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All Outputs (4)

Optimising the delivery and pick-up routes for packed water bottles (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, Q., & Munthe, T. (2018, September). Optimising the delivery and pick-up routes for packed water bottles. Presented at 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research., Skövde, Sweden

This paper proposes an optimal solution for optimizing the route in delivery and pick-up paths from the manufacturer (depot) to the customers using packed water bottles as the case study. The model of packed water bottles' traveling routes with simul... Read More about Optimising the delivery and pick-up routes for packed water bottles.

Development of a new EMAT for multi-helical SH guided waves based on magnetostrictive effect (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, Z., Huang, S. L., Wang, S., Wang, Q., & Zhao, W. (2018, May). Development of a new EMAT for multi-helical SH guided waves based on magnetostrictive effect. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA

Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) have the advantage of non-contact and have been widely used in nondestructive testing (NDT). However, the propagation of the guided wave generated by present transducers is either concentrated with narrow... Read More about Development of a new EMAT for multi-helical SH guided waves based on magnetostrictive effect.

Improved interpolated dynamic DFT synchrophasor estimator considering second harmonic interferences (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chen, L., Zhao, W., Yu, Y., Wang, Q., & Huang, S. (2018, May). Improved interpolated dynamic DFT synchrophasor estimator considering second harmonic interferences. Presented at 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Houston, TX, USA

The interpolated dynamic DFT (IpDFT) is one of the most accurate dynamic synchrophasor estimation methods. But it suffers from infiltration from the second harmonic component. In this paper, the estimation errors of the IpDFT caused by second harmoni... Read More about Improved interpolated dynamic DFT synchrophasor estimator considering second harmonic interferences.

Design of a test platform for the determination of lithium-ion batteries state-of-health (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Capitaine, J.-A., & Wang, Q. (2018, August). Design of a test platform for the determination of lithium-ion batteries state-of-health. Presented at ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2018, Quebec City, Canada

This paper presents a novel design for a test platform to determine the State of Health (SOH) of lithium-ion batteries. The SOH is a key parameter of a battery energy storage system and its estimation remains a challenging issue. The batteries that h... Read More about Design of a test platform for the determination of lithium-ion batteries state-of-health.