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All Outputs (38)

Introduction (2025)
Book Chapter
Kopar, R., & Roeben, V. (in press). Introduction. In R. Kopar, & V. Roeben (Eds.), International Investment Law and the Energy Transition. Bloomsbury

Art. 62 (2024)
Book Chapter
Roeben, V. (2024). Art. 62. In B. Simma, D.-E. Khan, G. Nolte, & A. Paulus (Eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. (4th ed.). Oxford University Press

Art. 61 (2024)
Book Chapter
Roeben, V. (2024). Art. 61. In B. Simma, D.-E. Khan, G. Nolte, & A. Paulus (Eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. (4th ed.). Oxford University Press

Art. 67 (2024)
Book Chapter
Roeben, V. (2024). Art. 67. In B. Simma, D.-E. Khan, G. Nolte, & A. Paulus (Eds.), The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. (4th ed.). Oxford University Press

Energy Provision (2022)
Book Chapter
Roeben, V. (2022). Energy Provision. In The Cambridge Companion to International Organizations Law. Cambridge University Press

Responsibility, Solidarity and their Connections in International law: Towards a Coherent Framework (2022)
Book Chapter
Roeben, V., & Amakoromo, M. (2022). Responsibility, Solidarity and their Connections in International law: Towards a Coherent Framework. In Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (13-49). T.M.C Asser Press.

The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR), as one of the differing senses in which the concept of responsibility is used, represents an exception to the rules governing the equal treatment of States under international law. I... Read More about Responsibility, Solidarity and their Connections in International law: Towards a Coherent Framework.

Validity of Contested Title to Territory in Frozen Conflict Zones: The Case of Nagorno Karabakh with Particular Reference to the 2020 War (2021)
Book Chapter
Roeben, V., & Jankovic, S. (2021). Validity of Contested Title to Territory in Frozen Conflict Zones: The Case of Nagorno Karabakh with Particular Reference to the 2020 War. In Y. Ma (Ed.), Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (73-110). Brill Academic Publishers.

In many frozen conflict zones, the validity of a recognised title to territory could be contested on normative and factual grounds. In the case of Nagorno Karabakh (NK), the Azerbaijani internationally recognized title could be contested and reassess... Read More about Validity of Contested Title to Territory in Frozen Conflict Zones: The Case of Nagorno Karabakh with Particular Reference to the 2020 War.

Accountability (2021)
Book Chapter
Roeben, V. (2021). Accountability. In Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. Oxford University Press

Brexit – Lehren au seiner Krise? (2020)
Book Chapter
Röben, V. (2020). Brexit – Lehren au seiner Krise?. In W. Bock (Ed.), Europa: In Vielfalt geeint! (Europe: united in diversity!) (217-227). C.H. Beck

Introduction (2020)
Book Chapter
Cameron, P. D., Mu, X., & Roeben, V. (2020). Introduction. In P. D. Cameron, X. Mu, & V. Roeben (Eds.), The Global Energy Transition: Law, Policy and Economics for Energy in the 21st Century (1-8). Bloomsbury.