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Los últimos restos del DODO. La elección de bases jurídicas y su influencia en el papel del Parlamento Europeo en la nueva PESC a la luz del Asunto Acuerdo sobre la piratería con Mauricio (C-658/2011) (2015)
Journal Article
Delgado Casteleiro, A. (2015). Los últimos restos del DODO. La elección de bases jurídicas y su influencia en el papel del Parlamento Europeo en la nueva PESC a la luz del Asunto Acuerdo sobre la piratería con Mauricio (C-658/2011). Civitas. Revista española de derecho europeo, 53(1), 175-199

La presente contribución analiza como la elección de la base jurídica para la conclusión de acuerdo internacional influye en los poderes del Parlamento Europeo en el ámbito de la PESC tras la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Lisboa. A través de del an... Read More about Los últimos restos del DODO. La elección de bases jurídicas y su influencia en el papel del Parlamento Europeo en la nueva PESC a la luz del Asunto Acuerdo sobre la piratería con Mauricio (C-658/2011).

The ‘Odd Couple’: The Responsibility of the EU at the WTO (2013)
Book Chapter
Casteleiro, A. D., & Larik, J. (2013). The ‘Odd Couple’: The Responsibility of the EU at the WTO. In M. D. Evans, & P. Koutrakos (Eds.), The international responsibility of the European Union : European and international perspectives (233-256). Hart Publishing

The International Responsibility of the European Union— the EU Perspective: Between Pragmatism and Proceduralisation (2013)
Journal Article
Delgado Casteleiro, A. (2013). The International Responsibility of the European Union— the EU Perspective: Between Pragmatism and Proceduralisation. The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies, 15, 563-586.

EU management of its international responsibility for wrongful acts varies between a pragmatic approach and the proceduralisation of its responsibility. The EU either lays down complex procedures in order to manage the allocation of responsibility in... Read More about The International Responsibility of the European Union— the EU Perspective: Between Pragmatism and Proceduralisation.

EU Declarations of Competence to Multilateral Agreements: A Useful Reference Base? (2012)
Journal Article
Casteleiro, A. D. (2012). EU Declarations of Competence to Multilateral Agreements: A Useful Reference Base?. European Foreign Affairs Review, 17(4), 491-509

The participation of the European Union alongside its Member States in multilateral agreements can create situations of uncertainty for third parties. In order to deal with this uncertainty, the EU makes a declaration stating the extent to which the... Read More about EU Declarations of Competence to Multilateral Agreements: A Useful Reference Base?.

The Duty to Remain Silent: Limitless Loyalty in EU External Relations? (2011)
Journal Article
Delgado Casteleiro, A., & Larik, J. (2011). The Duty to Remain Silent: Limitless Loyalty in EU External Relations?. European law review, 36(4), 524-541

This article expresses a note of caution regarding the general enthusiasm surrounding the duty of sincere co-operation in the external relations of the European Union. It argues that according to the recent case law of the European Court of Justice,... Read More about The Duty to Remain Silent: Limitless Loyalty in EU External Relations?.