Implementación de la negociación colectiva sectorial: Una visión general de las ventajas, los riesgos y las condiciones para su funcionamiento
Brandl, B. (in press). Implementación de la negociación colectiva sectorial: Una visión general de las ventajas, los riesgos y las condiciones para su funcionamiento. Organización Internacional del Trabajo
All Outputs (79)
Tracing The Potential Benefits And Complex Contingencies Of Multi-level Collective Bargaining (2024)
Journal Article
Grimshaw, D., Brandl, B., Bertranou, F., & Gontero, S. (in press). Tracing The Potential Benefits And Complex Contingencies Of Multi-level Collective Bargaining. International Labour Review,This article provides a critical review of the international evidence for economic benefits of multi-level collective bargaining. The expected gains are highly contingent and depend upon a raft of interlocking enabling conditions. This means that as... Read More about Tracing The Potential Benefits And Complex Contingencies Of Multi-level Collective Bargaining.
All about power after all? A multilevel analysis of employers’ organization membership in Europe (2023)
Journal Article
Lehr, A., Jansen, G., & Brandl, B. (2023). All about power after all? A multilevel analysis of employers’ organization membership in Europe. British Journal of Industrial Relations,’ organizations (EOs) are the voice of business interests in social partnership and socioeconomic policy making. Their legitimacy depends on the willingness of employers to join them as members. We examine the role of two types of power that... Read More about All about power after all? A multilevel analysis of employers’ organization membership in Europe.
Het gebruik van human resources analytics door bedrijven: mogelijkheden, kansen en motivatie (2023)
Journal Article
Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2023). Het gebruik van human resources analytics door bedrijven: mogelijkheden, kansen en motivatie. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 39(1), 125-129.
From Factors to Actors: Networks and Network Theory in Comparative Industrial Relations (2022)
Book Chapter
Brandl, B. (2022). From Factors to Actors: Networks and Network Theory in Comparative Industrial Relations. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory. Routledge. this chapter it is explained that industrial relations can be described by networks of different actors. Therefore, social network theory and analyses is an ideal approach to understand industrial relations phenomena and outcomes. It is argued tha... Read More about From Factors to Actors: Networks and Network Theory in Comparative Industrial Relations.
Conclusions (2022)
Book Chapter
Brandl, B., Larsson, B., Lehr, A., & Molina, O. (in press). Conclusions. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory. Routledge
Introduction (2022)
Book Chapter
Brandl, B., Larsson, B., Lehr, A., & Molina, O. (in press). Introduction. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory. Routledge
Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory (2022)
Brandl, B., Larsson, B., Lehr, A., & Molina, O. (Eds.). (in press). Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory. Routledge
International Networks and the Activities of Peak Employers’ Associations: Do As I Do? (2022)
Book Chapter
Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (in press). International Networks and the Activities of Peak Employers’ Associations: Do As I Do?. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory. Routledge
The role of the capability, opportunity, and motivation of firms for using human resource analytics to monitor employee performance: A multi‐level analysis of the organisational, market, and country context (2022)
Journal Article
Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2022). The role of the capability, opportunity, and motivation of firms for using human resource analytics to monitor employee performance: A multi‐level analysis of the organisational, market, and country context. New Technology, Work and Employment, 37(3), 398-424. digitalisation of business processes has led to the availability of (big) data which increasingly allows firms to analyse their workforce using HR analytics. On the basis of a cross-national multi-level analysis and a data set that covers more th... Read More about The role of the capability, opportunity, and motivation of firms for using human resource analytics to monitor employee performance: A multi‐level analysis of the organisational, market, and country context.
Everything We Do Know (and Don’t Know) About Collective Bargaining: The Zeitgeist in the Academic and Political Debate on the Role and Effects of Collective Bargaining (2022)
Journal Article
Brandl, B. (2022). Everything We Do Know (and Don’t Know) About Collective Bargaining: The Zeitgeist in the Academic and Political Debate on the Role and Effects of Collective Bargaining. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 44(3), 660 - 678. article provides an overview of academic and public policy debates on the role and effects of collective bargaining. The motivation behind this article is that the academic and political debate is – and ever was – characterized by many controver... Read More about Everything We Do Know (and Don’t Know) About Collective Bargaining: The Zeitgeist in the Academic and Political Debate on the Role and Effects of Collective Bargaining.
Charting Platform Capitalism: Definitions, concepts and ideologies (2022)
Journal Article
Liang, Y., Aroles, J., & Brandl, B. (2022). Charting Platform Capitalism: Definitions, concepts and ideologies. New Technology, Work and Employment, 37(2), 308-327. term ‘platform capitalism’ captures a dynamic set of new work modalities that are mediated by platforms and have been brought about through advances in Information and Communication Technologies, adjustments in consumption modes and preferences,... Read More about Charting Platform Capitalism: Definitions, concepts and ideologies.
The co-operation between business organizations, trade unions and the state during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative analysis of the nature of the tripartite relationship (2021)
Journal Article
Brandl, B. (2023). The co-operation between business organizations, trade unions and the state during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative analysis of the nature of the tripartite relationship. Industrial Relations, 62(2), 145-171. COVID-19 outbreak has led to an increase in social dialogue in general and, in particular, to an increase in tripartite cooperation between social partners’ organizations and state authorities. This paper takes a critical look behind this coopera... Read More about The co-operation between business organizations, trade unions and the state during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative analysis of the nature of the tripartite relationship.
The Effects of Collective Bargaining Systems on the Productivity Function of Firms: An Analysis of Bargaining Structures and Processes and the Implications for Policy Making (2021)
Journal Article
Brandl, B., & Braakmann, N. (2021). The Effects of Collective Bargaining Systems on the Productivity Function of Firms: An Analysis of Bargaining Structures and Processes and the Implications for Policy Making. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(3), 218-236. recent years, individual and company bargaining have increasingly supplanted sector and country collective bargaining leading to increasingly heterogeneous and perforated, i.e. hybrid, national collective bargaining systems. Little is known about... Read More about The Effects of Collective Bargaining Systems on the Productivity Function of Firms: An Analysis of Bargaining Structures and Processes and the Implications for Policy Making.
Trust as the cement in the employment relationship? The role of trust in different workplace employment relations regimes (2021)
Journal Article
Brandl, B. (2021). Trust as the cement in the employment relationship? The role of trust in different workplace employment relations regimes. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 8(4), 80-96. paper addresses the puzzle of why the same workplace employment relations regimes can lead to different performances and why different regimes can produce the same performance. It is argued that the incidence of mutual, and not necessarily unila... Read More about Trust as the cement in the employment relationship? The role of trust in different workplace employment relations regimes.
Trust Relationships in Employment Relationships: the Role of Trust for Firm Profitability (2020)
Journal Article
Brandl, B. (2020). Trust Relationships in Employment Relationships: the Role of Trust for Firm Profitability. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 28(1), 139-161. between actors in firms per se as well as in the employment relationship, i.e. between the representatives of employees and the management, is usually seen in the literature to affect firm performance positively, yet to date there has been no s... Read More about Trust Relationships in Employment Relationships: the Role of Trust for Firm Profitability.
The Performance Effects of Collective and Individual Bargaining: A Comprehensive and Granular Analysis of Different Bargaining Systems on Company Productivity (2020)
Journal Article
Braakmann, N., & Brandl, B. (2021). The Performance Effects of Collective and Individual Bargaining: A Comprehensive and Granular Analysis of Different Bargaining Systems on Company Productivity. International Labour Review, 160(1), 43-64. representative company level data for all member states of the European Union, we analyze the relationship between different processes and institutional structures of collective bargaining against the development of company labor productivity.... Read More about The Performance Effects of Collective and Individual Bargaining: A Comprehensive and Granular Analysis of Different Bargaining Systems on Company Productivity.
Variable Pay and/or Collective Wage Bargaining? Complements or Substitutes? (2019)
Journal Article
Bechter, B., Braakmann, N., & Brandl, B. (2021). Variable Pay and/or Collective Wage Bargaining? Complements or Substitutes?. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 74(2), 443-469. collective wage bargaining impedes the implementation of variable pay systems is uncertain. The authors argue that much of this uncertainty is attributable to the fact that research neglects differences in the institutional structure of barga... Read More about Variable Pay and/or Collective Wage Bargaining? Complements or Substitutes?.
Variations and (a)symmetries in trust between employees and employers in Europe: Some (not so) well-known stylized facts (2019)
Journal Article
Brandl, B. (2020). Variations and (a)symmetries in trust between employees and employers in Europe: Some (not so) well-known stylized facts. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 26(3), 313-329. analyse the incidence of trust between employee representatives and management at the firm level in EU member states. Most previous analyses focus primarily on employees’ trust in the employer, but I consider both sides. The analysis confirms, but... Read More about Variations and (a)symmetries in trust between employees and employers in Europe: Some (not so) well-known stylized facts.
Collective Wage Bargaining and the Role of Institutional Stability: A Cross-National Comparison of Macroeconomic Performance (2018)
Journal Article
Brandl, B., & Ibsen, C. (2019). Collective Wage Bargaining and the Role of Institutional Stability: A Cross-National Comparison of Macroeconomic Performance. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(3), 677-694. the advent of the economic crisis, interest in the efficacy of collective wage bargaining institutions has increased as the labour market was required to bear the burden of economic adjustment and became an important policy-field for institutio... Read More about Collective Wage Bargaining and the Role of Institutional Stability: A Cross-National Comparison of Macroeconomic Performance.