Die Bedeutung der Führungskräfte-Kategorisierung für Commitment, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Wohlbefinden unter Berücksichtigung der Geschlechterrollentheorie (The significance of leader categorization for commitment, job satisfaction and well-being in the context of the gender role theory).
Journal Article
Junker, N., Schyns, B., van Dick, R., & Scheurer, S. (2011). Die Bedeutung der Führungskräfte-Kategorisierung für Commitment, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Wohlbefinden unter Berücksichtigung der Geschlechterrollentheorie (The significance of leader categorization for commitment, job satisfaction and well-being in the context of the gender role theory). Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A & O, 55, 171-179
All Outputs (72)
In Search of the Perfect Manager? Work-life balance and managerial work. (2011)
Journal Article
Ford, J., & Collinson, D. (2011). In Search of the Perfect Manager? Work-life balance and managerial work. Work, Employment and Society, 25(2), 257-273
Motivating Reflective Citizens: Deliberative Democracy and the Internal Deliberative Virtues. (2011)
Journal Article
Griffin, M. (2011). Motivating Reflective Citizens: Deliberative Democracy and the Internal Deliberative Virtues. Journal of Value Inquiry, 45(2), 175-186. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10790-011-9276-y
Why Serial Entrepreneurs Don’t Learn from Failure (2011)
Journal Article
Ucbasaran, D., Westhead, P., & Wright, M. (2011). Why Serial Entrepreneurs Don’t Learn from Failure
MacIntyre: neo-Aristotelianism and organization theory. (2011)
Journal Article
Beadle, R., & Moore, G. (2011). MacIntyre: neo-Aristotelianism and organization theory. Research in the sociology of organizations, 32, 85-121. https://doi.org/10.1108/s0733-558x%282011%290000032006In this chapter, we set out to demonstrate how organizational theory and analysis can benefit from the work of the distinguished philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre. In the first part of the chapter we show how MacIntyre's conception of how rival traditio... Read More about MacIntyre: neo-Aristotelianism and organization theory..
Examining the Determinants of Interfunctional Coordination and Export Performance: An Investigation of Brazilian Exporters. (2011)
Journal Article
Sousa, C., & Lengler, J. (2011). Examining the Determinants of Interfunctional Coordination and Export Performance: An Investigation of Brazilian Exporters. Advances in international marketing, 21, 189-206. https://doi.org/10.1108/s1474-7979%282011%290000021011
Leadership and collective requisite complexity. (2011)
Journal Article
Hannah, S., Lord, R., & Pearce, C. (2011). Leadership and collective requisite complexity. Organizational Psychology Review, 1(3), 215-238. https://doi.org/10.1177/2041386611402116
Research on Export Pricing: Still Moving Towards Maturity. (2011)
Journal Article
Tan, Q., & Sousa, C. (2011). Research on Export Pricing: Still Moving Towards Maturity. Journal of International Marketing, 19(3), 1-35. https://doi.org/10.1509/jimk.19.3.1
Forecasting the value effect of seasoned equity offering announcements (2011)
Journal Article
Bozos, K., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2011). Forecasting the value effect of seasoned equity offering announcements. European Journal of Operational Research, 214(2), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2011.04.007
Developing Deliberative Minds- Piaget, Vygotsky and the Deliberative Democratic Citizen. (2011)
Journal Article
Griffin, M. (2011). Developing Deliberative Minds- Piaget, Vygotsky and the Deliberative Democratic Citizen
Consultants as legitimizers: exploring their rhetoric (2011)
Journal Article
Bouwmeester, O., & Werven, R. V. (2011). Consultants as legitimizers: exploring their rhetoric. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 24(4), 427-441. https://doi.org/10.1108/09534811111144601
Die Bestimmungsgründe der (Re-) Sektoralisierung der industriellen Beziehungen in der Europäischen Union. (2011)
Journal Article
Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Meardi, G. (2011). Die Bestimmungsgründe der (Re-) Sektoralisierung der industriellen Beziehungen in der Europäischen Union
Comments on BEQ’s Twentieth Anniversary Forum on New Directions for Business Ethics Research. (2011)
Journal Article
Crane, A., Gilbert, D., Goodpaster, K., Miceli, M., Moore, G., Reynolds, S., …Wicks, A. (2011). Comments on BEQ’s Twentieth Anniversary Forum on New Directions for Business Ethics Research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 21(1), 157-187
Consumer consideration of non-deceptive counterfeit goods: a contingency matrix approach. (2011)
Journal Article
Xiao, S., & Nicholson, M. (2011). Consumer consideration of non-deceptive counterfeit goods: a contingency matrix approach. The Service Industries Journal, 31(15), 2617-2631. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2011.529608
Outgroup value incongruence and intergroup attitude: The roles of common identity and multiculturalism. (2011)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Verkuyten, M., Fung, H., Bond, M., Chan, C., & Chen, S. (2011). Outgroup value incongruence and intergroup attitude: The roles of common identity and multiculturalism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 377-385
Die Bestimmungsgründe der (Re-)Sektoralisierung der industriellen Beziehungen in der Europäischen Union (The Determinants of (Re-)Sectoralization of Industrial Relations in the European Union). (2011)
Journal Article
Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Meardi, G. (2011). Die Bestimmungsgründe der (Re-)Sektoralisierung der industriellen Beziehungen in der Europäischen Union (The Determinants of (Re-)Sectoralization of Industrial Relations in the European Union)
Economic Lot Scheduling with Resources in Parallel (2011)
Journal Article
Haksöz, Ç., & Pinedo, M. (2011). Economic Lot Scheduling with Resources in Parallel. International Journal of Production Research, 49(9), 2625-2641. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2010.532931In this article we consider the economic lot scheduling problem with m machines (or facilities) in parallel. There are n different types of items. Item j has a demand D j per unit time, a holding cost h j per unit time, and a setup cost K j . The mac... Read More about Economic Lot Scheduling with Resources in Parallel.
Mapping impulse buying: a behaviour analysis framework for services marketing and consumer research (2011)
Journal Article
Xiao, S., & Nicholson, M. (2011). Mapping impulse buying: a behaviour analysis framework for services marketing and consumer research. The Service Industries Journal, 31(15), 2515-2528. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2011.531123
Stakeholder Orientation and Organizational Performance in an Emerging Market. (2011)
Journal Article
He, X., Zhang, X., Li, X., & Piesse, J. (2011). Stakeholder Orientation and Organizational Performance in an Emerging Market. Journal of General Management, 36(3), 67-91
Incivility as an instrument of oppression: Exploring the role of power in constructions of civility. (2011)
Journal Article
Callahan, J. (2011). Incivility as an instrument of oppression: Exploring the role of power in constructions of civility. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 13(1), 10-21In this article, I will explore the ways in which power is constructed through concepts of “civility” and “incivility.” I contend that traditional desires to moderate or diffuse the emotions labeled as uncivil can result in stagnation or alienation f... Read More about Incivility as an instrument of oppression: Exploring the role of power in constructions of civility..