‘The Aristotle in Afghanistan Papyrus: A New Conjecture (P. Ai Khanoum, Col. II, 8 – 9).’
Journal Article
Horky, P., & Benati, E. (in press). ‘The Aristotle in Afghanistan Papyrus: A New Conjecture (P. Ai Khanoum, Col. II, 8 – 9).’. Philologia Philosophica, https://doi.org/10.19272/202515901004
This paper advances a new textual proposal for the papyrus remains of a philosophical dialogue preserved in a clay imprint, P. Ai Khanoum (inv. no.: Akh iii B 77, P.O. 154 = Mertens-Pack 02563.010), usually attributed to Aristotle and thought to be f... Read More about ‘The Aristotle in Afghanistan Papyrus: A New Conjecture (P. Ai Khanoum, Col. II, 8 – 9).’.