Acculturation Orientations and Chinese Student Sojourners’ Career Adaptability: The Roles of Career Exploration and Cultural Distance
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Liu, S., Guo, M., Li, M., Wu, M., Chen, S., …Tian, L. (2018). Acculturation Orientations and Chinese Student Sojourners’ Career Adaptability: The Roles of Career Exploration and Cultural Distance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 104, 228-239.
Drawing on career construction theory and Berry's acculturation model, this study examined how student sojourners' acculturation orientations predicted their career exploration and career adaptability. We conducted a survey study among Chinese studen... Read More about Acculturation Orientations and Chinese Student Sojourners’ Career Adaptability: The Roles of Career Exploration and Cultural Distance.