Hybrid Light-Emitting Transistors Based on Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Metal Oxides and a Charge-Injecting Interlayer
Journal Article
Ullah, M., Lin, Y.-H., Muhieddine, K., Lo, S.-C., Anthopoulos, T. D., & Namdas, E. B. (2016). Hybrid Light-Emitting Transistors Based on Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Metal Oxides and a Charge-Injecting Interlayer. Advanced Optical Materials, 4(2), 231-237. https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.201500474
The performance of solution and low-temperature processed hybrid light-emitting field-effect transistors is enahnced by a new development strategy. The manipulation of the work function at the oxide/polymer interface is presented for achieving high a... Read More about Hybrid Light-Emitting Transistors Based on Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Metal Oxides and a Charge-Injecting Interlayer.