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Depletion from Self-Regulation: A Resource-based Account of the Effect of Value Incongruence (2015)
Journal Article
Deng, H., Wu, C., Leung, K., & Guan, Y. (2016). Depletion from Self-Regulation: A Resource-based Account of the Effect of Value Incongruence. Personnel Psychology, 69(2), 431-465.

Value incongruence between employees and organizations has been identified as a negative work condition. An attitude-based account suggests that value incongruence gives rise to negative attitudes toward organizations and thus causes low performance.... Read More about Depletion from Self-Regulation: A Resource-based Account of the Effect of Value Incongruence.

Differences in career decision-making profiles between American and Chinese university students: The relative strength of mediating mechanisms across cultures. (2015)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Chen, S., Levin, N., Bond, M., Luo, N., Xu, J., …Han, X. (2015). Differences in career decision-making profiles between American and Chinese university students: The relative strength of mediating mechanisms across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(6), 856-872.

The current research examined differences in career decision-making profiles (CDMP) between American and Chinese university students, as well as the mediating mechanisms possibly underlying these cultural differences. The results of a survey among Am... Read More about Differences in career decision-making profiles between American and Chinese university students: The relative strength of mediating mechanisms across cultures..

Big-five personality and BIS/BAS traits as predictors of career exploration: The mediation role of career adaptability. (2015)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Guan, Y., Wang, F., Zhou, X., Guo, K., Jiang, P., …Fang, Z. (2015). Big-five personality and BIS/BAS traits as predictors of career exploration: The mediation role of career adaptability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 89, 39-45.

Based on career construction theory, the current research examined whether career adaptability mediates the relations of the personality traits (Five-Factor Model personality traits and behavioral inhibition and activation systems (BIS/BAS)) to caree... Read More about Big-five personality and BIS/BAS traits as predictors of career exploration: The mediation role of career adaptability..

Perceived organizational career management and career adaptability as predictors of success and turnover intention among Chinese employees. (2015)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Zhou, W., Ye, L., Jiang, P., & Zhou, Y. (2015). Perceived organizational career management and career adaptability as predictors of success and turnover intention among Chinese employees. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 88, 230-237.

Based on the theories of career construction and of social exchange, the current research examined the joint and interactive effects of perceived organizational career management and career adaptability on indicators of career success (i.e., salary a... Read More about Perceived organizational career management and career adaptability as predictors of success and turnover intention among Chinese employees..

Career decision-making profiles and career decision-making difficulties: A cross-cultural comparison among US, Israeli, and Chinese samples. (2015)
Journal Article
Willner, T., Gati, I., & Guan, Y. (2015). Career decision-making profiles and career decision-making difficulties: A cross-cultural comparison among US, Israeli, and Chinese samples. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 88, 143-153.

Assessing individuals' career decision-making difficulties and career decision-making profile (style) allows counselors to help them make better career decisions. The present study focused on the associations between the Career Decision-Making Profil... Read More about Career decision-making profiles and career decision-making difficulties: A cross-cultural comparison among US, Israeli, and Chinese samples..

Career-specific parental behaviors, career exploration and career adaptability: A three-wave investigation among Chinese undergraduates. (2014)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Wang, F., Liu, H., Ji, Y., Jia, X., Fang, Z., …Li, C. (2015). Career-specific parental behaviors, career exploration and career adaptability: A three-wave investigation among Chinese undergraduates. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 86, 95-103.

The current research examined the effects of career-specific parental behaviors (reported by parents at time 1) on Chinese university students' career exploration (reported by students at time 2) and career adaptability (reported by students at time... Read More about Career-specific parental behaviors, career exploration and career adaptability: A three-wave investigation among Chinese undergraduates..

Self-esteem and proactive personality as predictors of future work self and career adaptability: An examination of mediating and moderating processes. (2014)
Journal Article
Cai, Z., Guan, Y., Li, H., Shi, W., Guo, K., Liu, Y., …Hua, H. (2015). Self-esteem and proactive personality as predictors of future work self and career adaptability: An examination of mediating and moderating processes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 86, 86-94.

Basing on career construction theory and self-verification theory, current research examined the mediating and moderating models for the relations among self-esteem, proactive personality, career exploration, future work self and career adaptability.... Read More about Self-esteem and proactive personality as predictors of future work self and career adaptability: An examination of mediating and moderating processes..

Career adaptability, calling and the professional competence of social work students in China: A career construction perspective. (2014)
Journal Article
Guo, Y., Guan, Y., Yang, X., Xu, J., Zhou, X., She, Z., …Fu, M. (2014). Career adaptability, calling and the professional competence of social work students in China: A career construction perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 394-402.

Based on career construction theory, the current research examined individual and contextual predictors for the professional competence of Chinese undergraduates majoring in social work (N = 270). Results showed that career concern and career curiosi... Read More about Career adaptability, calling and the professional competence of social work students in China: A career construction perspective..

Parents’ music training motivation and children’s music learning achievement: An investigation in the Chinese context. (2014)
Journal Article
Liu, L., Bond, M., Guan, Y., Cai, Z., Sun, J., Yu, Q., …Wang, Z. (2015). Parents’ music training motivation and children’s music learning achievement: An investigation in the Chinese context. Psychology of Music, 43(5), 661-674.

The current research examined Chinese parents’ motivation regarding music training for their children, and its relationships with their children’s learning outcomes (N = 269). Results of principal component analysis showed that Chinese parents had bo... Read More about Parents’ music training motivation and children’s music learning achievement: An investigation in the Chinese context..

New job market entrants’ future work self, career adaptability and job search outcomes: Examining mediating and moderating models. (2014)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Guo, Y., Bond, M., Cai, Z., Zhou, X., Xu, J., …Ye, L. (2014). New job market entrants’ future work self, career adaptability and job search outcomes: Examining mediating and moderating models. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(1), 136-145.

Based on career construction theory and the model of proactive motivation, the current research examined the mediating and moderating models for the relations among future work self, career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and employment status... Read More about New job market entrants’ future work self, career adaptability and job search outcomes: Examining mediating and moderating models..

Personal choice: a blessing or a burden, or both? A cross-cultural investigation on need for closure effects in two western and two East-Asian societies. (2013)
Journal Article
Roets, A., Soetens, B., Au, E., & Guan, Y. (2014). Personal choice: a blessing or a burden, or both? A cross-cultural investigation on need for closure effects in two western and two East-Asian societies. International Journal of Psychology, 49(3), 216-221.

The present study investigates the role of dispositional need for closure (NFC) in how individuals within a particular culture perceive and appreciate choice. Data sets from the US (283 adults), Europe (263 adults and 427 students), China (218 adults... Read More about Personal choice: a blessing or a burden, or both? A cross-cultural investigation on need for closure effects in two western and two East-Asian societies..

Career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and outcomes: A three-wave investigation among Chinese University Graduates. (2013)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Deng, H., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Cai, Z., Ye, L., …Li, Y. (2013). Career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and outcomes: A three-wave investigation among Chinese University Graduates. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 561-570.

Based on career construction theory, the current research examined the role of career adaptability in Chinese university graduates' job search process (N = 270). Results from a three-wave survey study showed that the four dimension of career adaptabi... Read More about Career adaptability, job search self-efficacy and outcomes: A three-wave investigation among Chinese University Graduates..

Predictive validity of career decision-making profiles over time among Chinese college students. (2013)
Journal Article
Tian, L., Guan, Y., Chen, S., Levin, N., Cai, Z., Chen, P., …Zhang, S. (2014). Predictive validity of career decision-making profiles over time among Chinese college students. Journal of Career Development, 41(4), 282-300.

Two studies were conducted to validate the Chinese version of the Career Decision-Making Profiles (CDMP) questionnaire, a multidimensional measure of the way individuals make career decisions. Results of Study 1 showed that after dropping 1 item from... Read More about Predictive validity of career decision-making profiles over time among Chinese college students..

When do salary and job level predict career satisfaction and turnover intention among Chinese managers? The role of perceived organizational career management and career anchor (2013)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Wen, Y., Chen, S., Liu, H., Si, W., Liu, Y., …Dong, Z. (2014). When do salary and job level predict career satisfaction and turnover intention among Chinese managers? The role of perceived organizational career management and career anchor. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(4), 596-607.

The current research examined a moderated mediation model for the relationships among indicators of objective career success (salary and job level), subjective career success (career satisfaction), and turnover intention, as well as the boundary cond... Read More about When do salary and job level predict career satisfaction and turnover intention among Chinese managers? The role of perceived organizational career management and career anchor.