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Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics: Quantum Forces in Inhomogeneous Media (2015)
Simpson, W. M. R. (2015). Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics: Quantum Forces in Inhomogeneous Media. Springer.

This thesis considers the problem of determining Casimir-Lifshitz forces in inhomogeneous media. The ground-state energy of the electromagnetic field in a piston-geometry is discussed. When the cavity is empty, the Casimir pressure on the piston is f... Read More about Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics: Quantum Forces in Inhomogeneous Media.

Forces of the Quantum Vacuum: an Introduction to Casimir Physics (2015)
Simpson, W. (Ed.). (2015). Forces of the Quantum Vacuum: an Introduction to Casimir Physics. World Scientific Publishing

Forces of the Quantum Vacuum presents a number of theoretical approaches to Casimir, van der Waals and Casimir–Polder forces that have been fruitfully employed in mainstream research, and also reviews the experimental evidence for Casimir forces. Beg... Read More about Forces of the Quantum Vacuum: an Introduction to Casimir Physics.

Casimir forces at the cutting edge (2015)
Book Chapter
Simpson, W., Leonhardt, U., Decca, R., & Buhmann, S. Y. (2015). Casimir forces at the cutting edge. In W. M. R. Simpson, & U. Leonhardt (Eds.), Forces of the Quantum Vacuum: an introduction to Casimir Physics (227-246). World Scientific Publishing.

It would be a pity if you read this far, decided that it all made perfect sense, and put the book down, supposing that scientists have got the Casimir effect ‘pretty much figured out’. They haven't, and physics only thrives when people ask questions.... Read More about Casimir forces at the cutting edge.