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Understanding evidence in scientific disciplines: identifying and mapping ‘the thinking behind the doing’ and its importance in curriculum development (2017)
Journal Article
Roberts, R. (2017). Understanding evidence in scientific disciplines: identifying and mapping ‘the thinking behind the doing’ and its importance in curriculum development. Practice and evidence of scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education, 12(2), 411-429

Understanding research, the uncertainty of the resultant data and research claims are widely held aims of HE science curricula. Expertise in scientific research involves, inter alia, an understanding of evidence. The underpinning knowledge-base of ev... Read More about Understanding evidence in scientific disciplines: identifying and mapping ‘the thinking behind the doing’ and its importance in curriculum development.

A concept map for understanding ‘working scientifically’ (2016)
Journal Article
Johnson, P., & Roberts, R. (2016). A concept map for understanding ‘working scientifically’. School science review, 97(360), 21-28

The generation and critical evaluation of good-quality data requires the understanding of ideas rather than practising set procedures. ‘Working scientifically’ does not explicitly specify these ideas. To highlight that thinking is necessary, this art... Read More about A concept map for understanding ‘working scientifically’.

Understanding the validity of data: a knowledge-based network underlying research expertise in scientific disciplines (2016)
Journal Article
Roberts, R. (2016). Understanding the validity of data: a knowledge-based network underlying research expertise in scientific disciplines. Higher Education, 72(5), 651-668.

This article considers what might be taught to meet a widely held curriculum aim of students being able to understand research in a discipline. Expertise, which may appear as a ‘chain of practice’, is widely held to be underpinned by networks of unde... Read More about Understanding the validity of data: a knowledge-based network underlying research expertise in scientific disciplines.

The practical work challenge: incorporating the explicit teaching of evidence in subject content (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Reading, C. (2015). The practical work challenge: incorporating the explicit teaching of evidence in subject content. School science review, 31-39

The new National Curriculum in England aims for pupils to understand traditional ideas in biology, chemistry and physics as well as to understand evidence, as specified in ‘Working scientifically’. It also instructs that ‘Working scientifically . . .... Read More about The practical work challenge: incorporating the explicit teaching of evidence in subject content.

Understanding the quality of data: a concept map for ‘the thinking behind the doing’ in scientific practice (2015)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Johnson, P. (2015). Understanding the quality of data: a concept map for ‘the thinking behind the doing’ in scientific practice. The Curriculum Journal, 26(3), 345-369.

Recent school science curriculum developments in many countries emphasise that scientists derive evidence for their claims through different approaches; that such practices are bound up with disciplinary knowledge; and that the quality of data should... Read More about Understanding the quality of data: a concept map for ‘the thinking behind the doing’ in scientific practice.

Scientific Evidence as Content Knowledge: a replication study with English and Turkish pre-service primary teachers (2012)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Sahin-Pekmez, E. (2012). Scientific Evidence as Content Knowledge: a replication study with English and Turkish pre-service primary teachers. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(1), 91-109.

Pre-service teachers around the world need to develop their content knowledge of scientific evidence to meet the requirements of recent school curriculum developments which prepare pupils to be scientifically literate. This research reports a replica... Read More about Scientific Evidence as Content Knowledge: a replication study with English and Turkish pre-service primary teachers.

Students' approaches to open-ended science investigation: the importance of substantive and procedural understanding (2010)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., Gott, R., & Glaesser, J. (2010). Students' approaches to open-ended science investigation: the importance of substantive and procedural understanding. Research Papers in Education, 25(4), 377-407.

This paper investigates the respective roles of substantive and procedural understanding with regard to students’ ability to carry out an open-ended science investigation. The research is a case study centred on an intervention in which undergraduate... Read More about Students' approaches to open-ended science investigation: the importance of substantive and procedural understanding.

Questioning the evidence for a claim in a socio-scientific issue: an aspect of scientific literacy (2010)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Gott, R. (2010). Questioning the evidence for a claim in a socio-scientific issue: an aspect of scientific literacy. Research in Science and Technological Education, 28(3), 203-226.

Understanding the science in a ‘socio-scientific issue’ is at the heart of the varied definitions of ‘scientific literacy’. Many consider that understanding evidence is necessary to participate in decision making and to challenge the science that aff... Read More about Questioning the evidence for a claim in a socio-scientific issue: an aspect of scientific literacy.

Underlying success in open-ended investigations in science: using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to identify necessary and sufficient conditions. (2009)
Journal Article
Glaesser, J., Gott, R., Roberts, R., & Cooper, B. (2009). Underlying success in open-ended investigations in science: using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to identify necessary and sufficient conditions. Research in Science and Technological Education, 27(1), 5-30.

Both substantive (i.e. factual knowledge, concepts, laws and theories) and procedural knowledge (understanding and applying concepts such as reliability and validity, measurement and calibration, data collection, measurement error, the ability to int... Read More about Underlying success in open-ended investigations in science: using Qualitative Comparative Analysis to identify necessary and sufficient conditions..

Can teaching about evidence encourage a creative approach in open-ended investigations? (2009)
Journal Article
Roberts, R. (2009). Can teaching about evidence encourage a creative approach in open-ended investigations?. School science review, Special Edition 90 (Creativity)(332), 31-38

Open-ended investigations give pupils the opportunity to work creatively to solve a problem. But what ideas need to be taught to enable such creativity? The empirical work reported in this case study shows that an understanding of substantive ideas i... Read More about Can teaching about evidence encourage a creative approach in open-ended investigations?.

The roles of substantive and procedural understanding in open-ended science investigations: using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to compare two different tasks. (2009)
Journal Article
Glaesser, J., Gott, R., Roberts, R., & Cooper, B. (2009). The roles of substantive and procedural understanding in open-ended science investigations: using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to compare two different tasks. Research in Science Education, 39(4), 595-624.

We examine the respective roles of substantive understanding (i.e., understanding of factual knowledge, concepts, laws and theories) and procedural understanding (an understanding of ideas about evidence; concepts such as reliability and validity, me... Read More about The roles of substantive and procedural understanding in open-ended science investigations: using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to compare two different tasks..

How Science Works. (2009)
Journal Article
Roberts, R. (2009). How Science Works. Education in science, 233, 30-31

Practical work and the importance of scientific evidence in science curricula. (2008)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Gott, R. (2008). Practical work and the importance of scientific evidence in science curricula. Education in science, 230, 8-9

Stimulated by the call for evidence on behalf of SCORE requesting views on practical work in science, this article responds to some frequently asked questions with reference to science teaching in compulsory schooling to GCSE (up to the age of 16).

The role of evidence in the new KS4 National Curriculum for England and the AQA specifications (2006)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Gott, R. (2006). The role of evidence in the new KS4 National Curriculum for England and the AQA specifications. School science review, 87(321), 29-39

This article considers the importance of evidence in the new key stage 4 (ages 14–16) National Curriculum for England section called ‘How science works’. We specify the ‘thinking behind the doing’ as the basis for a procedural understanding and consi... Read More about The role of evidence in the new KS4 National Curriculum for England and the AQA specifications.

Assessment of Performance in Practical Science and Pupil Attributes (2006)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Gott, R. (2006). Assessment of Performance in Practical Science and Pupil Attributes. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 13(1), 45-67.

Performance assessment in the UK science General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) currently relies on pupil reports of their investigations. These are widely criticized. Written tests of procedural understanding could be used as an alternati... Read More about Assessment of Performance in Practical Science and Pupil Attributes.

Assessment of Sc1: alternatives to coursework? (2004)
Journal Article
Roberts, R., & Gott, R. (2004). Assessment of Sc1: alternatives to coursework?. School science review, 85(313), 103-108

This article considers the problems associated with reliable performance assessment of Sc1 investigations and explores the pros and cons of alternative forms of assessment of pupils’ ability to investigate.

A written test for procedural understanding: a way forward for assessment in the UK science curriculum? (2004)
Journal Article
Gott, R., & Roberts, R. (2004). A written test for procedural understanding: a way forward for assessment in the UK science curriculum?. Research in Science and Technological Education, 22(1), 5-21.

A recent UK House of Commons report on Science 14-19 identified problems with coursework and argued for a greater emphasis on teaching and assessment of scientific literacy. This paper describes a written test for procedural understanding, given to 1... Read More about A written test for procedural understanding: a way forward for assessment in the UK science curriculum?.