., & Moore, G. (Eds.). (2013). Stiegler and Technics. Edinburgh University Press

Embers of the Sublime: Sacrifice and the Sensation of Existence (2013)
Journal Article
Moore, G. (2013). Embers of the Sublime: Sacrifice and the Sensation of Existence. The Senses and Society, 8(1), 37-49.

In The Inner Touch: Archaeology of a Sensation (2007), Daniel Heller-Roazen traces the history of what one might call a feeling of being alive, before drawing attention to twentieth-century philosophers' fascination with an apparent dimming of vitali... Read More about Embers of the Sublime: Sacrifice and the Sensation of Existence.