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All Outputs (94)

CMPG1-dependent cell death follows perception of diverse pathogen elicitors at the host plasma membrane and is suppressed by Phytophthora infestans RXLR effector AVR3a (2011)
Journal Article
Gilroy, E., Taylor, R., Hein, I., Boevink, P., Sadanandom, A., & Birch, P. (2011). CMPG1-dependent cell death follows perception of diverse pathogen elicitors at the host plasma membrane and is suppressed by Phytophthora infestans RXLR effector AVR3a. New Phytologist, 190(3), 653-666.

No safety in numbers (2011)
Journal Article
Beissinger, S., Flather, C., Hayward, G., & Stephens, P. (2011). No safety in numbers. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9(9), 486-486

Alexander disease causing mutations in the C-terminal domain of GFAP are deleterious both to assembly and network formation with the potential to both activate caspase 3 and decrease cell viability (2011)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Lim, S., Chen, M., Quinlan, R. A., & Perng, M. (2011). Alexander disease causing mutations in the C-terminal domain of GFAP are deleterious both to assembly and network formation with the potential to both activate caspase 3 and decrease cell viability. Experimental Cell Research, 317(16), 2252-2266.

Insights into genetic diversity, parentage and group composition of Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) in the west of Ireland based on nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers. (2011)
Journal Article
Mirimin, L., Banguera-Hinestroza, E., Hoelzel, A., R, C., !&, T., & gan, E. (2011). Insights into genetic diversity, parentage and group composition of Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) in the west of Ireland based on nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers. Journal of Heredity, 102(1), 79-87.