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Cheesemaking in Cheshire 1550–1750 (2024)
Journal Article
Atkins, P. J., & Lamberton, A. (2024). Cheesemaking in Cheshire 1550–1750. Northern History, 61(2), 180-201.

This article supports a material turn in agricultural and food history by focusing on the utensils and equipment, along with the embodied practices involved in cheesemaking. The period of interest is the long seventeenth century when rich source mate... Read More about Cheesemaking in Cheshire 1550–1750.

Navy victuallers and the rise of Cheshire cheese (2022)
Journal Article
Atkins, P. J. (2022). Navy victuallers and the rise of Cheshire cheese. International Journal of Maritime History, 34(1),

In the 1990s Charles Foster claimed that a commercial Cheshire cheese trade began in 1650, the year when the first coastwise cargo from Chester was recorded in the London port books. One purpose of this research note is to embellish Foster's claim by... Read More about Navy victuallers and the rise of Cheshire cheese.

International curriculum transfer in geography in higher education: an example (2014)
Journal Article
Khan, A. U., Hassan, M., & Atkins, P. J. (2014). International curriculum transfer in geography in higher education: an example. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 38(3), 348-360.

Internationalization of geography in higher education comes in many guises. This paper discusses some of these, with particular attention to curriculum development and transfer. The context is Bangladesh and a case study is presented of a link progra... Read More about International curriculum transfer in geography in higher education: an example.

Bovine tuberculosis and badgers in Britain: relevance of the past (2013)
Journal Article
Atkins, P., & Robinson, P. (2013). Bovine tuberculosis and badgers in Britain: relevance of the past. Epidemiology and Infection, 141(Special issue 7), 1437-1444.

The European badger (Meles meles) has been identified as a wildlife reservoir of bovine tuberculosis and a source of transmission to cattle in Britain and Ireland. Both behavioural ecology and statistical ecological modelling have indicated the long-... Read More about Bovine tuberculosis and badgers in Britain: relevance of the past.

Coalition culls and zoonotic ontologies (2013)
Journal Article
Atkins, P., & Robinson, P. (2013). Coalition culls and zoonotic ontologies. Environment and Planning A, 45(6), 1372-1386.

Diseases which can pass between animals and humans (zoonoses) have been headline news several times in the last ten years. This paper looks at bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in the United Kingdom, which, although not a major health hazard for humans, has... Read More about Coalition culls and zoonotic ontologies.

Application of geostatistics with Indicator Kriging for analyzing spatial variability of groundwater arsenic concentrations in southwest Bangladesh. (2011)
Journal Article
Hassan, M., & Atkins, P. (2011). Application of geostatistics with Indicator Kriging for analyzing spatial variability of groundwater arsenic concentrations in southwest Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 46(11), 1185-96.

The material histories of food quality and composition (2011)
Journal Article
Atkins, P. (2011). The material histories of food quality and composition. Endeavour, 35(2-3), 74-79.

This article argues for material histories of food. In recent decades food historians have tended to emphasize the cultural factors in consumption, in addition to the already well-established social, political and economic perspectives, but what is s... Read More about The material histories of food quality and composition.

Small water bodies in Bangladesh (2010)
Journal Article
Huda, K., Atkins, P., Donoghue, D., & Cox, N. (2010). Small water bodies in Bangladesh. Area, 42(2), 217-227.

Excavations are easy in the soft, unconsolidated sediments of Bangladesh and are widespread for the creation of raised, flood-free homestead platforms. Small water bodies form in the resulting hollows and are used for fisheries, livestock management,... Read More about Small water bodies in Bangladesh.

The history of food exchanges: a new agenda (2009)
Journal Article
Atkins, P. (2009). The history of food exchanges: a new agenda. Food & history, 7(1), 111-123.

This paper argues that the time has come for a new approach to food exchange. Using the literatures of geography and sociology, it points out that the social constructionism that is being used increasingly in food studies is inadequate. Its privilegi... Read More about The history of food exchanges: a new agenda.

Fear of animal foods: a century of zoonotics (2008)
Journal Article
Atkins, P. (2008). Fear of animal foods: a century of zoonotics. Appetite, 51(1), 18-21.

Animal diseases can be spread to humans through the food supply. The article investigates this zoonotic hazard in an historical context and reflects on the nature of public reactions to such risk. It concludes that food scares have been with us for a... Read More about Fear of animal foods: a century of zoonotics.

Laboratories, laws, and the career of a commodity (2007)
Journal Article
Atkins, P. (2007). Laboratories, laws, and the career of a commodity. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 25(6), 967-989.

Unlike most foods, milk is produced fresh at least twice every day, thus recreating, over 700 times a year, a commodity ‘designed’ by the combination of nature, commerce, and law. The paper is a study of the ontogenesis of this commodity in Britain s... Read More about Laboratories, laws, and the career of a commodity.

Environmental irony: summoning death in Bangladesh (2007)
Journal Article
Atkins, P., Hassan, M., & Dunn, C. (2007). Environmental irony: summoning death in Bangladesh. Environment and Planning A, 39(11), 2699-2714.

The arsenic crisis that affects at least thirty million water consumers in Bangladesh has been called the world’s greatest ever environmental health disaster. Although the problem and the potential solutions have been presented confidently in the med... Read More about Environmental irony: summoning death in Bangladesh.

Indigenous floating cultivation: a sustainable agricultural practice in the wetlands of Bangladesh (2007)
Journal Article
Isalm, T., & Atkins, P. (2007). Indigenous floating cultivation: a sustainable agricultural practice in the wetlands of Bangladesh. Development in Practice, 17(1), 130-136.

Floating-bed cultivation has proved a successful means to produce agricultural crops in various wetland areas of the world. In freshwater lakes and wetlands, vegetables, flowers, and seedlings are grown in Bangladesh using this floating cultivation t... Read More about Indigenous floating cultivation: a sustainable agricultural practice in the wetlands of Bangladesh.

‘That elusive feature of food consumption’: historical perspectives on quality, a review and some proposals (2007)
Journal Article
Bourdieu, J., Bruegel, M., & Atkins, P. (2007). ‘That elusive feature of food consumption’: historical perspectives on quality, a review and some proposals. Food & history, 5(2), 247-267.

Food quality is always acknowledged as a significant factor in everyday lives, and it often appears in some ad-hoc form or another in the study of economics. Its very fuzzyness may account for its ubiquity. Clarification becomes imperative, and this... Read More about ‘That elusive feature of food consumption’: historical perspectives on quality, a review and some proposals.

Poisons, pragmatic governance and deliberative democracy: The arsenic crisis in Bangladesh (2007)
Journal Article
Atkins, P., Hassan, M., & Dunn, C. (2007). Poisons, pragmatic governance and deliberative democracy: The arsenic crisis in Bangladesh. Geoforum, 38(1), 155-170.

The paper applies some of the principles of pragmatism to the environmental health crisis of arsenic pollution in the groundwater of Bangladesh. This hazard affects between 28 and 57 million people and it has been called “the largest mass poisoning o... Read More about Poisons, pragmatic governance and deliberative democracy: The arsenic crisis in Bangladesh.