Divine constellations at Palmyra. Reconsidering the Palmyrene ‘pantheon’
Book Chapter
Kaizer, T. (2016). Divine constellations at Palmyra. Reconsidering the Palmyrene ‘pantheon’. In A. Kropp, & R. Raja (Eds.), The world of Palmyra (17-30). Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
All Outputs (2)
Revisiting the “temple of Bêl” at Dura-Europos: a note on the fragmentary fresco from the naos (2016)
Book Chapter
Kaizer, T. (2016). Revisiting the “temple of Bêl” at Dura-Europos: a note on the fragmentary fresco from the naos. In M. Heyn, & A. Steinsapir (Eds.), Icon, cult, and context : sacred spaces and objects in the classical world : essays in honor of Susan B. Downey (35-46). UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press