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Dimensions of Collectivism: Occupation, community, and the increasing role of memory and personal dynamics in the debate (2011)
Journal Article
McBride, J., & Martínez Lucio, M. (2011). Dimensions of Collectivism: Occupation, community, and the increasing role of memory and personal dynamics in the debate. Work, Employment and Society, 25(4), 794-805.

This essay argues that the notion of there being a decline in collectivism does not adequately engage with a whole new set of initiatives within labour process theory on collectivism in its various forms. These debates demonstrate how diverse social... Read More about Dimensions of Collectivism: Occupation, community, and the increasing role of memory and personal dynamics in the debate.

Can sectionalism be good for solidarity? Some evidence from the maritime construction industry on Tyneside (2011)
Journal Article
McBride, J. (2011). Can sectionalism be good for solidarity? Some evidence from the maritime construction industry on Tyneside. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 32(2), 285-306.

Sectionalism has historically been viewed as negative in that it isolates workers from a shared sense of a collective identity thereby weakening solidarity. This paper considers the alternative argument that sectionalism can be good for solidarity. I... Read More about Can sectionalism be good for solidarity? Some evidence from the maritime construction industry on Tyneside.