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All Outputs (463)

Increasing wellbeing through energy demand reduction for net zero: Citizen perceptions of co-benefits of local measures (2024)
Journal Article
Mininni, G. M., Foxon, T. J., Copeland, C., Martinez, B. A., Brown, D., Brisbois, M. C., Torres Contreras, G. A., Stack-Maddox, S., Lacey-Barnacle, M., & Jaccarini, C. (2024). Increasing wellbeing through energy demand reduction for net zero: Citizen perceptions of co-benefits of local measures. Energy Research and Social Science, 118, Article 103799.

Energy demand reduction options can make an important contribution to a Net Zero transition for climate change mitigation, and also offer multiple social, economic, and environmental ‘co-benefits’. However, these co-benefits are often insufficiently... Read More about Increasing wellbeing through energy demand reduction for net zero: Citizen perceptions of co-benefits of local measures.

Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief (2023)
Ziyachi, M., Castellani, B., Heckels, N., Clarke, C., Fullertonf, N., Barbrook-Johnson, P., & Bicketc, M. (2023). Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief. []

Emerging research suggests exposure to high levels of air pollution at critical points in the life course is detrimental to brain health, including cognitive decline and dementia. Social determinants such as socio-economic deprivation, environmental... Read More about Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief.

The Feral Animal Question: Implications for Recognizing Europe's First Farmers (2023)
Journal Article
Gron, K. J. (online). The Feral Animal Question: Implications for Recognizing Europe's First Farmers. European Journal of Archaeology, 26(4), 410 - 425.

The presence of domestic animals is a key feature of the Neolithic. Their earliest presence in archaeological contexts across the European continent is often interpreted as reflecting farming practices. However, domestic animals often escape, survive... Read More about The Feral Animal Question: Implications for Recognizing Europe's First Farmers.

X-ray Diffraction Topography (Imaging) of Crystals Grown from Solution: A Short Review (2023)
Journal Article
Tanner, B. K. (2023). X-ray Diffraction Topography (Imaging) of Crystals Grown from Solution: A Short Review. Crystal Growth and Design, 23(4), 3026-3033.

A short review of X-ray topographic studies of crystals grown from solution is presented. The dislocation configurations characteristic of such crystals are described, and Klapper’s explanation in terms of minimization of the elastic energy of a disl... Read More about X-ray Diffraction Topography (Imaging) of Crystals Grown from Solution: A Short Review.

Sex and Gender in the Mesolithic: Adults and Children from the Strøby Egede Burial, Køge Bugt, Denmark (2022)
Journal Article
Gron, K. J., Meiklejohn, C., Pedersen, K. B., Stewart, N. A., Alexandersen, V., Sørensen, L., & Montgomery, J. (2022). Sex and Gender in the Mesolithic: Adults and Children from the Strøby Egede Burial, Køge Bugt, Denmark. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 88, 1-23.

In the summer of 1986 a mass grave was discovered along the bank of the river Tryggevælde Å where it empties into Køge Bugt, the bay south of modern Copenhagen, Denmark. The human remains, dating to the late Mesolithic Ertebølle culture, consisted of... Read More about Sex and Gender in the Mesolithic: Adults and Children from the Strøby Egede Burial, Køge Bugt, Denmark.

X-ray diffraction imaging of fully packaged n–p–n transistors under accelerated ageing conditions (2022)
Journal Article
Tanner, B. K., Danilewsky, A., & McNally, P. J. (2022). X-ray diffraction imaging of fully packaged n–p–n transistors under accelerated ageing conditions. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 55(5), 1139-1146.

X-ray diffraction imaging was used to monitor the local strains that developed around individual n–p–n bipolar transistors within fully encapsulated packages under conditions of extremely high forward bias to simulate accelerated ageing. Die warpage... Read More about X-ray diffraction imaging of fully packaged n–p–n transistors under accelerated ageing conditions.

Mechanical-Stress-Related Epigenetic Regulation of ZIC1 Transcription Factor in the Etiology of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (2022)
Journal Article
Datta, H. K., Kringen, M. K., Tuck, S. P., Salpingidou, G., Olstad, O. K., Gautvik, K. M., Cockell, S. J., Gautvik, V. T., Prediger, M., Wu, J. J., Birch, M. A., & Reppe, S. (2022). Mechanical-Stress-Related Epigenetic Regulation of ZIC1 Transcription Factor in the Etiology of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(6), Article 2957.

Mechanical loading exerts a profound influence on bone density and architecture, but the exact mechanism is unknown. Our study shows that expression of the neurological transcriptional factor zinc finger of the cerebellum 1 (ZIC1) is markedly increas... Read More about Mechanical-Stress-Related Epigenetic Regulation of ZIC1 Transcription Factor in the Etiology of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis.

A Marvellous Sign and A Fiery Globe: A Medieval English Report of Ball Lightning (2022)
Journal Article
Gasper, G. E., & Tanner, B. K. (2022). A Marvellous Sign and A Fiery Globe: A Medieval English Report of Ball Lightning. Weather, 77(7), 232-234.

We describe an entry in a twelfth century monastic chronicle, compiled and composed by Gervase of Canterbury (c. 1145–c. 1210), which gives a credible description of ball lightning. It predates the earliest known report of the phenomenon from England... Read More about A Marvellous Sign and A Fiery Globe: A Medieval English Report of Ball Lightning.

Transhumance in the Early Neolithic? Carbon and oxygen isotope insights into sheep husbandry at Arene Candide, Northern Italy (2021)
Journal Article
Karkuleviciute, K., Gron, K., Patterson, W., Panelli, C., Rossi, S., Timsic, S., Gröcke, D., Maggi, R., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2021). Transhumance in the Early Neolithic? Carbon and oxygen isotope insights into sheep husbandry at Arene Candide, Northern Italy. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 40(Part B), Article 103240.

Vertical transhumance is historically known as an animal management practice in the Mediterranean that mitigates the risk of overgrazing and unpalatable pastures. It has long been debated whether the practice developed together with the spread of the... Read More about Transhumance in the Early Neolithic? Carbon and oxygen isotope insights into sheep husbandry at Arene Candide, Northern Italy.

Autoencoders Without Reconstruction for Textural Anomaly Detection (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Adey, P., Akcay, S., Bordewich, M., & Breckon, T. (2021, July). Autoencoders Without Reconstruction for Textural Anomaly Detection. Presented at 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Shenzhen, China

Automatic anomaly detection in natural textures is a key component within quality control for a range of high-speed, high-yield manufacturing industries that rely on camera-based visual inspection techniques. Targeting anomaly detection through the u... Read More about Autoencoders Without Reconstruction for Textural Anomaly Detection.

Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow) (circa 1228–1230) (2021)
Journal Article
White, R. C., Gasper, G. E., McLeish, T. C., Tanner, B. K., Harvey, J. S., Sønnesyn, S. O., Young, L. K., & Smithson, H. E. (2021). Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow) (circa 1228–1230). Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society, 112(1), 93-107.

In his treatise On the Rainbow (De iride), composed nearly four hundred years before the first known telescope, the English polymath Robert Grosseteste identified three striking optical effects: distant objects can be rendered close by; close-by larg... Read More about Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow) (circa 1228–1230).

X-ray imaging of silicon die within fully packaged semiconductor devices (2021)
Journal Article
Tanner, B. K., McNally, P. J., & Danilewsky, A. N. (2021). X-ray imaging of silicon die within fully packaged semiconductor devices. Powder Diffraction, 36(2), 78-84.

X-ray diffraction imaging (XRDI) (topography) measurements of silicon die warpage within fully packaged commercial quad-flat no-lead devices are described. Using synchrotron radiation, it has been shown that the tilt of the lattice planes in the Anal... Read More about X-ray imaging of silicon die within fully packaged semiconductor devices.

Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Gowland, R., Stewart, N. A., Crowder, K. D., Hodson, C., Shaw, H., Gron, K. J., & Montgomery, J. (2021). Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis. American journal of physical anthropology, 174(4), 859-869.

Objectives This study tests, for the first time, the applicability of a new method of sex estimation utilizing enamel peptides on a sample of deciduous and permanent teeth at different stages of mineralization, from nonadults of unknown sex, includin... Read More about Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis.

Effects of marine biofertilisation on Celtic bean carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes: implications for reconstructing past diet and farming practices (2021)
Journal Article
Gröcke, D. R., Treasure, E. R., Lester, J. J., Gron, K. J., & Church, M. J. (2021). Effects of marine biofertilisation on Celtic bean carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes: implications for reconstructing past diet and farming practices. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 35(5), Article e8985.

Rationale: The application of fertilisers to crops can be monitored and assessed using stable isotope ratios. However, the application of marine biofertilisers (e.g. fish, macroalgae/seaweed) on crop stable isotope ratios has been rarely studied, des... Read More about Effects of marine biofertilisation on Celtic bean carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes: implications for reconstructing past diet and farming practices.

Archaeological cereals as an isotope record of long-term soil health and anthropogenic amendment in southern Scandinavia (2021)
Journal Article
Gron, K., Larsson, M., Gröcke, D., Andersen, N., Andreasen, M., Bech, J.-H., Henriksen, P., Hilton, R., Jessen, M., Møller, N., Nielsen, F., Nielsen, P., Pihl, A., Sørensen, L., Westphal, J., Rowley-Conwy, P., & Church, M. (2021). Archaeological cereals as an isotope record of long-term soil health and anthropogenic amendment in southern Scandinavia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 253, Article 106762.

Maintaining soil health is integral to agricultural production, and the archaeological record contains multiple lines of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental proxy evidence that can contribute to the understanding and analysis of long-term trajecto... Read More about Archaeological cereals as an isotope record of long-term soil health and anthropogenic amendment in southern Scandinavia.

The Early Neolithic origins of agriculture (2020)
Book Chapter
Gron, K., Sørensen, L., & Rowley-conwy, P. (2020). The Early Neolithic origins of agriculture. In K. Gron, L. Sørensen, & P. Rowley-conwy (Eds.), Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan-European Perspective on Neolithisation (443-447). Oxbow Books

The Early Neolithic frontier farming of southern Scandinavia (2020)
Book Chapter
Gron, K. (2020). The Early Neolithic frontier farming of southern Scandinavia. In K. Gron, L. Sørensen, & P. Rowley-Conwy (Eds.), Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan-European Perspective on Neolithisation (317-337). Oxbow Books