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Effect of passive and active ventilation on malaria mosquito house entry and human comfort: an experimental study in rural Gambia (2023)
Journal Article
Carrasco-Tenezaca, M., Jawara, M., Lee, D. S., Holmes, M. S., Ceesay, S., McCall, P., …Wilson, A. L. (2023). Effect of passive and active ventilation on malaria mosquito house entry and human comfort: an experimental study in rural Gambia. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface, 20(201),

Rural houses in sub-Saharan Africa are typically hot and allow malaria mosquitoes inside. We assessed whether passive or active ventilation can reduce house entry of malaria mosquitoes and cool a bedroom at night in rural Gambia. Two identical experi... Read More about Effect of passive and active ventilation on malaria mosquito house entry and human comfort: an experimental study in rural Gambia.

A qualitative exploration of knowledge of Chagas disease among adolescents in rural Ecuador (2023)
Journal Article
Mora-Criollo, P., Carrasco-Tenezaca, M., Casapulla, S., Bates, B. R., & Grijalva, M. J. (2023). A qualitative exploration of knowledge of Chagas disease among adolescents in rural Ecuador. Rural and Remote Health, 23(1),

Introduction: Chagas disease (CD) is a neglected tropical disease that affects 6 to 7 million people worldwide. In South America, CD is a major health problem in several regions, causing more than 12 000 deaths per year. CD is caused by a parasite ca... Read More about A qualitative exploration of knowledge of Chagas disease among adolescents in rural Ecuador.