Poetic Legitimacy after 1848: Keller, Feuerbach and the Mirror of Realism
Journal Article
Saul, N. (online). Poetic Legitimacy after 1848: Keller, Feuerbach and the Mirror of Realism. Oxford German Studies, 302-314
All Outputs (81561)
Computer-based instruction for improving student nurses' general numeracy: Is it effective? Two RCTs.
Journal Article
Ainsworth, H., Torgerson, D., Torgerson, C., & et al. (online). Computer-based instruction for improving student nurses' general numeracy: Is it effective? Two RCTs. Educational Studies,
Regions Con-Dem’d?
Journal Article
Hudson, R. (online). Regions Con-Dem’d?. Geography, 44-49
Are the 2dFGRS superstructures a problem for hierarchical models?
Journal Article
Yaryura, C. Y., Baugh, C., & Angulo, R. (online). Are the 2dFGRS superstructures a problem for hierarchical models?
Hard Times or Good Times? Inequalities in the Health Effects of Economic Change.
Journal Article
Riva, M., Bambra, C., Easton, S., & Curtis, S. (online). Hard Times or Good Times? Inequalities in the Health Effects of Economic Change. International Journal of Public Health,
Coalfield Health Effects: Variation Across Former Coalmining Communities in England.
Journal Article
Riva, M., Terashima, M., Curtis, S., Shucksmith, J., & Carlebach, S. (online). Coalfield Health Effects: Variation Across Former Coalmining Communities in England. Health & Place,
Can early school-based screening and intervention programs for ADHD improve children's outcomes and access to services? Age 10 follow-up of a school-based trial.
Journal Article
Sayal, K., Owen, V., White, K., Merrell, C., & Tymms, P. (online). Can early school-based screening and intervention programs for ADHD improve children's outcomes and access to services? Age 10 follow-up of a school-based trial. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine,
Superconformal field theories in analytic superspace
Journal Article
Heslop, P. (online). Superconformal field theories in analytic superspace
Careful and critical fitting of power functions and alternatives.
Journal Article
Cox, N. (online). Careful and critical fitting of power functions and alternatives. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,
Supersymmetric R**4 actions and quantum corrections to superspace torsion constraints
Journal Article
Peeters, K., Vanhove, P., & Westerberg, A. (online). Supersymmetric R**4 actions and quantum corrections to superspace torsion constraints
Habitat microclimates drive fine-scale variation in extreme temperatures
Journal Article
Suggitt, A., Gillingham, P., Hill, J., Huntley, B., Kunin, W., Roy, D., & Thomas, C. (online). Habitat microclimates drive fine-scale variation in extreme temperatures. Oikos,
Ethical Issues Concerning Representation of Narratives of Sexual Violence.
Journal Article
Mookherjee, N. (online). Ethical Issues Concerning Representation of Narratives of Sexual Violence
Supermembranes and supermatrix models
Journal Article
de Wit, B., Peeters, K., & Plefka, J. (online). Supermembranes and supermatrix models
Clockspeed effectiveness of lead users and product experts.
Journal Article
Tsinopoulos, C., & Al Zu'bi, Z. Clockspeed effectiveness of lead users and product experts. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(9), 1097 - 1118
Is Carbon capture and storage really needed? Yes!
Journal Article
Gluyas, J., & Daniel, S. (online). Is Carbon capture and storage really needed? Yes!
Environmental Influences on cranial shape variation.
Journal Article
Buck, T., & Vidarsdottir, U. (online). Environmental Influences on cranial shape variation. American journal of physical anthropology,
A Note on N=8 counterterms
Journal Article
Drummond, J., Heslop, P., & Howe, P. (online). A Note on N=8 counterterms
Sax soprano dritto e curvo: due timbri a confronto (Curved and straight soprano saxophones: comparison between timbres)
Journal Article
Tarsitani, S. (online). Sax soprano dritto e curvo: due timbri a confronto (Curved and straight soprano saxophones: comparison between timbres)
Interventions to change the behaviour of health professionals and the organisation of care to promote weight reduction in overweight and obese people.
Journal Article
Flodgren, G., Deane, K., Dickinson, H., Kirk, S., Alberti, H., Beyer, F., Brown, J., Penney, T., Summerbell, C., & Eccles, M. (online). Interventions to change the behaviour of health professionals and the organisation of care to promote weight reduction in overweight and obese people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1-106Background The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally and will, if left unchecked, have major implications for both population health and costs to health services. Objectives To assess the effectiveness of strategies to change the behaviour of... Read More about Interventions to change the behaviour of health professionals and the organisation of care to promote weight reduction in overweight and obese people..
The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS): the scientific goals of a shallow and wide submillimeter imaging survey with SPIRE
Journal Article
Cooray, A., Eales, S., Chapman, S., Clements, D., Dore, O., Farrah, D., Jarvis, M., Kaplinghat, M., Negrello, M., Melchiorri, A., & et al. (online). The Herschel-SPIRE Legacy Survey (HSLS): the scientific goals of a shallow and wide submillimeter imaging survey with SPIRE