Geological constraints on glacio-isostatic adjustment models of relative sea-level change during deglaciation of Prince Gustav Channel, Antarctic Peninsula.
Journal Article
Roberts, S., Hodgson, D., Sterken, M., Verleyen, E., Vyverman, W., Sabbe, K., …Whitehouse, P. (2011). Geological constraints on glacio-isostatic adjustment models of relative sea-level change during deglaciation of Prince Gustav Channel, Antarctic Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(25-26), 3603-3617.
All Outputs (171)
Passing Propinquities in the Multicultural City: the everyday encounters of bus passengering (2011)
Journal Article
Wilson, H. (2011). Passing Propinquities in the Multicultural City: the everyday encounters of bus passengering. Environment and Planning A, 43(3), 634-649.
A new relative sea level curve for the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. (2011)
Journal Article
Watcham, E., Bentley, M., Hodgson, D., Roberts, S., Fretwell, P., Lloyd, J., …Moreton, S. (2011). A new relative sea level curve for the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(21-22), 3152-3170.
Temperature trends at the Mauna Loa observatory, Hawaii (2011)
Journal Article
Malamud, B., Turcotte, D., & Grimmond, C. (2011). Temperature trends at the Mauna Loa observatory, Hawaii. Climate of the Past, 7(3), 975-983.
Journal Article
Engelhart, S., Horton, B., & Kemp, A. (2011). HOLOCENE SEA-LEVEL CHANGES ALONG THE UNITED STATES’ ATLANTIC COAST. Oceanography, 24(2),
Airborne lidar intensity and geoarchaeological prospection in river valley floors (2011)
Journal Article
Challis, K., Carey, C., Kincey, M., & Howard, A. (2011). Airborne lidar intensity and geoarchaeological prospection in river valley floors. Archaeological Prospection, 18(1),
Palaeoclimate: Sea level from global to local. (2011)
Journal Article
Shennan, I. (2011). Palaeoclimate: Sea level from global to local. Nature Geoscience, 4(5),
Flow structures at an idealized bifurcation: a numerical experiment. (2011)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Lane, S., & Yu, D. (2011). Flow structures at an idealized bifurcation: a numerical experiment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36(15), 2083-2096.
Contact zones: participation, materiality and the messiness of interaction. (2011)
Journal Article
Askins, K., & Pain, R. (2011). Contact zones: participation, materiality and the messiness of interaction. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29(5), 803-821. debates around urban encounter, integration and cosmopolitanism and renewed engagement with contact theory have raised questions about the spaces of interaction that may enable meaningful and lasting encounters between different social groups.... Read More about Contact zones: participation, materiality and the messiness of interaction..
A Generic Toolkit for the Visualization of Archaeological Features on Airborne LiDAR Elevation Data (2011)
Journal Article
Challis, K., Forlin, P., & Kincey, M. (2011). A Generic Toolkit for the Visualization of Archaeological Features on Airborne LiDAR Elevation Data. Archaeological Prospection, 18(4),
Population and Affective Perception: Biopolitics and Anticipatory Action in US Counterinsurgency Doctrine. (2011)
Journal Article
Anderson, B. (2011). Population and Affective Perception: Biopolitics and Anticipatory Action in US Counterinsurgency Doctrine. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 43(2), 205-236. paper analyses the biopolitical logics of current US counterinsurgency doctrine in the context of the multiple forms of biopower that make up the “war on terror”. It argues that counterinsurgency doctrine aims to prevent spectral networked insur... Read More about Population and Affective Perception: Biopolitics and Anticipatory Action in US Counterinsurgency Doctrine..
Shame, Paranoia and other affects (A Commentary on Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick). (2011)
Journal Article
Anderson, B. (2011). Shame, Paranoia and other affects (A Commentary on Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick). Progress in Human Geography, 35(1), 127-130
Academic Re-Territorializations: Gate-Keeping, Power, and Responsibility (2011)
Journal Article
O’Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sidaway, J., & Steinberg, P. (2011). Academic Re-Territorializations: Gate-Keeping, Power, and Responsibility. Political Geography, 30(1), 1-2.
Holocene stability of the Amundsen-Weddell ice divide, West Antarctica. (2011)
Journal Article
Ross, N., Siegert, M., Woodward, J., Smith, A., Corr, H., Bentley, M., …Rivera, A. (2011). Holocene stability of the Amundsen-Weddell ice divide, West Antarctica. Geology, 39(10), 935-938.
Domopolitics, governmentality and the regulation of asylum accommodation (2011)
Journal Article
Darling, J. (2011). Domopolitics, governmentality and the regulation of asylum accommodation. Political Geography, 30(5),
Can a Species Be a Person? A Trope and Its Entanglements in the Anthropocene Era. (2011)
Journal Article
Carrithers, M., Bracken, L., & Emery, S. (2011). Can a Species Be a Person? A Trope and Its Entanglements in the Anthropocene Era. Current Anthropology, 52(5), 661-685.
Connecting and disconnecting people and places: migrants, migration, and the household in Sri Lanka. (2011)
Journal Article
Hewage, P., Kumara, C., & Rigg, J. (2011). Connecting and disconnecting people and places: migrants, migration, and the household in Sri Lanka. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 101(1), 202-219.
Rapid deglaciation of Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula in the Early Holocene. (2011)
Journal Article
Bentley, M., Johnson, J., Hodgson, D., Dunai, T., Freeman, S., & O'Cofaigh, C. (2011). Rapid deglaciation of Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula in the Early Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(23-24), 3338-3349.
An improved Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for the British Isles. (2011)
Journal Article
Bradley, S., Milne, G., Shennan, I., & Edwards, R. (2011). An improved Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for the British Isles. Journal of Quaternary Science, 26(5), 541-552.
Mid-Holocene coastal hydrology and salinity changes in the east Taihu area of the lower Yangtze wetlands, China. (2011)
Journal Article
Zong, Y., Innes, J., Wang, Z., & Chen, Z. (2011). Mid-Holocene coastal hydrology and salinity changes in the east Taihu area of the lower Yangtze wetlands, China. Quaternary Research, 76(1), 69-82.