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All Outputs (17)

Exclusive production of the BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Heinemeyer, S., Khoze, V., Ryskin, M., Tasevsky, M., & Weiglein, G. (2011, December). Exclusive production of the BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC. Presented at 19th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2011), Newport News, Virginia

We review the prospects for Central Exclusive Production (CEP) of BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC using forward proton detectors proposed to be installed at 220 m and 420 m from the ATLAS and/ or CMS. Results are presented for MSSM in standard benchmark... Read More about Exclusive production of the BSM Higgs bosons at the LHC.

Wide field adaptive optics microscopy using both closed loop correction and image sharpness optimization (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bourgenot, C., Love, G. D., Saunter, C. D., & Girkin, J. M. (2011, July). Wide field adaptive optics microscopy using both closed loop correction and image sharpness optimization. Presented at Imaging and Applied Optics, Toronto, Canada

We report on results from a wide field microscope fitted with adaptive optics. We describe results based on both image optimization (wavefront sensorless adaptive optics) and full closed loop correction.

Modelling allosteric signalling in protein homodimers (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rodgers, T., Burnell, D., Wilson, M. R., Pohl, E., Cann, M., Townsend, P. D., McLeish, T. C., & Toncrova, H. (2011, August). Modelling allosteric signalling in protein homodimers. Presented at 8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress, Budapest

Allostery in protein systems is a thermodynamic phenomenon. Allosteric response is driven by the free energy differences obtained in different binding events, which, in principle, contain contributions from both enthalpic and entropic changes. While... Read More about Modelling allosteric signalling in protein homodimers.

Thick disks: the lair of missing baryons? (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Comerón, S., Elmegreen, B., Knapen, J., Salo, H., Laurikainen, E., Laine, J., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Sheth, K., Regan, M., Hinz, J., Gil de Paz, A., Menéndez-Delmestre, K., Mizusawa, T., Muñoz-Mateos, J. .-C., Seibert, M., Kim, T., Elmegreen, D., Gadotti, D., Ho, L., …Skibba, R. (2011, July). Thick disks: the lair of missing baryons?. Presented at Galaxy Formation

Environmental dependence on Herschel-ATLAS galaxies (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Guo, Q., Lacey, C., Cole, S., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., & Norberg, P. (2011, July). Environmental dependence on Herschel-ATLAS galaxies. Presented at Galaxy Formation: An International Conference, Durham

Unravelling the properties of active galaxies in hierarchical cosmologies (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fanidakis, N., Frenk, C., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Bower, R., Done, C., Hickox, R., Benson, A., & Lagos, C. (2011, July). Unravelling the properties of active galaxies in hierarchical cosmologies. Presented at Galaxy Formation: An International Conference, Durham

GPU implementation of a SPH-ALE fluid dynamics solver (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Marongiu, J.-C., Leduc, J., & Schaller, M. (2011, June). GPU implementation of a SPH-ALE fluid dynamics solver. Presented at 6th International SPHERIC Workshop, Hamburg, Germany

Application of SPH methods in an industrial context is closely linked to the capacity of exploiting the very last and best computational resources available. Indeed SPH involves a computational load that can be significant compared to others and well... Read More about GPU implementation of a SPH-ALE fluid dynamics solver.

Adaptive optics for wide-field microscopy (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bourgenot, C., Saunter, C., Girkin, J., & Love, G. (2011, January). Adaptive optics for wide-field microscopy. Presented at Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XVIII, San Francisco, CA

We report on recent developments in the use of adaptive optics (AO) in wide-field microscopy to remove both system and sample induced aberrations. We describe progress on using both a full AO system and image optimization techniques (wavefront sensor... Read More about Adaptive optics for wide-field microscopy.

Heart synchronization for SPIM microscopy of living zebra fish (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor, J., Saunter, C., Chaudhry, B., Henderson, D., Love, G., & Girkin, J. (2011, January). Heart synchronization for SPIM microscopy of living zebra fish. Presented at Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XVIII, San Francisco, CA

We describe work on producing a selective plane illumination microscope for cardiac imaging in zebra fish embryos. The system has a novel synchronization system for imaging oscillating structures (e.g. the heart) and will have adaptive optics for ima... Read More about Heart synchronization for SPIM microscopy of living zebra fish.

CKM theory status (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lenz, A., & Soffer, A. (2011, May). CKM theory status. Presented at 9th International Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation, (FPCP 2011), Tel Aviv, Israel

In this talk I review the current status of the CKM matrix. A special emphasis is also given to several discrepancies between experiments and the standard model at the level of about three standard deviations. Recent results that appeared after FPCP2... Read More about CKM theory status.

Summary of WG4: 'Lifetime, Mixing and Weak Mixing Phase in Charm and Beauty, Including Direct Determination of V_tx (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kreps, M., Lenz, A., & Leroy, O. (2011, December). Summary of WG4: 'Lifetime, Mixing and Weak Mixing Phase in Charm and Beauty, Including Direct Determination of V_tx. Presented at CKM unitarity triangle : 6th International Workshop, CKM 2010, Warwick, UK, 6-10 September 2010, Warwick, UK

We present the summary of the Working Group on lifetimes, mixing and weak mixing phases in charm and beauty mesons at the CKM 2010 workshop. In the past year or so good progress was achieved on both experimental and theoretical sides. While this yiel... Read More about Summary of WG4: 'Lifetime, Mixing and Weak Mixing Phase in Charm and Beauty, Including Direct Determination of V_tx.

Numerical Updates of Lifetimes and Mixing Parameters of B Mesons (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lenz, A., Nierste, U., & Gershon, T. (2010, September). Numerical Updates of Lifetimes and Mixing Parameters of B Mesons. Presented at CKM unitarity triangle : 6th International Workshop (CKM 2010), Warwick, UK

We update the Standard-Model predictions for several quantities related to Bs−B¯s and Bd−B¯d mixing. The mass and width differences in the Bs system read ΔMSMs=(17.3±2.6)ps−1 and ΔΓSMs=(0.087±0.021)ps−1, respectively. The CP asymmetries in flavour-sp... Read More about Numerical Updates of Lifetimes and Mixing Parameters of B Mesons.