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Republicanism versus Liberalism: Towards a Pre-History (2022)
Journal Article
Craig, D. (2022). Republicanism versus Liberalism: Towards a Pre-History. Intellectual History Review, 33(1), 101-130.

This essay argues that the “republicanism versus liberalism” debate that came to prominence in the 1980s – especially in the historiography of the birth of the United States – was largely an artificial construction made possible by the recent genealo... Read More about Republicanism versus Liberalism: Towards a Pre-History.

Tories and the Language of 'Liberalism' in the 1820s (2020)
Journal Article
Craig, D. (2020). Tories and the Language of 'Liberalism' in the 1820s. The English Historical Review, 135(576), 1195-1228.

This article reconsiders the problem of ‘liberal Toryism’ in the 1820s not by looking at the government’s policies, but instead at the very ‘liberal’ language through which they were expressed. It argues that an existing domestic language of ‘liberal... Read More about Tories and the Language of 'Liberalism' in the 1820s.

Political Ideas and Languages (2018)
Book Chapter
Craig, D. (2018). Political Ideas and Languages. In D. Brown, R. Crowcroft, & G. Pentland (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern British Political History, 1800-2000. Oxford University Press

The Language of Liberality in Britain, c.1760-c.1815 (2018)
Journal Article
Craig, D. (2019). The Language of Liberality in Britain, c.1760-c.1815. Modern Intellectual History, 16(3), 771-801.

While the word “liberalism” only appeared in Britain from the 1820s, this article argues that its prehistory must pay attention to the language of “liberality.” It suggests that until the 1760s, to be “liberal,” and to demonstrate “liberality,” were... Read More about The Language of Liberality in Britain, c.1760-c.1815.

Political Ideas and 'Real' Politics (2016)
Book Chapter
Craig, D. (2016). Political Ideas and 'Real' Politics. In N. Turnbull (Ed.), Interpreting governance, high politics, and public policy : essays commemorating Interpreting British governance (97-114). Routledge

Statesmanship (2013)
Book Chapter
Craig, D. (2013). Statesmanship. In D. Craig, & J. Thompson (Eds.), Languages of politics in nineteenth-century Britain (44-68). Palgrave Macmillan.

In 1921 James Bryce observed in Modern Democracies how ‘extremely small is the number of persons by whom the world is governed’ and that free government was always ‘an Oligarchy within a Democracy’.1 Accordingly, a major theme in the historiography o... Read More about Statesmanship.

Introduction (2013)
Book Chapter
Craig, D., & Thompson, J. (2013). Introduction. In D. Craig, & J. Thompson (Eds.), Languages of politics in nineteenth-century Britain (1-20). Palgrave Macmillan.

Some would say that the study of nineteenth-century politics is just now in a curiously unsatisfactory condition. Other areas seem more dynamic. Many scholars have moved towards research in twentieth-century history while others now focus principally... Read More about Introduction.

Burke and the constitution (2012)
Book Chapter
Craig, D. (2012). Burke and the constitution. In D. Dwan, & C. J. Insole (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Edmund Burke (104-116). Cambridge University Press

The origins of ‘liberalism’ in Britain: the case of The Liberal (2012)
Journal Article
Craig, D. (2012). The origins of ‘liberalism’ in Britain: the case of The Liberal. Historical Research, 85(229), 469-487.

This article examines the public reception of the periodical The Liberal to establish how the language of ‘liberalism’ began to develop in Britain in the eighteen-twenties. It shows that Hunt, Byron and Shelley had difficulty establishing a claim to... Read More about The origins of ‘liberalism’ in Britain: the case of The Liberal.

Advanced conservative liberalism: party and principle in Trollope's parliamentary novels (2010)
Journal Article
Craig, D. (2010). Advanced conservative liberalism: party and principle in Trollope's parliamentary novels. Victorian Literature and Culture, 38(2), 355-371.

When, on 17 November 1868, Anthony Trollope came bottom of the poll at Beverley in Yorkshire, his cherished ambition to become a Liberal MP was at an end. He had advocated the key elements of the liberal program – Irish Church disestablishment and na... Read More about Advanced conservative liberalism: party and principle in Trollope's parliamentary novels.

High politics' and the 'new political history (2010)
Journal Article
Craig, D. (2010). High politics' and the 'new political history. Historical Journal, 53(2), 453-475.

Recent claims about the convergence in methodology between ‘high politics’ and the ‘new political history’ remain unclear. The first part of this review examines two deeply entrenched misunderstandings of key works of high politics from the 1960s and... Read More about High politics' and the 'new political history.

Robert Southey and Romantic Apostasy. Political Argument in Britain, 1780-1840 (2007)
Craig, D. (2007). Robert Southey and Romantic Apostasy. Political Argument in Britain, 1780-1840. Boydell & Brewer

Like William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey has been remembered not just as a romantic poet but also as a political apostate. In the 1790s he was fired by enthusiasm for the French Revolution, and was known as a radical and a... Read More about Robert Southey and Romantic Apostasy. Political Argument in Britain, 1780-1840.

Bagehot's republicanism (2007)
Book Chapter
Craig, D. (2007). Bagehot's republicanism. In A. Olechnowicz (Ed.), The monarchy and the British nation, 1780 to the present (139-162). Cambridge University Press

The crowned republic? Monarchy and anti-monarchy in Britain, 1760-1901 (2003)
Journal Article
Craig, D. (2003). The crowned republic? Monarchy and anti-monarchy in Britain, 1760-1901. Historical Journal, 46(1), 167-185.

In the last two decades historians have been increasingly interested in the modernization of the monarchy, and the nature of the republican threat. This review evaluates some of this recent literature. The first section argues that while Walter Bageh... Read More about The crowned republic? Monarchy and anti-monarchy in Britain, 1760-1901.