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All Outputs (6)

Innovation: Stepping Up the Industry (2015)
Barnes, B., Coppenhall, P., Hove, T., Huett, J., Jefferis, P., McPhillips, S., & Roche, M. (in press). Innovation: Stepping Up the Industry. [No known commissioning body]

High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers on Time of Use Tariffs (2015)
Bulkeley, H., Matthews, P., Whitaker, G., Bell, S., Wardle, R., Lyon, S., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers on Time of Use Tariffs. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, University of Durham and EA Technology Ltd

This report presents the key messages from the final analysis of the time of use (ToU) tariff trial group in the Customer-Led Network Revolution monitoring trials. It presents outputs from a significant study of household electricity use and ToU tari... Read More about High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers on Time of Use Tariffs.

High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Solar PV Customers (2015)
Bulkeley, H., Whitaker, G., Matthews, P., Bell, S., Lyon, S., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Solar PV Customers. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, EA Technology Limited and the University of Durham

This report examines the nature and practice of energy use by domestic customers in the CLNR project who generated their own solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity. It brings together power monitoring data capable of providing insight into how electrici... Read More about High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Solar PV Customers.

High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers (2015)
Bulkeley, H., Whitaker, G., Matthews, P., Bell, S., Lyon, S., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, EA Technology Limited and the University of Durham

This summary presents the key messages from the final analysis of the baseline domestic profile control group in the Customer-Led Network Revolution (CLNR) monitoring trials. It presents outputs from the largest study of household electricity use in... Read More about High Level Summary of Learning: Domestic Smart Meter Customers.

High Level Summary of Learning: Electrical Vehicle Users (2015)
Capova, K., Wardle, R., Bell, S., Lyon, S., Bulkeley, H., Matthews, P., & Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Electrical Vehicle Users. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, University of Durham and EA Technology Ltd

This report describes the CLNR trial which examined electric vehicles usage patterns and expected network loading in the event of large-scale take-up of electric vehicles. The trial involved domestic customers who owned an electric vehicle and had ac... Read More about High Level Summary of Learning: Electrical Vehicle Users.

High Level Summary of Learning: Heat Pump Customers (2015)
Bell, S., Capova, K., Barteczko-Hibbert, C., Matthews, P., Wardle, R., Bulkeley, H., …Powells, G. (2015). High Level Summary of Learning: Heat Pump Customers. Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Limited, Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) Plc, British Gas Trading Limited, University of Durham and EA Technology Ltd

This summary presents the key messages from the final analysis of the domestic heat pump group (test cell 3) in the Customer-Led Network Revolution monitoring trials. It presents outputs from the largest study of household electricity use in the UK a... Read More about High Level Summary of Learning: Heat Pump Customers.