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All Outputs (52)

Compassionate inquiry: digital storytelling and the ethics of care (2024)
Journal Article
Ward, S., Dragas, T., Mazzoli Smith, L., Ross, K., & Miao, Z. (online). Compassionate inquiry: digital storytelling and the ethics of care. Teaching in Higher Education,

In this paper we identify the use of Digital Storytelling (DS) as a mode of pedagogy aligned with an ethics of care. We consider how DS, as summative assessment, may foreground care ethics such as attentiveness, responsiveness, and trust. Our interes... Read More about Compassionate inquiry: digital storytelling and the ethics of care.

Transformative and therapeutic benefits of digital storytelling: a phenomenological lifeworlds study of Patient Voices participant experiences (2024)
Journal Article
Mazzoli Smith, L., Hardy, P., Thompson, K., & Lucinda, W. (online). Transformative and therapeutic benefits of digital storytelling: a phenomenological lifeworlds study of Patient Voices participant experiences. Arts and Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 1-18.

Background: References to transformative and therapeutic bene-fits of digital storytelling are often made, yet this remains an under-explored area, which we foreground in this study.

Methods: A phenomenological research design was adopted to expl... Read More about Transformative and therapeutic benefits of digital storytelling: a phenomenological lifeworlds study of Patient Voices participant experiences.

Poverty proofing healthcare: A qualitative study of barriers to accessing healthcare for low-income families with children in northern England (2024)
Journal Article
Bidmead, E., Hayes, L., Mazzoli-Smith, L., Wildman, J., Rankin, J., Leggott, E., …Bramhall, L. (2024). Poverty proofing healthcare: A qualitative study of barriers to accessing healthcare for low-income families with children in northern England. PLoS ONE, 19(4), Article e0292983.

Poverty impacts negatively on children’s health and future life chances. Access to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is based on clinical need rather than the ability to pay but horizontal inequities in access exist. Children North East, a chari... Read More about Poverty proofing healthcare: A qualitative study of barriers to accessing healthcare for low-income families with children in northern England.

Learning about research methods: A case study (2023)
Book Chapter
Gascoine, L., & Mazzoli Smith, L. (2023). Learning about research methods: A case study. In M. Pulsford, R. Morris, & R. Purves (Eds.), Understanding Education Studies: Critical Issues and New Directions. Routledge.

This chapter focusses on the pedagogy of teaching a research methods module in an undergraduate education studies programme. It presents a case study of a module that has been designed and taught with student-centred pedagogy in mind, underpinned by... Read More about Learning about research methods: A case study.

Narrative-based Learning for Person-centred Healthcare: the Caring Stories Learning Framework (2023)
Journal Article
Mazzoli Smith, L., Villar, F., & Wendel, S. (2023). Narrative-based Learning for Person-centred Healthcare: the Caring Stories Learning Framework. Medical Humanities, 49(4), 583-592.

This paper describes the learning framework for an innovative narrative-based training platform for healthcare professionals based on older patients’ narratives. The aim of Caring Stories is to place patients’ desires and needs at the heart of health... Read More about Narrative-based Learning for Person-centred Healthcare: the Caring Stories Learning Framework.

Understanding higher education students’ sense of belonging: a qualitative meta-ethnographic analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Dost, G., & Mazzoli Smith, L. (2023). Understanding higher education students’ sense of belonging: a qualitative meta-ethnographic analysis. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 47(6), 822-849.

The current literature on ‘sense of belonging’ spans a number of disciplines, with no apparent consensus on definition between these, complicated by the fact that sense of belonging is temporal and context-sensitive (such as during COVID-19). In part... Read More about Understanding higher education students’ sense of belonging: a qualitative meta-ethnographic analysis.

The Epistemology and Ethics of Analysing Lived Experience Data: A Pragmatic Foucauldian-Informed Approach to Coproducing Student Mental Health Initiatives in the Neoliberal University (2023)
Journal Article
Priestley, M., & Mazzoli-Smith, L. (2023). The Epistemology and Ethics of Analysing Lived Experience Data: A Pragmatic Foucauldian-Informed Approach to Coproducing Student Mental Health Initiatives in the Neoliberal University. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22(January-December 2023),

Analysis of lived experience data is increasingly advocated as an enabling strategy to inform ethical and effective policy and practice, particularly in the university mental health field. However, where Michel Foucault’s work is often drawn on to fr... Read More about The Epistemology and Ethics of Analysing Lived Experience Data: A Pragmatic Foucauldian-Informed Approach to Coproducing Student Mental Health Initiatives in the Neoliberal University.

Freedom through constraint: Young women's embodiment, space and wellbeing during lockdown (2022)
Journal Article
Harding, S., & Mazzoli Smith, L. (2022). Freedom through constraint: Young women's embodiment, space and wellbeing during lockdown. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 3, Article 100101.

Following the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated lockdown restrictions in March 2020, young people were suddenly faced with a reduction and reconfiguration of the spaces in which they could ‘be’. This paper explores how in this loc... Read More about Freedom through constraint: Young women's embodiment, space and wellbeing during lockdown.

The challenge and opportunities of quantum literacy for future education and transdisciplinary problem-solving (2021)
Journal Article
Nita, L., Mazzoli Smith, L., Chancellor, N., & Cramman, H. (2023). The challenge and opportunities of quantum literacy for future education and transdisciplinary problem-solving. Research in Science and Technological Education, 41(2), 564-580.

Background Knowledge of quantum computing is arguably inaccessible to many, with knowledge of the complex mathematics involving a particular barrier to entry, creating difficulty in terms of teaching and inclusive learning for those without a high le... Read More about The challenge and opportunities of quantum literacy for future education and transdisciplinary problem-solving.

The ability trap: reductionist theorising about academic ability and the ramifications for education policy and school-based practice (2020)
Journal Article
Mazzoli Smith, L. (2021). The ability trap: reductionist theorising about academic ability and the ramifications for education policy and school-based practice. Cambridge Journal of Education, 51(1), 85-103.

The paper argues that there is a reductive logic inherent in conceptualisations of academic ability in some Western education research as currently configured. Effective interrogation of this concept necessitates consideration across relevant fields... Read More about The ability trap: reductionist theorising about academic ability and the ramifications for education policy and school-based practice.

Paradigmatic Shifts in Doctoral Research: Reflections Using Uncomfortable Reflexivity and Pragmatism (2020)
Journal Article
Woodley, H., & Mazzoli Smith, L. (2020). Paradigmatic Shifts in Doctoral Research: Reflections Using Uncomfortable Reflexivity and Pragmatism. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, Article 160940692090753.

This article discusses a doctoral study, completed by a then full-time teacher in a Pupil Referral Unit in the north of England, which shifted from a mixed-methods action research project to one that was largely autoethnographic in approach. This inc... Read More about Paradigmatic Shifts in Doctoral Research: Reflections Using Uncomfortable Reflexivity and Pragmatism.