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Learning in underserved UK areas: A novel approach (2015)
Journal Article
Crampton, P., Hetherington, J., McLachlan, J., & Illing, J. (2016). Learning in underserved UK areas: A novel approach. The Clinical Teacher, 13(2), 102-106.

Background There is an insufficient number of medical students intending to pursue general practitioner (GP) careers. The undergraduate curriculum has traditionally prioritised teaching in large hospital settings despite most National Health Service... Read More about Learning in underserved UK areas: A novel approach.

A systematic literature review of undergraduate clinical placements in underserved areas (2013)
Journal Article
Crampton, P., McLachlan, J., & Illing, J. (2013). A systematic literature review of undergraduate clinical placements in underserved areas. Medical Education, 47(10), 969-978.

Context: The delivery of undergraduate clinical education in underserved areas is increasing in various contexts across the world in response to local workforce needs. A collective understanding of the impact of these placements is lacking. Previous... Read More about A systematic literature review of undergraduate clinical placements in underserved areas.

Evidence Synthesis on the occurrence, causes, consequences, prevention and management of bullying and harassing behaviours to inform decision-making in the NHS (2013)
Illing, J., Carter, M., Thompson, N., Crampton, P., Morrow, G., Howse, J., …Burford, B. (2013). Evidence Synthesis on the occurrence, causes, consequences, prevention and management of bullying and harassing behaviours to inform decision-making in the NHS. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO)

Workplace bullying is a persistent problem in the NHS with negative implications for individuals, teams, and organisations. Bullying is a complex phenomenon and there is a lack of evidence on the best approaches to manage the problem. Aims: Research... Read More about Evidence Synthesis on the occurrence, causes, consequences, prevention and management of bullying and harassing behaviours to inform decision-making in the NHS.

Workplace bullying in the UK NHS: a questionnaire and interview study on prevalence, impact and barriers to reporting (2013)
Journal Article
Carter, M., Thompson, N., Crampton, P., Morrow, G., Burford, B., Gray, C., & Illing, J. (2013). Workplace bullying in the UK NHS: a questionnaire and interview study on prevalence, impact and barriers to reporting. BMJ Open, 3(6), Article e002628.

Objectives:To examine the prevalence and impact of bullying behaviours between staff in the National Health Service (NHS) workplace, and to explore the barriers to reporting bullying. Design: Cross-sectional questionnaire and semi-structured intervie... Read More about Workplace bullying in the UK NHS: a questionnaire and interview study on prevalence, impact and barriers to reporting.

Extending Professional Regulation: Models of regulation and their applicability to healthcare. Report for the Department of Health Extending Professional Regulation Working Group, December 2008 (2008)
Illing, J., Burford, B., Campbell, M., Morrow, G., Kergon, C., Thompson, N., & Crampton, P. (2008). Extending Professional Regulation: Models of regulation and their applicability to healthcare. Report for the Department of Health Extending Professional Regulation Working Group, December 2008. Department of Health Extending Professional Regulation Working Group