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All Outputs (39)

Top-down label-free LC-MALDI analysis of the peptidome during neural progenitor cell differentiation reveals complexity in cytoskeletal protein dynamics and identifies progenitor cell markers (2011)
Journal Article
Maltman, D., Brand, S., Belau, E., Paape, R., Suckau, D., & Przyborski, S. (2011). Top-down label-free LC-MALDI analysis of the peptidome during neural progenitor cell differentiation reveals complexity in cytoskeletal protein dynamics and identifies progenitor cell markers. Proteomics, 11(20), 3992-4006.

Modelling of permeability loss in membrane filtration: Re-examination of fundamental fouling equations and their link to critical flux (2011)
Journal Article
Field, R., & Wu, J. (2011). Modelling of permeability loss in membrane filtration: Re-examination of fundamental fouling equations and their link to critical flux. Desalination, 283, 68-74.

A re-evaluation of the flux decline relationships in the appendix of the 1995 critical flux paper has failed to establish that one may have a critical flux in the presence of fouling that is represented by the “complete” pore blocking (n = 2) mode. I... Read More about Modelling of permeability loss in membrane filtration: Re-examination of fundamental fouling equations and their link to critical flux.

No safety in numbers (2011)
Journal Article
Beissinger, S., Flather, C., Hayward, G., & Stephens, P. (2011). No safety in numbers. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9(9), 486-486

The Bandwidth of Transient Yaw Effects on Vehicle Aerodynamics (2011)
Journal Article
Mankowski, O., Sims-Williams, D., Dominy, R., Duncan, B., & Gargoloff, J. (2011). The Bandwidth of Transient Yaw Effects on Vehicle Aerodynamics. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 4(1), 131-142.

A vehicle on the road encounters an unsteady flow due to turbulence in the natural wind, the unsteady wakes from other vehicles and as a result of traversing through the stationary wakes of road side obstacles. There is increasing concern about poten... Read More about The Bandwidth of Transient Yaw Effects on Vehicle Aerodynamics.

Micro-machined fluidic devices for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (2011)
Journal Article
Baragwanath, A., Swift, G. P., DeChang, D., Zeze, D. A., Gallant, A. J., & Chamberlain, J. M. (2011). Micro-machined fluidic devices for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. Physica status solidi. C, Current topics in solid state physics (Internet), 8(9), 2935-2937.

Here we present a silicon based, micro-machined fluidic device for terahertz frequencies, fabricated using standard lithographic and micro-machining processes in a cleanroom environment. Designed for use in a conventional transmission terahertz time-... Read More about Micro-machined fluidic devices for terahertz time-domain spectroscopy.

Opportunity Cost Bidding by Wind Generators in Forward Markets: Analytical Results (2011)
Journal Article
Dent, C., Bialek, J., & Hobbs, B. (2011). Opportunity Cost Bidding by Wind Generators in Forward Markets: Analytical Results. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26(3), 1600-1608.

Wind generation must trade in forward electricity markets based on imperfect forecasts of its output and real-time prices. When the real-time price differs for generators that are short and long, the optimal forward strategy must be based on the oppo... Read More about Opportunity Cost Bidding by Wind Generators in Forward Markets: Analytical Results.

Vertical tracks on the sidewall of a silicon die using 3D holographic photolithography (2011)
Journal Article
Toriz-Garcia, J., Williams, G., McWilliam, R., Seed, N., Purvis, A., Soulard, F., …Ivey, P. (2011). Vertical tracks on the sidewall of a silicon die using 3D holographic photolithography. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21(8), Article 085034.

We describe the patterning of multiple 10 µm wide conductive tracks down the vertical sidewall of a 500 µm thick silicon die. A novel photolithographic technique is used, which utilizes a computer-generated hologram mask in conjunction with a diffrac... Read More about Vertical tracks on the sidewall of a silicon die using 3D holographic photolithography.