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All Outputs (211)

Neo-colonial credit: FinTech platforms in Africa (2022)
Journal Article
Langley, P., & Leyshon, A. (2022). Neo-colonial credit: FinTech platforms in Africa. Journal of Cultural Economy, 15(4), 401-415.

This paper makes a three-fold contribution to social science research into FinTech in Africa. First, we build on existing research into mobile payments to show how FinTech providers offer unsecured short-term credit products via mobile wallets. Secon... Read More about Neo-colonial credit: FinTech platforms in Africa.

Perceptions of atmosphere: air, waste, and narratives of life and work in Mumbai (2022)
Journal Article
Tripathy, P., & McFarlane, C. (2022). Perceptions of atmosphere: air, waste, and narratives of life and work in Mumbai. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 40(4), 664-682.

How do residents on the socioeconomic margins of the city experience and perceive atmosphere? How does the concept of atmosphere change when we write it from a context of impoverished and stigmatized residents? Drawing on research in neighborhoods ne... Read More about Perceptions of atmosphere: air, waste, and narratives of life and work in Mumbai.

Slowdown of Shirase Glacier, East Antarctica, caused by strengthening alongshore winds (2022)
Journal Article
Miles, B. W., Stokes, C. R., Jenkins, A., Jordan, J. R., Jamieson, S. S., & Gudmundsson, G. H. (2022). Slowdown of Shirase Glacier, East Antarctica, caused by strengthening alongshore winds. The Cryosphere, 17, 445-456.

Around large parts of West Antarctica and in Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, increased wind-forced intrusions of modified Circumpolar Deep Water (mCDW) onto the continental shelf have been associated with mass loss over the last few decades. Despite co... Read More about Slowdown of Shirase Glacier, East Antarctica, caused by strengthening alongshore winds.

Speaking Stata: Automating axis labels: Nice numbers and transformed scales (2022)
Journal Article
Cox, N. J. (2022). Speaking Stata: Automating axis labels: Nice numbers and transformed scales. The Stata Journal, 22(4), 975-995.

Two common problems with graph axis labels are to decide in advance on some “nice” numbers to use on one or both axes and to show particular labels on some transformed scale. In this column, I discuss the nicelabels and mylabels commands, which addre... Read More about Speaking Stata: Automating axis labels: Nice numbers and transformed scales.

The role of earthquakes and storms in the fluvial export of terrestrial organic carbon along the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau: A biomarker perspective (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Ma, T., Zhang, F., Hilton, R. G., Feng, X., & Jin, Z. (2022). The role of earthquakes and storms in the fluvial export of terrestrial organic carbon along the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau: A biomarker perspective. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, Article 1090983.

Driven by earthquakes and intense rainfall, steep tectonically active mountains are hotspots of terrestrial organic carbon mobilization from soils, rocks, and vegetation by landslides into rivers. Subsequent delivery and fluvial mobilization of organ... Read More about The role of earthquakes and storms in the fluvial export of terrestrial organic carbon along the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau: A biomarker perspective.

Anthropogenic contaminants in glacial environments I: Inputs and accumulation (2022)
Journal Article
Beard, D. B., Clason, C. C., Rangecroft, S., Poniecka, E., Ward, K. J., & Blake, W. H. (2022). Anthropogenic contaminants in glacial environments I: Inputs and accumulation. Progress in Physical Geography, 46(4), 630-648.

Historically, glaciers have been seen as pristine environments. However, recent research has shown that glaciers can accumulate and store contaminants over long timescales, through processes such as atmospheric deposition, sedimentation, glacial hydr... Read More about Anthropogenic contaminants in glacial environments I: Inputs and accumulation.

Towards the lithium-ion battery production network: Thinking beyond mineral supply chains (2022)
Journal Article
Bridge, G., & Faigen, E. (2022). Towards the lithium-ion battery production network: Thinking beyond mineral supply chains. Energy Research and Social Science, 89,

The increasing role of electricity as an energy carrier in decarbonising economies is driving a growing demand for electrical energy storage in the form of battery systems. Two battery applications driving demand growth are electric vehicles and stat... Read More about Towards the lithium-ion battery production network: Thinking beyond mineral supply chains.

Liveability and vitality: an exploration of small cities in Bangladesh (2022)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H. A., Halligey, A., Rahman, M. F., & Ahmed, I. (2023). Liveability and vitality: an exploration of small cities in Bangladesh. Cities, 133,

This paper presents a mixed method, participatory exploration of liveability as a stocktaking assessment with projections for urban vitality in cities, particularly in LMIC, small cities. The paper takes as its case study research conducted in 2019 a... Read More about Liveability and vitality: an exploration of small cities in Bangladesh.