Full matrix refinement with the small molecule toolbox
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Bourhis, L., Dolomanov, O., Gildea, R., Howard, J., & Puschmann, H. (2011). Full matrix refinement with the small molecule toolbox. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, 67(S), C593-C594. https://doi.org/10.1107/s0108767311084984
All Outputs (123)
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Pomeron universality from identical pion correlations at the LHC (2011)
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Global F-theory Models: Instantons and Gauge Dynamics (2011)
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Consistent price systems for bounded processes (2011)
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Wilson Loops @ 3-Loops in Special Kinematics (2011)
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Superfluid black branes in AdS_4\times S^7 (2011)
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Adaptive utility and trial aversion. (2011)
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The concept of quasi-integrability: a concrete example (2011)
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Central Diffractive Processes at the Tevatron, RHIC and LHC (2011)
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Microscopic structure of magnetic bions (2011)
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Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2011). Microscopic structure of magnetic bions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(6), https://doi.org/10.1007/jhep06%282011%29136
Running couplings and operator mixing in the gravitational corrections to coupling constants (2011)
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The shape of the hazard rate for finite continuous-time birth–death processes (2011)
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Crossman, R., Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Coolen, F. (2011). The shape of the hazard rate for finite continuous-time birth–death processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 81(2), 181-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spl.2010.10.018
On the geometry of spaces of oriented geodesics. (2011)
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Alekseevsky, D., Guilfoyle, B., & Klingenberg, W. (2011). On the geometry of spaces of oriented geodesics. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 40(4), 389-409. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-011-9261-5Let M be either a simply connected pseudo-Riemannian space of constant curvature or a rank one Riemannian symmetric space, and consider the space L(M) of oriented geodesics of M. The space L(M) is a smooth homogeneous manifold and in this paper we de... Read More about On the geometry of spaces of oriented geodesics..
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Nonparametric predictive selection with early experiment termination. (2011)
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Coolen-Maturi, T., Coolen-Schrijner, P., & Coolen, F. (2011). Nonparametric predictive selection with early experiment termination. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(4), 1403-1421. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspi.2010.10.018